WWE New Year's Revolution 2007
WWE New Year's Revolution 2007
| 07 January 2007 (USA)
WWE New Year's Revolution 2007 Trailers

New Year's Revolution (2007) was the third annual and final New Year's Revolution PPV. It took place on January 7, 2007 at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri and featured wrestlers and other talent from WWE's Raw brand. The main event was a singles match, in which WWE Champion John Cena defended against challenger Umaga. Two predominant bouts were featured on the undercard. The first was a Tag team match, in which World Tag Team Champions Rated-RKO (Edge and Randy Orton) fought D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels). Another main match was a steel cage match with WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy defending against Johnny Nitro.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
stefanjburtoft-1 This PPV could have been better but it was better than all the other ones.Match 1: Johnny Nitro Vs Jeff Hardy IC TITLE This match was at times boring, but you have to love the ending. WINNER: Jeff Hardy RATING: 7/10Match 2: Tag Team Tumoril A bad match in my eyes. WINNERS: Cryme Tyme. RATING: 5/10Match 3:Kenny Vs Ric Flair This match was okay but wrong winner. WINNER: Kenny. RATING: 6/10Match 4:Mikie James Vs Victoria WOMENS TITLE I don't like many women matches but this one had potential but it was bad. WINNER: Mikie James. RATING: 4/10Match 5:DX Vs Rated RKO Tag Titles Very good match to bad about Triple H. WINNERS: No Contest. Rating: 8/10Match 6: Carlito Vs Chris Masters Could have been good but it was bad. WINNER: Chris Masters. RATING: 4/10Match 7: Umaga Vs Cena WWE TITLE A good match but it did not match there one at the rumble. WINNER: Cena. RATING: 8/10. SHOW RATING: 85/100
retroguy02 Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro for the IC championship - Nice match with both men getting to it, there was quite a hassle on the ropes even though the cage wasn't used that much until near the end… Nitro is climbing the outside cage wall and he's half-way near the cage's door; Hardy is inside the cage and just in the nick of time he kicks the door open and docks Nitro's crotch on the sill! Hardy then uses the door to get out of the cage and retain the title! Actually both men used good resourcefulness in this match. 8/10 (4 points of this just for the ending) Tag Team Turmoil for a World Tag Team Championship shot - Nothing too exciting for the match kind, just mediocre. Shelton & Haas work around with the Highlanders and Shelton finishes Robbie with a superplex. Jim Duggan & Super Crazy then also get eliminated this time by Haas – I wasn't quite paying attention when it ended. Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade then end the World Greatest Tag Team after Cade whooped Haas from behind and allowed Murdoch to take the pin. Finally enters Cryme Tyme to perhaps the only cheer of the match. The thugs work it out nice until they clock a G9 on Cade and Shad picks up the pin to win the World Tag Team title shot. 7/10 Kenny Dykstra vs. Ric Flair – Nothing very wrong with missing this; Flair gets suplexed quite a bit and the two men exchange low blows pretty often. Kenny wins after a low blow followed by a cradle. 5.5/10Mickie James vs. Victoria for the Women's title – I always move over these things and so did nowRated-RKO vs. DX – Easily the most anticipated match of the night with gripping build-up, the dudes didn't fail to deliver. Michaels, Orton and Edge bled during the match and Triple H somehow injured his knee. Orton delivered two failed RKO's and Michaels even proceeded to knock out the referee and then battered Rated-RKO with chairs. Edge was given a Pedigree on the announcer's table while Orton got put through the Spanish table after a Michaels' elbow drop off the top rope!Interesting: sometimes one can clearly see that the chairs hit the guys' hands not the face still they were bleeding quite, especially Orton who actually took more deflected shots than Edge. The match ended in a no contest. 8/10 Carlito vs. Chris Masters – Why the hell is this promoted ahead of DX vs. Rated-RKO? Anyway an okay match with the men performing their styles. Carlito once again did some good aerials although Masters should really try something other than using sheer body. Masters won after grabbing Carlito's tights for the pin. Never mind Torrie. 6/10WWE Championship John Cena (c) vs. Umaga – First of all thanks God that the WWE decided not to use that Cena-Defies-All-Odds technique during this match. Cena for most of the time had difficulty with Umaga's size, and at a point even landed face-first on the mat after picking Umaga for an F-U. The match was laced up with some nice reversals and Umaga was quite versatile with his wrestling techniques. But of course it's a WWE match so Cena somehow wins after a ROLL-UP (that's right, a roll-up on Umaga) out of nowhere! 8/10Overall a very good card even if it didn't live up to Armageddon. Definitely not a bad way for the WWE to open up the year; the steel cage match and the main event were easily the best matches of the night even though the Rated-RKO vs. DX match should have had an appropriate ending (perhaps it was due to HHH's legitimate injury). The rest of the matches were in the mediocre-good range. PPV rating: 7/10.
