Beautiful Boxer
Beautiful Boxer
| 25 February 2005 (USA)
Beautiful Boxer Trailers

Based on the real life story of Parinya Charoenphol, a Muaythai boxer who underwent a sex change operation to become a woman.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
myflyingjellybean Beautiful Boxer is based on a true story of Thailand's damed transsexual kickboxer. Beautiful Boxer is a very touching action drama film that punches straight into the heart and mind of a boy who fights like a man so he can become a woman. Nong Toom is not like the typical transvestite who's afraid of showing their real identity, he felt that he needed to be true to himself to achieve his goals in life, which really helped him to fulfill his dreams in the end. To achieve his ultimate goal of total femininity. Touching, funny and packed with breathtaking Thai kickboxing scenes, Beautiful Boxer traces Nong Toom's childhood, teenage life as a traveling monk, grueling days in boxing camps and explosive matches where he knocks out most of his opponents across Thailand and Japan. Overall, this film is very inspiring to everyone who is in the same shoes with Nong Toom, that nothing is impossible when you are really eager and willing to fight for your dream.
Aron Lewis "A Beautiful Boxer" tells a touching story of a girl born into the wrong body, and who, through boxing, would eventually be able to become one through surgery. It's a story about overcoming one's fate.Nong Toom was interested in dancing, putting on girl's makeup, and wearing woman's clothes from a very early age. His mother comments at the very beginning of the story that it was "just a fad", but it soon becomes clear that this isn't a phase; it's just the story of boy who should have been born a girl.The writing and filming is solid and so is the pacing with the exception of a few moments. But what makes this film rise above its technical merits is its heart. The acting is superb. At some points, you forget that you're just watching a movie because it's clear that the actors, especially Nong Toom's Asanee Suwan, are really becoming their characters. Thanks to this, we get a plethora of heartfelt moments and really get a feel for a subject area that is relatively untouched, transsexuals. Sometimes transsexuals get a bad rep, but the fact is that these are real people who have to overcome the exceptional struggle of coming to term with their own gender identity while the people around you despise you, bully you, and at times make your life a living hell because they don't really understand.Overall, Nong Toom is an exceptional movie with a psychological edge that is harshly realistic. I recommend it to everyone, because I believe it's a story that everyone should be familiar with. Transgenderism isn't as rare as people think.
lain6 Beautiful Boxer is a very sensitive film which portrays a biographical timeline of the life events of the transsexual former Muay Thai Champion, Nong Thoom.Thoom's story is told in a very sympathetic manner, and it is through the delicate story telling that the audience can see Thoom's struggle of self-acceptance, perseverance, inner courage, and social circumstances.Nong Thoom's character is portrayed very believably by Asanee Suwan as his debut film. The performance even awarded him the Thailand National Film Association's prize for Best Actor. Through his portrayal of Nong Thoom, it becomes possible for the audience to really gain of a sense of the inner struggle that Thoom endured throughout her life in order to be who she wanted to be.Aside from the story and it's portrayal itself, a commonly overlooked aspect of the film is it's color and sense of atmosphere. The sequences in particular which depict Nong Thoom's childhood/early years display very lush forest greens, and carry a very soothing atmosphere. Not to say that there were was any graphical/color manipulations applied to the forest scenes (while there may have been slightly, as is the case in practically any film) it is more of how delicately such scenes were treated in terms of atmosphere which was a standout quality to the film. Such relaxing scenes also aid the depiction and communicate the sense that Nong Thoom's childhood, although she was discriminated against in a subtle manner; was lucky enough to still live a peaceful childhood despite her transgender feelings. It could be that through such a base of peace, and (mostly) support around her at a young age, that she was able to persevere at a very consistent rate until she became the most popular Muay Thai Champion in Thailand.I rate this film highly for it's sense of biographical delicacy, nicely shot fight-scenes, and soothing sense of atmosphere. Biography, martial arts, and drama fans alike all have equal potential to enjoy this film.
msheraly I thought it was a very touching and powerful movie. Parinya Toom showed a lot of courage and heart and stood up for what she wanted to do and believed in herself. I thought a lot more people were understanding in the choice she made and showed that the Thai culture is very understanding. I felt sorry for her, however, when she fought the Japanese professional wrestler because it seemed like more of publicity stunt than a real fight which I think hurt her reputation with the people.Overall I thought it was a great film and really shows that you can follow through with anything you want to.