Louis C.K.: Shameless
Louis C.K.: Shameless
| 13 January 2007 (USA)

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Louis C.K. is back on HBO in an ALL-NEW hour of raw no-holds-barred stand-up comedy! The creator and star of the 2006 comedy series Lucky Louie, performs in front of a live audience in LA at the Henry Fonda Theater. Louis C.K. covers issues near and dear to his heart like marriage, lying to your spouse, having kids and losing your privacy, and obligatory sex among husbands and wives.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
SnoopyStyle Louis C.K. does one of his specials for HBO. He's 39 living in NYC with his family. It's got his highly inappropriate writing style. It's masturbating and his family, and sometimes it's both masturbating and his family.The jokes are a tub of duck vaginas, hating people, bumper sticker "Tell your girlfriend I said thanks", bag of dicks, masturbating his 11 year old best friend and his daughter is a real dick.This is really sharp writing. He is relentless and he's a solid performer. He is so lovable that his vulgarity is actually endearing. I just love his amiable nature.
Long Dong I watched his previous two specials, they are all funny as well, but this one started a little slow, plus his canceled TV show "Lucky Louis" made me a little nervous, perhaps he is slipping a little? No such luck, said Louis, 5 more minutes, he got into his new material about "Duck Vaginas", "Hating people in post office", "Bag of dicks", "Having had sex with some pretty chicks and being their bottom", "Most pathetic hand job", "Being fat", "Asshole kid daughter" etc, I found myself laughing out LOUD, almost non-stop, I found myself thinking, "Louis did it again, I got to tell all my friends to watch this! Even my girlfriend who usually does not like vulgar material", this is simply too funny!Many comics makes me smile or even giggle, and occasionally you got people like Richar Pryor, Bill Costby, or more recently Bill Burr who can make me laugh out loud, but not throughout the show. The kind of HEARTY laughs that shake your entire body violently, you know what I am talking about? That's what this "Shameless" can do to you, what I felt afterwords is a little "shameful" as I suspect some people would feel since most of the material is dirty and offbeat, you almost feel a cringe as you laugh at it, but you just can't help it.It is simply a, to use a cliché, "Must Watch".
kiramcc Most comedy evokes a smirk from me. I actually laughed out loud at this entire show. I know a lot of people will relate to his stories even if they don't admit it! I would love to order it on DVD and send it to all of my friends. Yes, the humor is vulgar, but, at the same time it is real life. I didn't realize, at first, that this was the same guy from Lucky Louie. Now, I can't believe he doesn't have more of an opportunity to shine on that program. Maybe, I just think he is funnier talking out right about the fleeting thoughts that cross your mind. His style reminds me of an "R-rated" Bill Cosby. His depiction of events enabled me to visualize exactly what he was saying. Watch this show!
The Technology Teddy-Bear I've heard about, of, and from Loius C.K. on numerous occasions in the past from his work as writer and performer on various talk shows and his own shows and movies, but really hadn't paid much attention, other than enjoying the results of his behind the scenes work and seeing him perform occasionally.His work on "Shameless" is exceptional. Vulgar and potentially offensive to those who only look skin deep, but for those who hunt for true talent and brilliance regardless of the wrapping it's contained in will LOVE this incredible performance.I kept thinking of the notion of "fantasy" in so many of his stories and personal anecdotes, most of which are obviously as false as Phyllis Diller's face, but the delight with which Loius paints these pictures is absolutely mesmerizing. I found myself almost hypnotized by a twisted weave of stories that seemed to marry "40 Year Old Virgin" with "Pulp Fiction". As profane as some of his material is, it always seems "tasteful" and simply brilliant.If you missed it tonight, watch it on HBO On Demand whenever you want beginning on Monday.