The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
R | 24 February 1995 (USA)
The Walking Dead Trailers

Five young marines on a suicide mission in Vietnam, struggle for survival in a jungle minefield. The mean streets of home did not prepare them for this.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
hywellda Now I left an infantry unit in '67, so MAYBE things changed, BUT CERTAINLY NOT TO THIS EXTREME.Nobody screamed at anybody in the field. That only happens in poorly administered basic training units and in garatrooper units where no one has ever been in a fire fight or seen a friend shot and die... and, of course, in this terrible movie and those so-called "militia units".And All, or majority, Black units? Not when I was there, but of course, I left in '67. Maybe there was a surge of African American Patriotism afterwards, but I doubt it, particularly after MLK was assassinated in '68.Now UNDERSTAND, I don't believe getting drafted or enlisting makes you a "patriot". Anyone who was in the woods 3-10 klicks a day, c rations, no bath for a month, digging a hole every day and doing ambush patrols, LP's and walking point will tell you where to stick your "Patriotism".But ask me and I'll put up Muhammad Ali, the kids that died at Kent State, and the thousands that were beaten and jailed burning their draft cards... and most heroic...our "enemy". Can you imagine living on a cup of rice a day fighting against the most powerful army on earth???That took a pair. And THIS MOVIE SUXXXES!
tolle-5 It could have been much better, the movie is actually worth watching once just for the dialog of Eddie Griffin's character and Sgt. Barkley. The problem comes in the form of awkward acting from all the cast (except the aforementioned characters) and the very predictable nature of EVERYTHING you experience during the movie. The film feels rushed and underdeveloped and very average. As the movie moves along you become a bit more attached to the characters due to the flashbacks of life before being deployed to war and good character development but overall this is probably one of the worst war movies I've seen. I give it a 5 just for Eddie though, he is great in this flick.
denisef5000 Okay..... if Platoon or Apocolypse Now is available, you should rent those films instead. However, if you've seen those features (and enjoyed them) -- then give The Walking Dead a shot. Its nothing extraordinary, but each actor (especially Allan Payne) gives a excellent, believable performance. Its also nice to see that Central Florida was used as a location to film something besides a bad comedy (Earnest Saves Christmas) or bad Reality TV shows (Making The Band).
Brad K. The Walking Dead is a recent Vietnam War movie that focuses on mainly 4 black soldiers and one white soldier in a couple of days of battle. The story has them being dropped off with another platoon to try and rescue some POW's. Soon they realize that it is just the four of them that are still alive. The movie gives you a flashback of each of the characters and why the joined the Army. The movie doesn't get anywhere near as powerful or good as Platoon or The Deer Hunter, but it still holds up as a solid war movie. Joe Morton (Speed, Apt Pupil) and comedian Eddie Griffin (Armageddon, TV's Malcolm and Eddie) give the only two performances of note. Morton gives a good performance as the leader of the group and Griffin surprised me with a strong performance as the loud-mouth with a heart.