The Way Home
The Way Home
| 01 October 2010 (USA)

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An inspirational true story about how a rural community rallied around a distraught family to search for their missing two year-old boy and through doing so changed the lives of many of those involved.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
jeffhaller Can't blame the actors. This movie just has NO DRAMA. You know what is going to happen every second; no surprises. And let that music keep swelling when the oh so happy conclusion is about to arrive.Hey I am happy they found their lost son. But God/Jesus had nothing to do with bringing him home and nothing to do with his getting lost.What about all the families who have a situation like this yet it ends tragically. Guess God just hated them and their kids.This movie is, in the end, unkind and unsympathetic.Poor God. Poor Jesus. They get blamed and credited for all the wrong things.
bonniebengal Good Grief! I was a blubbery mess by the time this movie was over! What a great Christian film, and a great family film. There aren't enough of those out there. Don't miss this, and don't listen to people giving it a low rating because God is mentioned. This is a must see. It's about putting God and your family before everything else. To the person who said it's not believable, It's based on a true story, so obviously believable. There is a whole town as eye witnesses. It also shows how a community will show up to help a family in need. Please don't pass this by just because this family turned to the Lord in their greatest time of need. I know I certainly did. Many people do. They also wrote a book about it called Our Way Home which has a lot more detail. Highly recommend for families to watch this and remember the most valuable thing we have is...each other.
msestes-167-739641 This was a wonderful movie and showed the example that God wants us to love our neighbors. We are to be God's hands and feet and that's what these neighbors did. I don't understand the previous reviewer who said that he and his wife sat down on a Saturday night thinking that the film would be action, drama, or comedy. He was annoyed that this kind of film is allowed in the main-stream and that such a film can be put upon so many innocent viewers. First of all, are you really an innocent viewer? Didn't you read a synopsis of the movie before you rented/watched it? My husband and I always do that to see if we're interested. If you don't like the synopsis, then I suggest you don't watch it. But you are mistaken when you say that the film was put upon you. You chose to view it obviously without checking out the content of the film. As far as your comment about the film being "allowed in the main-stream", when did you become judge and juror of what films should be allowed to be viewed? The last I heard the USA was a free country and we are allowed to view any movie we want. I would much rather see this type of heart-warming movie than a gory, violent, full of vulgarity sort of movie. And the story is most believable; God performs miracles everyday. This movie was not an experience in religion, but a story of hope, faith, and dependence upon Our Creator, God. And yes, I am a devout Christian who believes that God wants us to love Him with all our hearts and love thy neighbor as thyself. And that's what these neighbors did. If I was unfortunate enough to be in such a situation, I would want neighbors like these to be here for me. As God's creation, we have free-will to choose Him and His love or reject it. I pray that you will not reject it. The joy of knowing God is too extraordinary for description! Peace and Grace to you and your wife.
guidecca My wife and I sat down on a Saturday night thinking that the film would be action, drama, or comedy. We didn't know that it was an experience in religion. Whether based on facts or not the story is not believable. Yes, it will pull you in as would any story about the loss of a child but this B rated, direct to DVD movie should be avoided. If you are a devout Christian you will love this amateurish production, maybe.This film is all about preaching god to you and trying to get you to believe in god. I am annoyed that this kind of film is allowed in the main-stream and that such a film can be put upon so many innocent viewers. I'm sure this is just the beginning of the video invasion of more of the same
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