Just One Time
Just One Time
R | 16 April 2000 (USA)
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When the fiancé of a fireman reluctantly agrees to participate in a ménage à trois with another woman, she does so on the condition that he reciprocate the favor with another man, which ultimately puts their impending marriage in jeopardy.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
ccmiller1492 Lane Janger is delightful in this bit of risque froth...his delivery and timing are perfect for comedy but would be just as good in drama. We need to see a lot more of him than in "Just One Time", with his obvious talent it's a sure bet we will.
tim.halkin There is potential here, and it shines through occasionally, but unfortunately not consistently.Despite the fact that the ultimate effect is cute (isn't that a terrible word to describe a film?!) and charming, I found myself scratching my head once or twice about the basic premise of this sometimes enchanting little ditty. I guess Janger is trying to warn us that no fantasy lives up to the reality. OK...an age-old piece of wisdom...no arguments here, BUT he never REALLY lets his two lead characters experience their fantasies. They just seem to get lost and frustrated on the road leading up to it.Anthony (Janger's character) wants to see his beloved fiancée, Amy (played by a very winning Jennifer Esposito), have sex Just One Time with another woman before they get married and HAVE to put their fantasies to bed. That's where the first question arises: why do married couples have to stop having fantasies? OK, small detail, let's move on...Amy does not want to grant her beloved Anthony his somewhat cliché, pubescent, masturbatory fantasy, and tries to get around the problem by one-upping him: if he has sex with a man for her, she'll give herself to a woman for him. Now pride and egos start getting in the way of anyone calling the nonsense off. Enter Guillermo Diaz: your excuse for a romantic comedy's gay sidekick. Not to say that Mr. Diaz plays his role poorly; he's actually very winning! That said, his role is no more than a convenient plot devise: the sweet, non-threatening, virginal gay neighbor, who enters on cue, but never causes too much discomfort, either for Anthony or the viewer. Same goes for the conveniently lesbian neighbor played by Joelle Carter, who is planted there to give Amy her brush with homosexuality.Whereas Amy at least gets a lesbian kiss of free will out of it all, before she throws up her hands and screams, "bring on the bands and ring the wedding bells", Anthony stays annoyingly heterosexual. Oh, he does have a kiss, but it's aggressive and full of anger and frustration. When he wakes up the next morning next to his token gay friend, he's horrified at the idea that something might have transpired. Thank God, his bedmate is able to clear that fright up within 30 seconds!Actually, a rather insulting bit of tripe, but if even the more emotionally self-assured and mature homosexuals were generous enough to forgive heterosexual men their occasional lapses of taste and decorum for the sake of defending their obviously fragile manhood, then everyone might actually enjoy the 94 minutes that this film has to offer.
YAS It's a movie like angel food cake -- light, fluffy, insubstantial, and a bit sweet. Unexpected little plot twists and some surprisingly witty dialogue make it a good accompaniment for a big bowl of popcorn on a night when you're not up for anything heavy and meaningful. Hey, sometimes you just want to laugh, and this is just the ticket.
Bobby Evers Just One Time is a truly funny movie about a guy who gets a taste of his own medicine. He wants his girlfriend to have a lesbian encounter so he can watch and gratify himself. But she is disgusted by his request and leaves him to his porn magazines. Meanwhile a gay admirer of his meets his girlfriend downstairs and it has a twist ending that may not be for people who do not like homosexuals. but i laughed very hard. irony is sweet.