200 American
200 American
NR | 10 August 2003 (USA)
200 American Trailers

Conrad is a gay man living in NYC. He's also CEO of an ad agency and by nature a control freak. Although Conrad is still in love with Martin (his ex), he hires a young Aussie hustler named Tyler, first for a night and then to work for his company. Things get increasingly complicated as Conrad tries to rekindle things with Martin. Meanwhile Tyler (who's daytime name is Ian) falls for Michael his new supervisor

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
wbeeman This film is pleasant and entertaining. It deals successfully with the emotional lives of its characters, and makes for a plausible and even affecting picture of the emotional life of its gay characters. Bravo to the straight actors in the film for their convincing commitment in gay roles. The essential plot line of the film was strong, but the film makers may have run out of ideas about how to spin it out, because there were scenes that were clearly filler, and one sub plot was just bizarre, coming out of left field. Because the actors were not paid, I got the feeling that some of the secondary performers (all quite talented) were indulged a bit--giving them more camera time than the film deserved. I sympathize, but more discipline in editing would have made a tighter production. Some of our biggest stars have had their cameos cut when they slowed the plot advancement of a film. There should be many more films like this that deal accurately with gay romance among people with decent normal lives--no pathologies or obsessions. Anyone, male or female, gay or straight can empathize with these characters.
brett-denver OK. Where do I start? I used to spin around in a video store and rent whatever I pointed to. There were some bad movies out there; "Whore" was pretty awful, "Dirty Habits" (about spying nuns) was at least tolerable. This was simply the worst piece of cinema I've ever seen.First it was totally predictable. I'd comment about how I bet they make a "Pretty Woman" reference and within a minute it was there! That was like number thirteen of 20 or so poorly scripted things that occurred in this film. Poorly made, poorly shot, poorly directed. Horribly acted. This isn't even a movie. It's torture. It's unbelievably bad.Nobody is going to give a gay hooker a job in the real world. Just because you're pretty and nice? Please. And it wasn't as if the eye candy made up for the cinema excrement that made up this movie. ugh.
jmorris236 The premise sounded cute, and I do have a penchant for comedy, so I purchased this film assuming that it would be a typical independent gay video. In other words, I expected it to be poorly acted, poorly directed and have a marginal plot used as a barely justified excuse to show lots of beefcake. Surprise! Although there were certain aspects of the plot that I found ridiculous (the main one being the idea that the rich, handsome, muscular, intelligent advertising exec would hire a relatively skinny immature male hustler and then fall in love with him) the picture managed to grab my attention fairly early on and hold it. The main problem for me was that I personally found the hustler to be the least sexually appealing of the three main characters. Since the ad exec (to my taste) was ten times better looking than the hustler he lusts after, I didn't buy it for a second. However, I was pleased by the fact that the film didn't seem to pander to viewers only interested in seeing naked torsos, and the humor came across as genuine and, in spots, quite clever. As the film progressed, I found myself warming to the characters, and their situations suddenly seemed almost believable. In the end, I decided I liked this movie quite a bit more than I thought I would. You may too, as long as you don't expect too much more than a pleasant romantic diversion.
karyblake I just finished the movie and honestly can't begin to say how disappointed I am. The initial pain comes from the horrible music that they used. After that you've got a relatively bad script... after that you've got some minor league talent.I mean-- I could go on listing the horrible aspects of this movie, but I will say that I respect the passion these people had for the project. Passion can't do enough to make the film okay. I think the worst part of this is that reading the info for this movie on Netflix made it sound so interesting. I put this on my list with some decent excitement thinking I was going to get a low budget good indy film and after the first shot of Conrad playing mood to show how lonely he was in front of the TV-- well I knew it was going to end in pain... for me. Please avoid this at all cost. I know saying this might actually make someone else go and rent it (I'm usually one of those people... don't want to be a sheep), but trust me on this one.
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