Never Let Go
Never Let Go
| 28 August 2015 (USA)
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Former FBI agent, now single mother Lisa Brennan, takes a holiday to escape an unhappy love affair and painful family memories. But in a heartbeat, she is not only faced with a daughter kidnapped by human traffickers, but also faces murder charges and must keep one step ahead of the foreign police.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ponderato Harrison I never write reviews here, bur this time my indignation has pushed me to do it. This film is rubbish, and all of these reviews must have been written by friends and family of the cast of this terrible mess. It's a ridiculous plot that must have been written in the back of an envelope after a few beers. The acting is painful to watch, the action scenes are amateurish at best and the script is full of cliches and makes no sense. There's a lot of crap films like this out there, the annoying thing is that the perpetrators get away with publishing all of these glowing reviews on IMDB. I normally trust reviews on this site, but it looks like I need to be more careful.
JohnHowardReid This gripping movie is available on a Rank DVD. This movie would normally rate close to ten with me, but I can really give it only a 7/10 rating, due to an image break-up which should have been corrected before the DVD went on sale.This film casts Peter Sellers in a character role as a particularly sadistic gangster who is brought to book by perennial loser Richard Todd (also cast way against type and also delivering most vividly and convincingly). The support line-up is particularly strong too. Location lensing with low-key, noirish camera-work by Christopher Challis also helps. The only other wrong note (aside from the image break-up described above) is sounded by the usually ultra-reliable musician and composer, John Barry, whose music score for this movie is often totally inappropriate.
Patrick Shea The movie starts out with a married Republican Congressional candidate running for office who has a newborn child with a former staffer. That was the first sign the movie was losing credibility right away. A Democratic candidate would have reflected reality. The fact the writers made a point of making the politician a Republican at the outset of the movie was a dead giveaway and spoiler alert. From that point forward, it was clear the politician was going to be the bad guy in the end. Hollywood's compulsion to make movies that are anti-conservative took precedence over trying to keep the viewer guessing. The second implausible parts of the movie included a female Muslim as a police officer in an un-named Arab country who helped the American female (Angela Dixon) retrieve her newborn in an Arab country. It's amazing how 2 unnecessary, blatant falsehoods can ruin an otherwise pretty decent action-packed movie. Then again, it's consistent with why Hollywood is turning out flops at every turn.
Marc Zammit Well, all i have to say is wow, i really love the film, i was on the edge of my seat all the way through the film. i think the direction of the film was brilliant Howard did the best he could to bring out the best he could with the film. Angela was perfect for the role, really delivered the character to her depths with a sublime performance. one thing i loved about the film a'lot is the story line was brilliant, a mother figure fights to get her child back, if there's one thing i find so annoying about films is when a woman who is a bad ass, a strong minded woman, fighting for survival, it is all then taken away because it ends up becoming a male (lover) that she is fighting for and her drive, fight to survive and live for. and for once it was not about this. she is a mother, who is trying to be a hero for her child, and it was brilliant.Brilliant job from everyone involved.