R | 17 January 2014 (USA)
G.B.F. Trailers

The bitter fight for supremacy between the three most popular girls at North Gateway High takes an unexpected turn when their classmate, Tanner, is outed and becomes the school’s first openly gay student. The trio races to bag the big trend in fashion accessories, the Gay Best Friend, while Tanner must decide whether his skyrocketing popularity is more important than the friendships he is leaving behind.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
larry-222-594114 The humor is fast paced, cheeky, full of innuendo, clever and sweet. The language is full of metaphors and brilliant. They talk just like the people I hang around with. The comedy delivery and acting are wonderful. The plot is perfect for a high school story. I loved it. Just watch it and make up your own mind but I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
tlibaomx So, how easy is it to watch a movie when you know the key actors have a reputation for stealing the works of others? For me it was impossible. Sure, it's been done since the beginning of film, but there's something particular disgusting when it's done by someone who's career depends more on looks than substance. But hey, that's been done and being done too, right? Right.So to make it short and sweet: I reject this movie because of Samantha Kern, a person - won't use the word actor to describe this bitch - who makes (up) her living by slapping terms like 'actress' and 'producer' next to her name. Why? Simple. Because she can! She and her whole group ripped off a writer, then demoted his contribution to that of a "concept" when she knew full well that it was his story. You see, the actual writer was a pain in the butt, but it didn't justify taking his work, did it? What type of person does that? Oh, yeah. A wanna be. A pseudo actor, trying to be, but never quite making it. So, you and your group who clearly have no conscience to speak of, keep changing the position and contribution of the one person who made "Zombies and Assholes" more than a concept, but one that you were willing to jump on, because you know he didn't know better. you knew he was ripe for the picking, and all you were looking for was an excuse - an opportunity - to justify cutting him off and taking what was his, right? And you did it! Good thing you're in a professional that doesn't care or want to hear about things like this. Good thing the writer was too stupid and embarrassed to protect and pursue his rights to the "concept" as you say. Good thing. Made it easier for you and your husband to move in a like a bunch slugs slowly changing and removing the traces of someone else's work and making it your own.But no worries, here. From what I'm seeing,no one really visits or goes to the websites and IMDb places where you and the movie is seen. I call this Karma. Meantime, the writer now lives in Seville, Spain, teaching English as a second language. he's found himself, and those who loved and respected him - even in his most disgusting moments -Will watch and cheer as you are barely remembered.
Rie Song GBF. Gay Best Friend. I first saw this movie trailer on tumblr, and was so excited to watch it. I forgot about it until now! My feelings on this movie are mixed, but my emotions are mostly good. Pros of this movie: Fawcett's hair, makeup, and outfits: SO CUTE. She's amazing. The eye makeup of all three top prom queens is to die for! A under the radar popular cast: including actors from Faking It, Harry Potter, Pretty Little Liars, Orange is the New Black, Parks and Recreation.The one liners in this movie! "Carbs make gay people sparkle?" "this is our high school's LGB.... T... A... Q... and every other letter you can think of inclusive prom!"The great storyline - while weird at times, it was an enjoyable watch!The friendships between Tanner and Fawcett, and Caprice and Brent.The soundtrack is also pretty great - I died when Tegan and Sara's Closer came on!The sets are pretty great. Brent's room was totally the coolest thing ever. How at high schools some guys bully the gay guy and some girls stand up for them. I also feel like there should have been more out there lesbians. ("Why not both?")Cons of this movie: DO THEY END UP TOGETHER???? I feel like there should've been more couple-y moments between Brent and Tanner. I kinda wish they did get together if they didn't.Acting of Brent and Tanner's Sophie Hawking's friend - I kinda felt like she was forcing out her lines in her scenes. Sometimes I felt like that with a few others' lines.The representation of Mormons - uhhhhh. what. I personally am a Mormon and felt kinda iffy about the way we were represented. I feel like whoever put the Mormon thing together obviously only knew bits and pieces about us: 'Shley's skirts?? We don't wear skirts above the knee. All the jokes about her trying to make out with the guy she thought was gay???? Was Evanna Lynch supposed to be Mormon cause she failed at that too. Pretty sure we also wouldn't picket the prom. I dunno. There are gay Mormons out there - I know, but I don't think they jump every gay guy. I felt if they had just left it at "Christian" I wouldn't have been offended.The storyline was a bit weird at times - I feel like there were things they could have explained or dwelt on a little more.The opening scene went on FOREVERRRRRR.Overall: Great movie to watch, normalises gay culture for teens, terrible representation of some stereotypes, one liners to die for, and great outfits. Love it.
shemricquick I know the producer, so I was invited to a screening in North Carolina. I really didn't know what to expect out of this movie because I hadn't heard much about it.Pros--- I really enjoyed the movie a lot because it made me laugh a lot. I do not typically go see comedies unless they are romantic comedies. I would say that it was probably one of the best movies that I have seen in awhile. I would have to say that it was also very tastefully done. The humor wasn't overdone, so it didn't feel like a fake humor. I felt like most of the humor came from witty comments that I'm not sure everyone in the audience got, but there were quite a few of us that found it hilarious.Cons--- If I had any complaints at all about it then I would have to say it would be the language. In some instances I felt like the foul language was overused to a point where it was a little distracting and took away from the overall movie b/c I don't feel like everyone talks like that. It may be a generational gap/area of the country gap with me though b/c these were supposed to be high school students. I don't feel like I'm terribly old though, and I do cuss so I'm not a prude. I guess it was just a little more than I was used to, and as a parent it made me feel a little awkward with my 13 year old cousin at the movie. I didn't feel it was appropriate for the 13 year old age group because of foul language alone, and it should probably be rated R when it's in theaters. However, with that said I really did enjoy the movie!Someone in the audience said the hideous yellow feather looking dress made that one girl look like big bird at the prom, which I found very funny in the middle of the quiet movie theater.