R | 22 November 2013 (USA)
Contracted Trailers

A young woman contracts what she believes to be an STD—but it ends up being a far worse disease.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
GL84 After a one-night stand with a mysterious stranger, a young woman starts to find herself succumbing to a strange illness that slowly eats away at her physical body and causes worry in those around her, forcing her into action to save herself once it becomes apparent what's going on.This here wasn't all that enjoyable an effort. One of the biggest issues here is the fact that this one opts for such a slow-burn of a story that it never really lets anything all that interesting develop. That the symptoms slowly start manifesting and only seem to appear at a specific point in the day with no other real opportunities is a bit of an issue since there are very few opportunities to see the effect it has throughout the day. Cutting in for an isolated series of scenes doesn't make the slowly- burgeoning reactions to the affliction seem any more dangerous or threatening beyond the onset of the condition itself, which really doesn't strike this as being all too different in the overall charge here. Since that goes on through her utterly inane decision to continue her life while knowing that something's wrong with her, this really makes it somewhat hard to sympathize with her due to the obvious sincerity of the situation because of the severity of what's going on with her in terms of how much blood she's loosing or the other physical changes she undergoes. It basically makes her choices seem all the more idiotic in how she refuses to say what's happening to her or ignoring not just doctors' order but common self- preservation by going out with friends or to her work where it's possible to infect others into becoming like her which just makes it all the more idiotic what happens to her. These here are what holds this one back, although that said, the film does have a few positive elements at work. One of the few bright spots is the way in which this builds up the idea of what's going on with her as the concept of the changes appearing over several days makes it feel all the more horrific as this gradually gets worse and worse as it goes on. A lot of these conditions do come off rather creepy and chilling which make them seem that much more terrifying to go through and gives this some rather chilling concepts here. Alongside the nice gore and bloody make-up once she's starting to turn, these here are what make this enjoyable although the flaws still hold this one down considerably.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and a Rape scene.
connercwolves I kept watching this movie--wanting it to get better. It didn't. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Even my dog got up and walked away. I had so many questions and not one answer. This could have been a great thriller, but from the opening scene to the very end, this movie is confusing. It's all over the place with plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon. I think the director and producer realized they were in over their heads with this one, but kept pushing forward. Watch at your own risk.
stellbread Most times when you see a horror film with excessive blood and gore, that tends to be its only strong point. But in Contracted, the f/x add to what is an intriguing story, centered on a young woman whose one night of carelessness leads to extraordinary consequences. This is a film stronger than its rating suggests. In an era of slack servings concerning horror, this one offers a heaping helping of plot, pacing, and performance. Najarra Townsend heads the no-name cast, and while she has been in numerous films, none of them was a star- turning vehicle. This one won't put her on the A-list, but her portrayal of the panicked young women is solid. The film is well-paced, will keep you locked in, and presents an ending that not only sewed things up nicely and left wiggle room for the sequel. For fans of horror, who don't mind some liberal bloodshed, I recommend this one.
Lilly Murphy I loved this film, was blown away by it, but I didn't watch the trailer, read anything about it, I prefer watching movies without anything tainting me. This movie was very scary, very gross and actually shocked me with the ending. It can haunt you a bit afterwards so watch some SouthPark after it to get rid of that! Great cast and direction. Cinematography was average, music score / sounds average, but a great story told in a raw unfiltered way, this film is great Horror entertainment. Don't watch it alone!