Stake Land
Stake Land
R | 01 October 2010 (USA)
Stake Land Trailers

Martin was a normal teenage boy before the country collapsed in an empty pit of economic and political disaster. A vampire epidemic has swept across what is left of the nation's abandoned towns and cities, and it's up to Mister, a death dealing, rogue vampire hunter, to get Martin safely north to Canada, the continent's New Eden.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
krice23 I'm not doing a review of the entire film because quite frankly it's not worth my time. I'm here to let off just a little bit of steam about a pet peeve of mine when it comes to screenplay writers. Why can't they seem to remember what they've already written and keep the continuity? How hard can it be? This is not really a spoiler but here's my example from the film. First off we're told that Mister and Martin are headed "north, always north" to get away from the major outbreak of vampires, which, btw, are The most zombie-like vamps I've ever seen. During their drive, the boy, in his narration, says they haven't seen any vamps lately, exclaiming that Mister says it's because they're in the highlands. That vamps are cold-blooded, like reptiles, and as soon as they get back into the low-lands they'd start seeing them again. And sure enough, they do. Ok. Fine. We have a premise here. However, sometime later we come upon a vamp wearing a Santa suit standing in the middle of the road. They dispatch him, and then discover and rescue a man tied up nearby in a port-a-potty, left there as vamp bait, he said. Whilst recanting his story to our friends, he says the military recalled everyone from the Middle East and he'd then been deployed to help evacuate Canada (I know, but that's how he said it). So, anyone catch my point? If vamps are cold-blooded, like reptiles, as we've been led to believe, then what the hell are they doing in Canada? As a final comment it's worth it to note there's just not that much dialogue in this movie that the writer should forget any part of it. Then again, perhaps Mister was just wrong and I'm an overly critical viewer. If you've seen it, you decide. If not, don't watch it just to form an opinion; it's not worth the time. Just go ahead and assume I'm right.
Garth Smiley I didn't hate the fact that they were making vampires 'cool' again. Films Like From dusk TIll Dawn, and John Carpenters Vampires, are both classics, In my humble opinion. I also didn't mind the copious amount of gore throughout the film. The shaky camera, in scenes where people are sitting still is unforgivable. The Gummo-like voice overs were too quite to hear. The Acting was all passable. But Danielle Harris' wonky eyebrow still amazes/amuses me, beyond any of the performances in this. Also, thanks for killing her character off. I know the baby probably shows up somewhere in the sequel(which I refuse to watch). But knowing Ms. Harris isn't getting paid for said sequel. THAT is glorious. One last sentence.
begob Western road movie with monsters. Well put together - direction, acting, editing - but ...At the start the narrator says he's seen things you shouldn't see. And in the end he hasn't shown us much.The mood is really solemn, including the music, and the characters are all in deadly earnest. Their only back story is that they survived - "all people have the same story".In a road movie there should be weird scenes that show something unexpected about people. But here everything is as expected - closed communities, hoarding, trading by barter. I did expect an anti-gubmint survivalist message, but the army gives a temporary safe haven.The only idea of interest was the brotherhood using vampires to mete out God's punishment. But the monsters are low maintenance, not too hard to handle. Even the hyped up berserkers only manage one victim when they attack. Underwhelming. And they promised cannibals, but I got no cannibals. The final conflict doesn't really solve anything, and we end up with a replacement heroine. I suppose getting out of the US for a civilised country is some consolation.
airsnob Had to write a review of this little gem. I have not the slightest clue why vampires have been seductive, or erotic at all. I think Gary Oldmans Dracula was amazing. And yes, I fell in love with him too. But I remember being a kid, and vampires scared the crap out of me, and all of my nightmares about them, were exactly like this movie. The world goes into a sort of nuclear winter , without the radio active isotopes floating around, a desert of humanity , living in a barren world of evil marshal law. The vampires have eaten your family, and everyone else's, and the Zealots are calling it the apocalypse, exacerbating their insanity. You're only hope is to become a serial killer of vampires, and apathetic to the human constitution. I was afraid this would happen. I mean, when I was 8. Well, someone took all the aspects of my childhood night terrors to film, and Stake Land is the result. A fine little ditty. I was so stoked when I was watching this. That feeling you get when a movie is really entertaining, and you have been waiting a really long time for one. The fact that it's an Indy film just makes it even better . I read these reviews and so many people on this site really try to be pretentious movie critics. I despise critics of art . It's so easy to sit back and just watch it- what someone else wrote, someone else loved enough to birth , and critique it. I have a feeling that the people who write reviews on here and spit on a good movie ( entertaining is good , by the way) are pseudo intellectuals getting their rocks off , trying to impress us with their art interpretations and patronizing zeal. Some movies aren't art. Some movies want you to have a good time , they don't want to change your life. This movie won't get an Oscar. This movie didn't reach into my chest and squeeze my heart . What it did was keep me entertained . I liked that.