The Scarehouse
The Scarehouse
| 15 November 2014 (USA)
The Scarehouse Trailers

When two friends open a Halloween fun house on Devil's Night it is all fun and games until their former sorority sisters begin to arrive. These six sisters are confronted by their past as the night spins out of control.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
junecleavage8 There's little that's new in the revenge horror genre... but this movie gets extra points from me for its almost entirely female cast.... and for the way it gets you hooked in the central story as the movie goes along. The women here are flawed, angry, deceitful, petty... and the power dynamic feels different from your typical slasher. It's a neat twist on an otherwise well-trodden genre. I thought the acting from the top 3-billed actresses was fine, and they were memorable, which is more than you get from a lot of horror B movies. I liked the revenge storyline. Some of the revenge violence set-pieces felt fresh. There's plenty of cringe-worthy humor, too. At first I showed up for Katherine Barrell (liking her other work), and for horror (a genre I love). I didn't show up for much plot... But I was pleasantly surprised that by about a third of the way through the movie I was suddenly curious to know what happened that fateful evening in the past that led to this smorgasbord of revenge... and what the revenge seekers ultimately wanted from it. The payoff at the end left me thinking about it. Definitely more than I was expecting.
nvrtkn Let me start this review by saying if you only watch 1-2 movies a month at most, you probably shouldn't watch a movie like this. This movie isn't one of my favorites, and it does not have any recognizable actors or director behind it.For a movie of its kind, it certainly deserves 8/10 stars though.I've been watching a lot of Horror again recently, and its sad to see people that clearly aren't fans of low-budget horror giving movies like this a low rating.If you think this is bad acting, then you either expected it to be a Hollywood film, or you are very selective in your low-budget viewings. The acting did not bother me at all.
Jon Perry This is a great little hidden gem that is well worth the watch. It brought me back to my pre-teen and young teenage years where every weekend I would consume as much horror as I could...whether it be one the Child's play, Nightmare on elm street or a less slasher and more psychological thriller I couldn't get enough. Unfortunately as most Horror fans know the genre as been do badly used and abused and put away beat up and wet. There are just so many direct to DVD, low budget and poorly acted sequels that in most cases have been written by either a semi above average intelligent 6 year old or a bunch of guys or girls who jokingly tossed around ideas during a drunken weekend in Vegas and some how convinced Dad to fund this "artistic" endeavor. Well when it comes to Scarehouse this is NOT the case!!!! The film centers around an extremely impressive cast of women. IT is very refreshing to see such a film that centers around a mainly women cast and women that bring very impressive resumes and bodies of work.The all did a fantastic job and did not disappoint. Sarah Booth embodied the vengeful nature of her character while Kimberly- Sue Murray did an equally superb job being more timid and questioning. That's not to say they were the only ones that shined because the entire cast was awesome and deserving of praise(Same with the crew behind the scenes that we so often forget or over look). It is really hard to go into to much detail without potentially spoiling the story. I assure you that the story is great and a throw back to the 80's horror films that I(and all of you if your reading this review) loved. It's concept and story line is like an ohmage to all the old horror films that we know and love from that era..... This movie is a true hidden gem, and was made by a cast and crew that clearly love cinema.
Ben Adams Don't worry, there are no spoilers in this review because there's nothing to spoil.First of all, I have to address the fake reviews and votes. It really speaks volumes about the people involved with this production. There is no way this movie can get anything beyond a 1. Sometimes movies are so bad, that they become interesting and amusing to watch. This is not the case with The Scarehouse. There's not a single positive thing I can list after 83 minutes. This is why all those high votes are absurd and honestly quite offensive to everyone's intelligence. This is nothing more than people involved with this film, making fake profiles and giving unrealistically high ratings and writing reviews, to trick people into seeing a low budget douchebaggery, talentless director and talentless cast engage in a pointless exercise in film making. Like I said, this film offers nothing. The story is boring and unclear, dialog is meaningless and at times cringe worthy, characters are underdeveloped and very unlikable, and as a whole it's not remotely entertaining, not scary, not realistic and full of clichés. The fact that the guy that directed it, wrote it with his wife and then cast his wife as a lead, tells you a lot. It boggles the mind that with a script like this, he found any resources, funding and support to film it at all. Seeing what he put on display, he could have had the budget of Dark Knight, and would still have failed. When it comes to the cast, Penny the waitress from "The Big Bang Theory" comes to mind, because that's the type of girls they hired for this movie. At least Kaley Cuoco is attractive, which cannot be said for any of the cast members of The Scarehouse, but that's beside the point. I can't imagine they got more than 200 dollars for the roles. The actual Scarehouse in the movie looks like a bad Halloween underground techno party set in '90s Detroit. Camera work is bad and I can't imagine they used anything more the a basic Canon SLR. Torture scenes are laughable, and comparing them to Saw movies like someone suggested is a blatant lie. I'm not even going to address the storyline, simply because it's boring, predictable and a mix of clichés we've all seen before.The only thing I can imagine being more cringe-inducing than watching The Scarehouse, is how the family members of waitresses/actresses felt watching this, and then having to tell them it was good, lying to their face. I don't know how much money was spent, but it was money wasted. With success some limited budget Indies have had over the years, a movement of dbag directors making terrible movies has risen. This needs to stop. To the waitresses/actresses I recommend sticking to your day job because pulling of a Jennifer Aniston, from a leprechaun movie to millions per episode, is a 1 in a 300 million chance. "Getting your foot in the door" mentality, is why stupid movies like this one exist. This also needs to stop.The thing that compelled me to write this review is not the fact the movie was bad, it was awful don't get me wrong, but it was the pathetic attempts to raise the rating and the chance of people seeing it, with fake reviews. I hope IMDb comes up with some way to stop this kind of behavior. To the cast and crew of The Scarehouse who engaged in such feeble attempts, know that it has backfired and the rating is bound to go well below the one your pathetic attempt at film has now. Skip The Scarehouse, but do spread the word so people don't waste their valuable time. This movie couldn't even appeal to teenage girls who go to Wall Mart with dried toothpaste on their zits and listen to Iggy Azalea.