| 21 April 2013 (USA)

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After Sabrina is abducted, she finds herself in an underground lair, forced to do battle with other innocent women for the amusement of unseen spectators. Each of these reluctant warriors has something to lose, but only one will remain when the game is done.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
hotkewi This movie is really dark. But really love the dark parts.Really hate the first part, 1/3 in the movie, it is directed so wrong. Did not know who to hate or to love or who is dead!!. The first third spoils the whole movie. Want to express more about it! A great movie that deserves more credit.Zoe Bell saves it though. As always.Would not write this review if unless so frustrated about that a part of this movie was so bad and the rest is good.I usually don't write comments but the directing of of the first 1/3 was bad. And there was a suddenly corridor to run out of in the last scene?
floatingpolarbear This was a great action/horror flick with excellent acting and many touching scenes as well as some gruesome ones. The characters bring you inside them and you feel the psychological torture that precedes the physical one. Each fight scene is unique and the dialogue is superbly crafted. You can feel the female touch in the making of this movie as the actors are not presented as titillation but as human beings undergoing the most extreme situation. I wish there was more elaboration on the purpose of the cult. It reminded me a bit of the atmosphere of Martyrs, bringing that sense of intrigue and shock. I would definitely see a sequel.
Leofwine_draca RAZE is a terrible 'tournament fight' style movie in which an all-female group of fighters are forced to battle to the death in various one-on-one bouts, all for the pleasure of the viewing public. The whole film looks like it was shot on a shoestring budget and 90% of the running time consists of various undistinguished actresses thumping the hell out of each other in various badly-choreographed fight scenes.The erstwhile heroine of the piece is stuntwoman-turned-actress Zoe Bell (DEATH PROOF), who gives the singularly most wooden lead performance I can remember in a while. The entirety of her acting in this film consists of her jutting her jaw out and looking peed off, which I guess she achieves. Still, none of the other female cast members are any good, and you have to pity poor Doug Jones (PAN'S LABYRINTH) in a stock role as the bad guy. Watch out for an unrecognisable Sherilynn Fenn, one-time glamorous starlet of the early 1990s.I'm a huge fan of action movies in general but the fights here are pitifully done and generally uninteresting. There's a strong air of sadism in the air here with an almost torture porn vibe going on in regards to the brutality, but it doesn't make for a disturbing viewing experience - just a boring one. Listening to the dialogue scenes in which the fighters go into their life stories is even more excruciating than the relentless fights...
sean-bequette the fight scenes in it are awesome the plot is decent and it also keeps you entertained I do hate when they cute scenes in the film it doesn't tell the whole story they cut over 35 minutes of the movie I do like the gore in it it has a lot and it has brutal fight scenes that kick ass and I don't like the ending it could of been a lot cool but it is a surprise ending you don't expect over all I give it a 7 star film and it could of been better at the box office it would of made more money if it was promoted better overall I really enjoyed the film and should be checkout everone should go out and rent it at you local video store and see what you think of the film I rent the video from family video and enjoyed watching it
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