PG-13 | 22 May 2015 (USA)
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A family's suburban home is invaded by angry spirits. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and take the youngest daughter, the family must come together to rescue her.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
checarlos7 I make an account juat to express my disgust with this movie, i cant believe Sam Rockwell read this script and accept to act in it. The movie it so.. SO careless about the story that its almost a joke, look, they have real serious problems with a poltergeist, their daughter/sister has been caught by ghosts and they act like she is in school, the older daughter even make jokes and looks more excited about the tv guy than worried about her sister, the mother has no feelings at all, the paranormal team has zero effect to the story NONE!! They cameras, sensors, laptops, gps FOR NOTHING!! They are useless. The story happens so fast that the director dont even care to justified how the hell or why is this happening. They act so normal that you think, if they dont give a crap about having a haunted house why should I ? They have ghost, its ok, they have a haunted house, oh its ok, they are living over an old cemetery, its ok, the little girl its dissapeared and in another dimension, oh no problem, we are gonna get her easily, nothing impress them. Even in the end, the little girl is getting grab again by the poltergeist, but the father is more worried helping the family to get out of the car. WTF!! Horrible directing, bad acting, horrible writting, horrible cgi, stupid dialogues, and i can continue all day writing. Terrible. I say, watch it, so you can taste the real flavor of an horrible, not horror, horrible movie. Really dissapointed. I hope this can be erased of the acting memorabilia of a fabtastic actor as Sam Rockwell is.
tantjenbertolli-cindy If you did not grow up with the original and are quite new to it, your going to like this new movie. The problem is : if you know the original movies very well, you start noticing this very quickly : they made a checklist of scenes from all 3 that they wanted to incorporate into this version. As if they feel obliged to include certain scene's to make it a poltergeist movie. And that makes this remake missed opportunity. Remakes...... never saw the reason to. Except making easy money.
cjglidden-1 If you remember and love the original, DO NOT watch this one. It is pretty awful. Hurried and all hacked up.
lojitsu A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Poltergeist" (PG-13 - 2015 - US)Sub-Genre: Paranormal/Remake My Score: 6.5Cast=7 Acting=6 Plot=8 Ending=7 Story=7 Scare=5 Jump=5 F/X=8 Creep=7 Remake=5A family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue their youngest daughter after the apparitions take her captive.This was a pretty good remake. They really tried to cast it based on the original cast...and the story follows the original pretty closely. They showed the place where the little girl was and that was pretty cool! But it did take the only scary element from the first movie away...not knowing what was in there. There were some neat effects and it was well made, just not scary at all. Sit a clown doll on the TV while you watch it and it might creep you out...
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