Hell Baby
Hell Baby
R | 06 September 2013 (USA)
Hell Baby Trailers

After she and her husband move into a haunted house, a woman gives birth to a demonic infant that wreaks havoc.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
GL84 Moving into a supposedly haunted house, an expectant couple finds the house has a strange affect on her and her unborn twins and eventually forces them to call upon help from the Vatican to combat the evil within the house.While this one maybe quite enjoyable in terms of being a horror/comedy, there's still some big flaws here with this one. The main issue here is the fact that the film feels way too loose and chaotic, as if there's nothing on-hand but a group of friends riffing around and ad-libbing the entire time without making anything make sense. This doesn't feel like a true, cohesive effort here as not only is behavior completely different from scene-to-scene with no real cause for what's happening at all, but the way the whole thing is treated like a joke tends to make light of the situation as horror elements are all dropped in favor of the all- mighty joke when it's really not all that funny, itself another problem here. It comes off like a series of in-jokes and references between friends goofing off on-set rather than anything to do with an actual story, and that causes a ton of the jokes to fall flat when they're not beating them into the ground wearing out its welcome either. These tend to cause a rather overlong series of gags that aren't funny to begin with and become increasingly agonizing as they go along, though in spite of these problems there's some good here as well. Sometimes, the fact is that the gags and jokes work, especially when spoofing the traditional confines of the haunted house effort of him continually bumping into everything in the house after it was moved there unexpectedly, his battles with the lamp that continually shock him or the numerous hilarious gags with the exorcists that come in through the last half here which give this one quite a fun ride as the battle with the demon baby in the bedroom is quite fun and exciting, while packed with some nice action and some nice gory kills to make for a nice time here. Likewise, once this kicks into the third act preparing for the actual birth there's some fun to be had here with the way these signal her upcoming change and aren't nearly as boringly moronic as the rest of the film is. These, along with the rather up-beat pace that regardless of the quality of the jokes running throughout never causes this one to lose its pace allows it to come off rather well and makes for its good parts to overcome its few flaws.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Full Graphic Nudity, Graphic Violence, sexual acts and drug use.
webscrawlerblog.wordpress.com The title should have been a dead give-away, to a film full of bland ideas. An expectant couple, Jack and Venessa, buys an old house in a hood full of weirdos, just like themselves, hoping white people don"t know about it. Turns out the house is haunted, and hunting on their pregnancy.When it decides to be a comedy, expect some utterly cliché jokes. Food jokes. Vomit jokes. Walking into you jokes. Stoner jokes. Dick jokes. Porn jokes. Cigarette jokes. Fat jokes. Religion jokes. Taser jokes. Poop jokes ... WTF! All of these pills?When it decides to be horrific, same old story. Spooky faces, and blood and guts. Period. This is house of blood. All that blood during the final scene but we had a dry birth, and especially how the baby blanket was ready. In the sheets. On the bed. Oh, it's cause we had a dry crying! Poor Jack, name almost rhymes with jock!Hell baby is immolated by 'daddy', Jack, thanks to an electrocution. Venessa's knack for turpentine!Props. Couples everywhere! Just look and see
misskatwethington Movie was dreadful, not even funny, or scary. I only finished to the hell baby and that wasn't even worth my pain. The movie was low budget, and had the most horrible acting I've seen. I've seen these actors in other films, though as well. And they're decent to say the least. But I guess they got paid to be worse. the effects were bad. Makeup jobs were horrendously bad, acting, once again, horrible. Glad I didn't pay to watch it. The plot during the movie was pointless. Not good enough to be an actual movie but not funny]bad enough to be a spoof. I advise that if you enjoy low budget no plot movies, this will be just fine for you then, But I definitely would not pay to watch this movie, ever. I don't recommend
Jacques Du Rand As soon as I was done with this little gem, I stroke it off my list of movies I would want in my collection. It is over promise and under deliver. If you are looking for some good cracks, this is not for you. If you are looking for a few laughs, this movie is not for you. If you are a fan of the director / actors, you better be die hard not to be disappointed. The plot never really develops. There are basically no themes under the story and there are no good effects. It is like a bad drag queen show in a has-been club. I enjoy many genres and there are quite a few b-grade movies that I have reviewed as good entertainment in the past. This was really just a total waste of budged that could have been better spent. Nothing really to say about the cinematography, the sets or anything. It just drags on. It is not even particularly bad. It really is a void of nothing. A good student exercise maybe to teach the camera team how to operate their equipment - at best.