| 18 January 2007 (USA)
Daydreamer Trailers

Clinton is convinced that Casey is a figment of his imagination. But seriously, what would a girl like her see in a guy like him? It seems that lately people are seeing all sorts of things in him, but the problem is that he can't see them himself.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
golddust89 Not many people have voted for Daydreamer, and even less have written a review. Because of this I'm writing this review, and with English not being my native language, I'll try my best to make it understandable for everyone.The reason I watched Daydreamer is the brilliant acting Aaron Paul has shown us as Jesse Pinkman in the television series Breaking Bad (if you haven't watched it, stop reading and go watch it now). In this movie Aaron Paul has a slightly similar role as in Breaking Bad.In Daydreamer he's a young drug-addict that has no ambition to change the miserable path he's on. And then he meets this classy blonde girl that turns his life upside down without him even realising it. It sounds cliché right? It's not. The movie keeps you guessing what's going on. Not even the main character knows what's going on. And the ending, it really caught me by surprise.Overall it's a good movie, it's honest, dark, cruel and brilliantly edited. It definitely deserves more views than it has right now.
ssigal-1 Great storyline and it got more interesting and intriguing as the movie went along. It's an indie low budget movie and the production values reflect it but the acting and writing kept me more and more on edge. These are some very talented people. Arielle is getting very popular and I really like her other films as well. There were some bit part characters that were fascinating. The main "criminal" was done really cool and an accurate reflection of a New Jersey hood. I also thought the flashbacks were pretty easy to follow and there was one point in the movie where I finally realized what was happening and it made me think. One other things. After you see this movie you will always remember a phone ringing.
rdjan1 I'm a pretty harsh movie critic, but there is one thing I'm generally pretty forgiving about, and that is when people are trying to do something original. Even if the end product isn't The Godfather, I'll still walk away happy that at least a few people aren't trying to make a movie that's just like every other one on the planet.I saw Daydreamer at the Vail Film Festival, and in this case, I give a lot of credit to the filmmakers for making an indie flick that's a clever twist on a stale genre--that of multiple personalities. I don't want to ruin any plot details, but basically this movie could be considered to be the existential opposite of such films as Fight Club, and such classic stories as Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, or that of the Incredible Hulk.I don't mean to sound ambiguous, but let's just say that the filmmakers chose to take the story of a man who obviously has a bit of an issue with possible multiple personalities, and went in a philosophical direction than almost any other movie of the genre.And for that, I give them credit.As for the movie itself, it is shaky in a few places, but overall, very entertaining. There are a few scenes in particular that were interesting and had some actual, genuine humor sprinkled throughout the film.So I would recommend that you figure out a way to see it. Not sure whether it's got distribution or not but I know it will, and when it does, check it out! The performances, the music, and the direction are very good for an indie film, and the story definitely struck a chord with me.
Todd Schnell It has the look and feel of a bad high school play, where basic elements of pacing and plot were unknown to the producer(s). Even the name "Daydreamer" doesn't make sense in the context of the film. It's a confusing story that starts out muddled and gets worse as the movie goes on. There are holes in the story that aren't resolved, despite their apparent attempt to "wrap it up" at the end. The camera work is sophomoric to the point where I believe someone bought their kid a Sony DVW for Hanukkah and they suddenly thought they could make a movie. The actors are like so much of Hollywood today: models that look good on screen but can't act their way out of a grocery bag. This movie made my head hurt; not because it's nonsensical and hard to watch, but because someone actually paid money to make it.