House of Good and Evil
House of Good and Evil
PG-13 | 26 April 2013 (USA)

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After a family tragedy in the chaotic city, Chris and Maggie Conley, in a last-ditch effort to save their dying marriage, purchase an isolated home in the deepest woods, to which they quickly discover evil has a key.

GazerRise Fantastic!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
chibottom Otherwise, this movie makes no sense. The "surprise" ending doesn't explain anything and many of the mysteries in the movie were just lazy writing. Some of the acting is OK, and Christian Oliver can just stand there for all I care, he's so beautiful.Here are questions I have and what I assume would be the writers' responses.SPOILERS BELOWWhat does the ringing phone mean? Who knows?Why does she obsess about her phone charger? Eh, not important.Why did she imagine she dunked herself in the river? Don't ask.How did she get enough blueberries to bake a pie? Don't ask us.Why is she scrubbing the wall? I think I was high when i wrote that part.Why would the Andersons live in such a dump if they can afford to retire to Florida? Huh, I didn't think of that.Why don't we get to see Christian Oliver naked? What?
Laurenpaigee1811 I didn't understand this storyline at all! What was the point in the film? Or what was the moral of the story? It was also terrible acting and wouldn't class it as a thriller or a horror. It's definitely a low budget film with no real story to it. The girl that plays Maggie is annoyingly awful. Also that they absolutely adore one another one minute then hate each other the next is strange. It's not realistic at all and didn't really make me want to jump up to find out what happens next. I don't think I'll be recommending the film anytime soon. It's just confusing. My boyfriend fell asleep 20 minute after starting as he was bored and normally he never fails to stay awake during a film. It's a waste of time money and energy. Sorry.
Sasha E I've just watched this movie over maxdome (kinda German netflix). The summary got me curious and I was really ready for some shocking scenes.The movie drags out so long.. storytelling in good night tales style.. hard to stay focused and keep watching. I was really hoping that something dramatic and gory would happen; at least at the end....After the credits ran thru I couldn't help myself asking: What the hell did I just see.. Honestly I'm no dumb person... but I don't get the ending.. what is this movie telling the viewers.I gave it 6 of 10 cause it kept me entertaining, but only 6 cause of the lack of a real ending.. this left me knowing as much as I knew before I watched it. If you have the chance to see it somewhere for free.. and if you haven't got anything better to do with your time.. watch it.. just don't expect suspense, tension, gore or a great finale..
Roberto Vargas (vargas42) I rated this movie 4/10 because it is well shot and decently cut. One major issue with this film is that I never believed the couple's relationship. Their affection flips-flops more than a fish out of water and while I acknowledge that we spend most of the film seeing the world through Maggie's psychotic eyes, it left this viewer jaded. If anything I felt disdain for the female lead from beginning to end. Maybe it is the director intention for me to be disassociated from the protagonist.My biggest question (and that of many of the reviews already posted) is why would anyone believe a couple, trying for a fresh start after a life altering dramatic event, would ever agree to move to a decrepit old house in the middle of nowhere with no phone and a generator for electricity. Where the husband would leave his obviously mentally disturbed wife alone for long periods of time... oh that's right, it's all in her head because the husband dies the first night, chocking on his own vomit while drunkenly sleeping... seem a little lazy story wise.Lastly, why give the real estate man a nasty, nose dripping cold? Is it to help sell the sickness of the house? The moment the papers are signed the cold seems to dissipate anyway, minus one last nose wipe as he stares back at the house. The cold held my attention during that whole scene, but it had no true purpose besides making the realtor slightly more interesting. If you are going to develop characters, you should probably concentrate on the main ones.The rhythm of the last 10 minutes helps slightly salvage the movie but as previously stated the reveal left to be desired. Props must be given to Marietta Marich and Jordan Rhodes for elevating the scenes they were in.All in all a well produced film that needed a boost as far as pacing and more work on the story itself.