The Remaining
The Remaining
PG-13 | 05 September 2014 (USA)
The Remaining Trailers

When a group of close-knit friends assemble for the marriage of Skylar and Dan, they have no idea they will witness The Rapture and face a series of catastrophic events turning the celebration into a life-or-death struggle.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
dmill030 This work is a disaster film with a difference: masses of people struck by a mysterious "sudden death" syndrome while others are left living to face the apocalypse predicted by the Book of Revelations. During this ordeal, a group of young friends - one of them about to be wed - are forced to survive a nightmarish situation while examining their feelings for each other, in a church, then a hospital, then an emergency shelter. Most of them don't survive, and the ending, as vast Biblical loci descend from the sky toward the emergency camp, is ambiguous as to who will survive. This film is fairly well-done; it's special effects effective, the chaos well-conveyed via hand-held camera. The characters were not original but believable. What made me queasy was the the apocalypse itself. Horror is visited upon people who aren't actually sinners, but simply lax in their beliefs (one character, a doubting pastor, says those who were initially struck dead were mankind's purest). This apocalypse, it seems, pushes those doubting or indifferent to faith toward belief, a "white light" representing God. But they were good people whatever and hardly responsible for blasphemy or evil. The film doesn't show bad or dubious people being punished; thus, the punishment doesn't fit the "crime." Of course, it's realistic even in this film's context to remind one it's always the little people who suffer the worst.
joshuabush-28688 I enjoyed this movie, I thought it was cheesy at times but it payed of in a way. I don't know why there is a lot of backlash, But I know critics and others alike don't like the christian genre in film, which I think one sided... I am a christian myself, and I think this deserved a higher rating.
shadowbender-70330 This movie is beyond bad. Poor acting, bad screenplay and scripts, no effects, no props... there is NOTHING good in this movie except for the intro of the Rapture. And the ending was just absurd. It's like they changed the director after the fist 20 minutes and killed the movie. It's been a while since I've last watched something that bad.
lewis16666 Im going to keep this simple. I enjoyed this move and was entertained by it enough to have now watched it a couple or more times. It is hard for a movie about the end of the world not to make some reference to religion. It is not overly religious. There is only one quick bible passage read out about the end time and its not the whole passage just a snippet. So I don't get all of the reviewers going off on one about this being a religious film. I can only conclude they think it trendy to bash religion and not bother to say anything about the movie. Guys respect other peoples beliefs and do the review justice. One reviewer stated that in movies like this the ascended usually disappear and leave their clothes behind - I think he must have seen Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds a time to many.I found the acting of the young group to be adequate and the story driven along at the right pace. Its creepy at times and provides you with the odd jump here and there. Its clear they were on a budget but they pulled it off pretty damned well especially at the start and end. The last thirty seconds of the movie are just perfect.This movie is entertaining and worth a watch.