Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
R | 03 January 2014 (USA)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Trailers

Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
morrison-dylan-fan Taking a look at Netflix UK's Horror page,I was pleased to spot the the 5th film in the Paranormal Activity (PA) series,which led to me getting ready to meet the marked ones. The plot-2012:Finding out that a neighbour (who everyone believed to be a witch) has been killed, high school students Jesse Arista and his friend Hector Estrella spot fellow student Oscar Lopez running from the scene.Deciding to check the flat (good idea guys!) Arista & Estrella find the place to be filled with black magic items.Metting up with pal Marisol Vargas,the gang decide to mess around with some of the items,and perform a "ritual." Thinking that the ritual was stupid,Jesse begins to notice weird paranormal activity take place,which leads to Jesse's aunt Irma Arista fearing that Jesse has been marked.View on the film:Burning off the trademark "nights" structure of the last 4 films in the series,the screenplay by returning writer (and this time also a director) Christopher Landon brings the Paranormal back at a more comedic edge.Turning the ghosts/demons into zombie-style monsters,Landon uses the Latino setting to give the mythology a salsa chill,which goes from Irma Arista unleashing CGI with her healing attempts,to an eerie table top game. After having everyone shake with fear over the past titles in the series,Landon allows the series to let its hair down by taking a refreshing Comedy Horror route.Despite not avoiding some clichés (who knew all Latinos had guns!) Landon gets the viewer to put their guard down by showing Jesse enjoying his new powers, (which include flying) that soon comes back to haunt him.Taking the franchise in a new direction with the screenplay, Landon and cinematographer Gonzalo Amat disappointingly lose their nerve in the Found Footage format of PA,due to Landon not giving the creepy set-pieces breathing space,by hitting them with an ott shaking camera,which ends up being a mark against the marked ones.
Thomas Kirchgessner When I watched this movie over Thanksgiving day break from school, I didn't particularly care for the whole story-line of the entire movie. And to be precise, I don't really particularly care for the whole story-line of the entire "Paranormal Activity" movie series.During this movie, I noticed a few minor and major stupid decisions. Like for one, why would someone want to go into someone else's apartment after their death? I mean, seriously? That's just a sign of disrespect in my eyes on their part.When Jesse's friends (Hector and Marisol) go to the source of this demonic mayhem and try to unravel the truth of their friend, Jesse, they bring Arturo and his "gang member," Santo as protection while they investigate the house looking for their friend.
jacobjohntaylor1 This not scary. By the time it get any where there are about 10 minutes left. Where they trying to be scary? Or where they trying be boring. This as an awful story line. The acting is awful. The ending is awful. It is not scary at all. The is the fifth Paranormal Activity movie. It is very boring. If you are scared this movie then you are to easy to scary. Some demons posses people and kill stupid teenagers. Big deal. This is better then the first four Paranormal Activity movies. That is only because the first four Paranormal are very stink pooh. And this is still very stinky to. Do not wast your time. And do not wast your money. Do not see this movie.
Owen Gonzales I was really expecting something good because I have been looking forward t watching this series of movies, to bad I didn't look at the reviews before hand. The movie is about a kid named Jess who gets possessed by a demon and eventually tries to get it out. The movie didn't even try to be creative. Oh hector is going for a close up with the camera toward a window of course a person is going to slam their face against it. Oh hector and Jesse are looking for Oscar, then Oscar falls onto a car next to them. And of course when you look in a scary basement you have to have the 2 scary blacked eyed girls behind a curtain when looking. Also the ending didn't make any sense, hector encountered a woman who started yelling matic, then she rushed him With a knife, a man runs down the stairs and try's to help her but he gets in a fight with her. Then to top it all of hector runs away opens a door, some type of monster humans jumps him, his camera falls to the ground then a couple seconds later a strange woman turns of the camera.What I am saying is that there are many more examples of the movie being predictable, if you would watch it you would know. The only reason is that I didn't rate this movie lower is because their where some funny parts that were meant to be funny then parts that where funny, but not meant to be funny. Like a funny part that was not meant to be funny was when Jesse was possessed by a demon and had the little dog shoved on the feeling running on its side. Anyway I knew that they could have done a much better job because oculus had the same budget and they made a master piece. Only watch this movie for comedic value or something to laugh at.
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