NR | 14 July 2012 (USA)
Found Trailers

Marty is the ideal fifth grader—he gets good grades, listens to his teachers and doesn't start trouble in class. But a darkness is beginning to fall over Marty's life, the kids at school won't stop picking on him, his parents just don't seem to understand him, and now Marty must grapple with a terrible secret that threatens to destroy life as he knows it—his big brother is a serial killer.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
argento6 Marty, 12 years old is a young Horror obsessed pre-teen. He also knows about his older brother Steve's darkest secret: That Steve is a serial killer. Bullied at school and by his own father, perhaps Marty has found even more than a protector in his brother? The only problem is what might happen to him if Steve discovers what his younger bro knows.FOUND isn't too far from perfection in the horror genre in my opinion. And it achieves this without even abusing the massacre and gore scenes. Don't panic gore hounds. This film will eventually deliver the goods. But what i liked the most about it is that i was glued to the screen from start to finish despite the slow burn style of FOUND. And it managed to scare me and disturb me even with so little. Because the film is a rare realistic portrait of a family, the most ordinary and average family at first sight, entangled in nothing but everyday problems. Some things that we as a society tend to ignore and/or shovel down deep inside and under the rugs.If there are things that i've always found hard to stand both in real life and in movies are things like violence on Women, kids, animals, racism and of course the ever present and growing problem that is bullying. That bullying happens in school or at home in the confort of what should be a safe place, it has become a matter with such amplitude that teachers will ignore the bullied like there was nothing that can possibly be done to end a feud between 2 kids. That until a bullied kid finally replies to a bully, which often results into having a nice kid grounded, and sometimes worst: Beaten in return and/or perceived as a young waste of flesh by our society's great thinkers.Briefly, bullying is such a nightmare and FOUND reflects that reality in such a scary way. This rarety in the Horror genre is to be witnessed at your own risks. This is not a subject matter that you bring to the table at dinner. And there is such a violence involved in this film that even the scenes where it is left to the viewer's imagination might enrage or disgust and disturb someone.
Lucabrasisleeps This is not a bad movie at all. From the story, I actually expected a more tame affair. Because seriously serial killer movies are a dime a dozen. But this movie managed to shock me with its intensity.The negative point is the acting. Many of the actors are terrible. I just couldn't take that mom character seriously. She spoiled every scene she was in. Dad was not so much better. The other kids at school were pretty terrible. Where do they get these actors anyway? Totally disappointing. The 2 brothers are good actors and that is pretty much the main thing that works in the movie.And then there is the violence. What disturbs me more is the idea that kids are watching such movies and are not fazed even a little bit by all the violence. I wondered about whether these scenarios were actually realistic. And if it is for a movie, did the child actors really watch the scenes? I hope not. It is highly disturbing to imagine these children watching such movies. The Headless video is just disturbing to the max even with the cheesy effects and acting. It was also nice to observe the horror subculture in this small town. I don't know how they let the kids watch these horror movies, the parents seem pretty open minded. Maybe that was their undoing.The ending finishes the movie in disturbing style. But here thankfully, not much is shown. I could not survive another headless video! Mostly though the movie works on the atmosphere and the performances of the brothers. The violence is also effective.Overall I thought it was a good horror movie but it really gets affected by the acting of many of the characters.6/10
begob This is really a teen angst drama with gore thrown in. Plenty of issues raised, and in the end it does pack a punch.Two big problems.First, the pace dragged. A lot of the writing was flat, with not enough information given in each scene, and some of the actors struggled with uninspired dialogue. I'd have preferred 15 mins shaved off the running time.Second, the conceit isn't really relevant to the plot. And we're given a motive based on a throw away comment from earlier in the story.On the violence and gore - pretty tame. The screening of Headless confused me, because it was a good opportunity to address violence, but they didn't make any intelligent points. And if they'd used the hero's graphic novel to fantasise the killer's story, instead of taking it so literally, it might have added some sophistication. They even had excellent illustrations in the opening credits. Or what if the hero was an unreliable narrator? Nothing like that - they just played it straight.I liked the drum music, but the eerie stuff hardly ever turned off and gave a depressing feel.Overall it's a good job on a small budget, but it's not really a horror - more a story of violence begetting violence.
quitwhileyouareahead This is a movie that will impress some and offend others much like some of the ground breaking horror classics of the past. Will this be the next classic? I think not, although it could be a springboard for the director as it does pack a wallop. It is very effective and well done with some very good acting, at least from the two leads. I haven't decided if the adult actors are incredibly bad or if they are deliberately staged that way to emphasize the viewpoint of the younger boy who narrates through some of the scenes. I will give the director the benefit of the doubt as it otherwise would be inconsistent with his other great choices. If you can handle the sick material, it is probably a good movie to watch again as you may underrate it. I can only give it a 6 for entertainment value but then maybe I have underrated it.
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