NR | 09 January 2015 (USA)
Preservation Trailers

Three family members head deep into the woods for a hunting trip that doubles as a distraction from their troubles at home. When all of their gear is stolen, they turn on each other, but soon realize there are much more treacherous forces at work.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
utahman1971 Just because she is maybe 2 weeks pregnant does not mean should could not make it and kill them all. How stupid people are just to complain about her killing them because she is pregnant. Man I am tired of the lame crappy reviews you see on this site.It is better than people say it is on this site. Way too many terrible reviews on this movie and I bet they rate the worst ones higher than this one. Always the way this site is. No way you can trust most of the reviews on this site at all.So what if there are plot holes. Even the better movies have a couple of plot holes. Man I am boggled at how many people are so idiotic. 3 campers go and find out they are hunted down by teenagers and the pregnant women of a husband and his brother are attacked.The women ends up being the one that survives the whole thing. Better than what you see in other reviews. Needed a 10 because the crap you see on this site puts good movies down. Need to see more 10 reviews for it.
raven-sirius Right up until the point returning PTSD soldier boy turns his back on the bad guy. Stupid! Lost all credibility. Then when the husband does it too I went and did the dishes while it played in the background. It's a good example of when movies should be vetted prior to public release. I'm sure it was a stupid producer who forced the decisions, no one capable of the idea of this film: "It's closed! How can they close a state park?" would be so blind as to write those scenes.
skydala I know this movie will never win any awards, and is definitely not the best it could have been, but I honestly really enjoyed this movie. Was it entirely believable? No, of course not. There were many instances where suspension of reality is necessary. One thing more than anything else, in my opinion, was the ridiculous idea that an iPhone battery would've lasted them as long as it did... But that's not why I watched this movie. I watched it because I wanted to have some thrills and chills, and that's exactly what I got. I watched it alone in a dark room and it was exciting and a little scary and it had me rooting out loud for the "good guys" to win. I was involved, and I was definitely entertained, and that's not always easy to get from a movie these days. Don't over-think things. Sometimes you just need to have fun.
jmurdaj This contains serious spoilers so don't read it if you want to know nothing about the movie. So you have this ex military bad ass, his brother, and his brother's wife. They are going camping and wake up to find that they are being hunted by 3 kids. How the hell does the ex military guy get killed off after he brilliantly tracks these ppl, and actually almost kills one. He beats 1 up, turns his back on him to get a gun, and when he turns back around, the guy stabs and kills him. So not logical that an ex military guy would be smart enough to track the killer down but stupid enough to turn his back on the enemy. So whatever he dies, the brother dies, and the wife tries to escape. All of a sudden she goes from helpless pregnant doctor, to a trained killer. She tracks down the rest of the kids and kill them 1 by 1. At one point, she hits one with tire iron thing, and can't bring herself to finish the job and hit him in the head. Your husband and brother in law were just murdered, he tried to kill you, but you're going to let this kid live? So stupid. The best part of the movie, 1 kid is about to kill the girl. He literally thrusts the knife down to stab her and as soon as it almost punctures her stomach, his mom calls!!!! He answers and is like no mom I'm just at soccer practice. Dad didn't pick me up so I took my bike. I love you too! That was hilarious. Would have been an amazing movie if the military guy used his skills to track them all down and kill them before they could kill his fam.