R | 27 June 2014 (USA)
Haunt Trailers

An introverted teen sparks with his new neighbor, and together the couple begins to explore the haunted house that his family has unknowingly just purchased.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Paul Magne Haakonsen If you are looking for a spooky movie then "Haunt" is not really the best of choices. It has a mediocre storyline and some fairly cheap scare tricks going on.A family has moved into a new house where mysterious things are going one. And when the teenagers have a séance they get in touch with something inside the house.It is a mediocre storyline that initially did seem okay, but it just lacked proper scary atmosphere and spooky moments. And whenever they did attempt to scare the audience by showing a haunt or apparition, they usually made use of a lousy out of focus effect with the camera. I guess that it is an easy way to glance past perhaps a lack of great effects or make-up?The acting in "Haunt" was okay, although the cast were extremely limited by the script and the storyline."Haunt" did have potential to be a good horror movie, but director Mac Carter couldn't bring the ship safely into harbor, so to speak.All in all, an average movie experience, but a weak horror experience. As such, "Haunt" fails to haunt the audience and scores a mere five out of ten stars from me.
gpeltz Talking about "Haunt" (2013) Directed by Max Carter and Written by Andrew Barrer, Spoilers ahead, as I am going to discuss this movie, This movie opens with a scenario that is almost by the book; Family moves into house with bad reputation. Perhaps The Amityville Horror(1979) set the precedent, and it has been used countless times since then. So, the question is, how do you keep it interesting? Starting off with a good cast is a step in the right direction. Here, all the leads are fine. It is the two teens leads, Evan Played by Harrison Gilbertson, and the neighbor girl he befriends, Sam played by Liana Liberato who carry the story; Sam knows the history of the house, and the folks who lived there before. She leads Evan to the houses dark secret,Evan's Parents, Alan and Emily, played by Brian Wimmer, and Lone Skye Just bought the old home in the country, and are moving their family there. Their son Even and his two sisters, Sara and the younger Anita. Played by Danielle Churchran, and Ella Harris. Both have a sense that all is not right with the house,More so, the older Sara. Rounding out the cast is Janet Morello, The house's prior owner, with a secret. Played by Jacki Weaver, The adults go through the movie, mostly oblivious to the malignant force that is terrifying the kids. At other times the Parents are conspicuously absent. Just written that way, they had to be out of the picture for the duration of the last third of the film, only to return at the end.By the first half the nature of the movie shifts as Evan and Sam want to explore the mystery of the spirits, They do so with the aid of a machine that can, "Talk to the Dead" A door was opened with awful consequences ensuing as the young ones fool with things they do not understand.The Machine is beautiful. a cross between a ham radio device, and a wire running recorder. It had a crank up generator. and gages and tubes. It was a beautiful construct.that stole the show. Hat's off to the design team that cooked it up.The sound design was good, fine cinematography by Adam Marsden, shot in Utah in early winter. Competently scored by Reinhold Heil, and Edited with style. I liked the initial restraint, Building the mood. and the "mood" had a lot to do with the power of this production. It did have it's jump moments and carried an air of dread, while all the while you were rooting for the Eliot and Sam, One winces when they decide to do stupid things. Eight, We've seen it all before, Stars, but seldom so classy, out of Ten.
katies803 A happy family of 5 (mom and dad, older sis, middle bro (protagonist), little sis) move into a creepy new house. The previous occupants apparently met with some tragic endings, the sole survivor being the mother who can't stand the place anymore. The son goes for a walk and runs into the neighbor, a teenage girl with more than a few problems of her own. They hit it off and she tells him bits and pieces about the legends behind his house. After they find an old radio in a storage space and use it to commune with the other side, weird things start happening and soon it's apparent that there is something else in the house as well. This movie isn't the most terrible recent horror film I've seen by far. In fact, the first half is incredibly suspenseful and creeped me out! When the second half starts it tries to really pull you in, only to finish with an ending that leaves you wondering what the hell just happened! A lot of questions are left open to interpretation, something that is either hugely successful for a movie or else causes it to flop horrendously. As for which one this is...well, it seems everyone shares different opinions so I will let you judge for yourself. Me personally I think the story ending wanted to be good, but something just wasn't right. Other than that, this actually has the potential to be a great scary movie. It is unique though, in the sense it definitely keeps you on your toes looking for clues as to what's happened to these miserable ghosts?
utahman1971 This get really boring. Drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, is this over yet? Yes, that is how boring these movies are. Why do we get these movies from Directors? Is it because Directors have no clue what to do with a horror movie? I am pretty sure its a yes. I don't know which is worse, found footage or these kind that drag on and on, about what? We don't know until last 5 to 10 minutes of the movie.Is that what we pay for? Just 5 to 10 good minutes of the movie. Rated R? For what? Just a puddle of blood? Man, we need some Directors from the 80's back. These new movies like this suck so bad. Stacy enjoys it. I need to make a joke after watching this. We are getting more PG-13 horror, and rated R ones that are worse than a PG-13, like this one and The Conjuring or should we called them The Lame Ones?I think its people that actually believe in ghosts that actually enjoy these. Yes, I don't believe in ghosts. At least not in this world, and not in reality. I believe in spirits, and they are in a special place not here. So these movies really suck. Rated R or PG-13 or PG. They just suck if it has to do with ghosts.I know there is fake stuff like vampires and werewolves, but at at least they are not boring and interesting to watch. Make me start drinking, and I hate alcohol. I can't enough of how bad these are and found footage movies are.