R | 26 March 2010 (USA)
Ca$h Trailers

A stroke of good luck turns lethal for Sam Phelan and his wife Leslie when they are faced with a life-changing decision that brings strange and sinister Pyke Kubic to their doorstep. As Pyke leads Sam and Leslie on a tumultuous adventure through the streets of Chicago, each are pulled deeper and deeper into a desperate spiral of deception and violence – all in the name of money.

Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Michael Ledo Sean Bean plays a British bad guy and his twin brother in the Cook Co. Jail. His brother, Reese had a suitcase of illegal money which he tossed out the window while be chased by Chicago's finest. The suitcase lands on top of a Buick station wagon. Pyke, the brother who is not on jail is tasked to locate the money by following the cash being spent in Chicago (not realistic, but it gets us from point A to point B). Point B is Sam (Chris Hemsworth) and Leslie (Victoria Profeta) who have found the money. They are forced to give back the cash, but when they come up short because they had spent a few thousand of it, Pyke is not overly understanding.The film is self described as a "twist-filled crime thriller." There were no significant twists, and the "thriller" aspect of the film was more akin to a 70's thriller than the fast paced modern films, and at times seemed a bit slow. I didn't find the acting as convincing as the other critics and Pyke's obsession was unrealistic...but without it there wouldn't be a story.F-bomb, sex, no nudity.
Prismark10 The film looks like a cheap knock off of The Desperate Hours with hints of dark comedy and cheap racism. Just look at the way the Sikh character is treated and even Glenn the Plumber.Sam Phelan (Chris Hemsworth) and his wife Leslie (Victoria Profeta) are facing debt problems. While driving his old Buick a case full of money lands on his bonnet. With this windfall they quit their jobs, pay their debts off, buy a fancy car and things for their house.Pyke Kubic (Sean Bean) comes to town from the UK to help out his twin brother, Reese who was involved in the robbery and threw the money over before he was arrested. Reese remembers what kind of car it landed on.Pyke traces Sam and retrieves what is left of the money. However through threats, psychological and physical, he also wants the seventy four thousand dollars that the couple have spent.The film has an off beat premise has first Pyke traces the culprit by finding out who purchased an expensive car with cash. Once he finds Sam, he makes the couple retrieve the cash before he decides he wants to them to pay back every cent.The film was made before Hemsworth bulked up as Thor as Sam is rather bland although Profeta is very mouthy as his irate wife. Bean keeps things interesting as the smart villain who can get very nasty but the film goes off the rails as the couple end up robbing liquor stores to make up the shortfall. Surely Pyke would had realised he would had lost everything if he had got caught with them.The film looks too much like a straight to DVD movie, rather cheaply made and even though offbeat its only mildly interesting.
dragokin This is a movie that you watch, get some fun out of it and forget when it's over. And this is meant as a compliment.We might argue what the purpose of cinema is, but Ca$h has an entertaining story with premises that are mostly believable. The cast delivers an overall decent performance. However, with less known actors it would have been just one of many B-movies.Sean Bean is excellent and there is no need to elaborate on that. Chris Hemsworth reveals his limitations as an actor. When you see him in Ca$h you understand he's been a logical choice for the role of Thor which came out roughly a year later. Victoria Profeta was my treat in the movie. With her looks and skills i wonder where she'd been before and makes me ponder what it takes to make it in Hollywood.
Wizard-8 "Cash" has an irresistible premise: What if you came across a huge amount of money? If you decide to keep it, what would happen if the owner came looking for it? The first seventy-five minutes of the movie are pretty captivating. The beginning of the movie playfully jumps back and forth in time, giving us the setup piece by piece until we know fully who is who and what's going on. But as the movie goes on, the whole movie is stolen by Sean Bean. He is absolutely GREAT as the "fixer" brought in to solve the problem. He's not only a scary character, but he has a whole bunch of little touches (like pausing to drink from a kitchen faucet before starting a beatdown) that keep us interested in him and stop him from becoming one-note.Mostly because of Bean, I am recommending the movie. However, I have to admit that the movie has some serious flaws that prevent it from being a GREAT movie. We learn next to nothing about the protagonists before they get the money. When Bean enters their lives and starts terrifying them, they come across as more perplexed than scared. And although they own their own home, for some reason they don't get a mortgage that would more than pay for their remaining debt to Bean. The last half hour of the movie gets somewhat absurd when Bean forces the couple to rob convenience stores to pay the balance of their debt. Still, there's enough good stuff here to make the movie worth renting at your local video once it moves off the new release shelf to the catalog section.