| 29 December 2010 (USA)
Exorcismus Trailers

Fifteen-year-old Emma Evans is like any other teenage girl; she thinks that her parents don't understand her. She longs for independence and a life free of family ties and responsibilities and she is prepared to do anything to achieve it. But one day she will be forced to face up to the consequences of her actions.Life seems to be carrying on as normal, until one day Emma starts experiencing frightening fits. Her parents are convinced that her problems are either medical or psychological, but when doctors' tests are unable to draw any conclusions, the family is forced to look elsewhere for answers.It all started off as a bit of fun, Emma never really believed it, but the truth is there is something dark and sinister within her, and it won't take long to surface.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
DustinRahksi Here's a short and sweet review. I'll sum it up.SPOILERS AHEAD.Emma, the beautiful bimbo gets possessed by Satan, why does Satan waste his time on some random person, who knows. So she is a brat to her brother, Mark. She tries to drown him, but fails. She also manages to kill her psychiatrist, and put her cousin in the hospital. May I remind you that she had sex with her cousin.....yeah, I won't dwell on that. I guess that's okay over in Europe. So the convenient uncle is a former priest, and comes in to do a series of exorcisms. But he has no success, at least that's what we are led to believe.The film was pretty goofy throughout, but one event made dark all of a sudden. She gets her brother run over with a vehicle. Damn, that was mean. And if that wasn't enough, she confesses the truth that she called upon Satan to "free" her, because she's a b-tchy teenager who misbehaved, and got in trouble. BOO-HOO. And that's not even the best part. It turns out her priest uncle was the mastermind of the whole possession. He used her to bring Satan into the real world. He recorded it all, so he could show the truth to the world. So the father dies, Satan just leaves for some reason. The uncle kills himself, and the family is completely destroyed. Well something positive had to have come out of all this. Nope, the tapes are gotten rid of, and the mother goes crazy. Wow, that whole film was pointless.I must say it was pretty entertaining, there wasn't that many bad things I could say about it, it was just okay. I would recommend it, it's worth one watch.
absolutelysameed So my friend told me to watch this movie , at first I laughed because I thought he is not pronouncing the name correctly but when I googled it found out it is real. Anyways this movie really kept on the edge of my seat almost the whole time. Great acting , I think that girl played the role of Emma beautifully and the role really suited her. The movie I think is very thrilling and gives you a good number of scares while also maintaining the curiosity of what happened and why it happened. It gives exorcism movies a breath of fresh air buy introducing manipulative tactics used by priest and also included typical elements of an exorcism movie.I think this movie deserves a lot more recognition and is really underrated , I found it to be way better than Exorcism of Emily Rose. A must watch for any horror fan.
TdSmth5 Emma is a home-schooled teen who one day cuts herself. It's thought that it's because she wants to be in school with her friends. One day she has a seizure and foams out of her mouth. Doctors don't find anything wrong with her. Her secular and modern parents send her to a psychologist who ends up dead. Emma knows that something is wrong with her and visits her uncle who is a priest. He recognizes that she's possessed. Emma is willing to undergo an exorcism. Her parents don't agree until she has another seizure and levitates.The exorcism will take several session to be performed by the uncle who has been actually kicked out of the church for the death of his previous exorcism patient. Meanwhile, whenever the devil takes over and Emma is with someone else, that other person doesn't end up well. The priest recognizes the he alone won't be able to cast out the devil. He also films the sessions. The parents are still in disbelief until one day the father interrupts a session only to actually see for himself how possessed she is. Things get deadlier for the family and we learn some darker secrets about the priest and Emma.Exorcismus was produced by Spanish production company Filmax which specializes in high quality, lower budget, good-natured, PG-13 horror movies, where the behavior of the characters is far less believable than the horror. This is their take on the exorcism genre, although the exorcisms aren't all that much at the center of the movie, "Possession" would be a more apt title. It follows the Filmax recipe, it won't offend anyone's sensibilities, is well directed, and has a European/Spanish feel to it.The first third of the movie is very strong. It has its creepy moments, the hand-held camera-work is great and so is the digital sound. The heavily discolored look of the movie, however, is annoying. It doesn't manage to keep the interest or pace as things become less interesting during the second third for some reason, even though that's when stuff starts happening. The last third improves a bit as we learn why the girl really cut herself at the beginning of the movie. And we learn why the priest is so highly motivated to act. What I liked about it was that everything takes place during the day, even outdoors. This devil isn't scared of the sun or of public places. No lame night scenes, rain, thunder, lights going out and all the clichés that plague every single American horror movie. Exorcismus is enjoyable but it doesn't break any new ground, which is something that this type of movie needs at this point, although Sophie Vavasseur's understated performance is excellent.
Drew Davies 'Exorcismus' is another very typical exorcism movie, a girl gets possessed, acts a bit strangely and then people start dying. However the twist at the end manages to separate it somewhat from the others. The acting of a couple of members of the family is a little to be desired and the camera-work can seem a little like a teenager with a hand-held but for the budget it does what it needs to.Overall it's another case of where the trailer is far more interesting than the film itself but if this is your type of movie, it's worth watching as a rental.4/10