kliko400 The first pay- per view of 2007 was not a disappointment that much to kick off the new year with New Years Revolution.First match-Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/ Melina in a Steel Cage match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.This was a great steel cage match with no flaws as these two men put on great matches when they are in the ring together. Jeff Hardy wins after escaping through the cage door while Johnny Nitro was crotched on the Steel Cage door. 6/10 Second match- Tag Team Turmoil {Which was announced as a bonus match} A very great Tag Team Turmoil match, probably the best one I saw in quite a while, teams that were included were World's Greatest Tag Team, Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme & Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Super Crazy. Cryme Tyme win after eliminating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch as the last team to earn a future World Tag Team Championship title shot. 6/10 Third match- Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra Even though Kenny won, this match still was very good in my opinion, too bad Ric Flair lost by a roll-up by Kenny. 5/10 Fourth match- Victoria vs. Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship Not really bad but a bit too short to amount anything. Still it's good that Mickie James won after Melina tried to interfere but Maria & Candice Michelle made the save which allowed Mickie James to reverse a Widow's Peak & nail a roll-up on Victoria for the victory. 4/10 Fifth match- DX vs. Rated R-K-O for the World Tag Team Championship in a no disqualification tag team match.Wow, now this is the best match of the night, I don't think I've ever seen a bloodier & so violent tag team match up like this. Too bad the match ended in a no contest as Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton & Edge were all busted up while HHH seriously injured his knee after attempting a spine-buster went wrong. 7/10 Sixth match- Carlito w/ Torrie Wilson vs. Chris Masters Even though I didn't watch Backlash 2006, I reckon their match at Backlash was way better than this, this match was just a bit slow & these two men weren't really putting that much of a fight. 3/10 Seventh match- John Cena vs. Umaga w/ Armando Eljandro Estrada for the WWE Championship.Finally Umaga has met his match against the best wrestler alive today which is WWE Champion John Cena. A great battle by these two men even though it might of been sloppy at times. After failing to attempt at least 3 F-U's, John Cena reverses a Samoan Bulldozer & gets a roll-up on Umaga to retain his WWE Championship & end Umaga's undefeated streak. 5/10 So far this was not a really bad pay-per view but the last two New Years Revolution pay per views might of been a bit better than this one. But this was still a very good pay per view to say the least.Overall: 7/10 & a C
tonyThespio Lets just get to the point Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy; steel cage match surprising opener: ropes were used a lot while the use of the steel was somewhat neglected, there was a dropkick from the rope here, and a leg sweep on the rope there, and even a sunset flip from the top of the cage. Melina kept hitting Hardy with a belt, kinda funny. Finally: Nitro gets his foot stuck in the door, Hardy kicks it open and Nitro ends up landing on his grapefruits on the cold steel. 7/10Bonus Match: tag team turmoil: WOW IT IS SO...SOOO... stupid.Haas/Benjamin superplexes the Highlanders for the pin. Haas/Benjamin pins Duggan/Super Crazy by a German suplex...what the hell? Cade/Murdoch absolutely pounces on the butts of Haas/Benjamin and pins them with a elbow drop. Crime Time wins by a strange neck breaker like thing. It seemed promising, but very boring, trust me!! 3/10Announcement by Mr.Mcmahon: Tomorrow- Donald Trumph vs. Rosey o'DonnellKenny Dickstra vs. Ric Flair average back-forth battle and why does flair always gets suplexed on the outside floor? Flair slaps Ken silly again/again/again while hes trapped in the fig.4 leg lock. But... Kenneth kicks the old man in the balls and pins him... what a surprise... 4.5/10Mickie James vs. Victoria- the Micky-Vicky match Surprisingly good! Just a notch below the Stratus vs. Mickie quality match at wrestlemania. Mick wins by Micky D T (DDT) 6/10yeah! D-X vs Orton/Edgethe non-sugary side of frosted Wheaties is here! really good back forth match with a RKO over here and a spear over there and stuff like that. The end was scary- HBK kicks the hell out of Orton, uses himself as a missile, attacked the referee (wow)and both HHH and HBK hits the other 2 with chairs again and again and again and again. But thats not all folks! Egde gets a nice pedigree on the announcer table while Orton gets an elbow drop by HBK from the top turnbuckle! 8.7/10Chris Masters vs Carlito Don't seem too interested huh? Don't worry. 3/10Cena vs Umaga Umaga is such a hot head! But this fight doesn't disappoint. Cena falls after trying to lift Umaga, ha ha. Bodies fly all over the place and Cena lands on the floor at dangerous angles. Back and forth action keeps the viewer interested. That big tub of lard Umaga moves like a cruiser weight! Cena wins! How? Not by an FU, nor an STFU, but a roll-up. 6.5/10Let see. 3, 4, carry the 1,... according to by calculations, the overall is 4/10. But its the entertainment value that we must give credit to, so why not give a little boost, huh? 5.5/10 !!!