R | 01 October 2010 (USA)
Inhale Trailers

A couple goes to dangerous lengths to find a lung donor for their daughter.

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Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
trublu215 Inhale pits a father against the underbelly of Juarez, Mexico in hopes of finding his daughter a new lung by any means necessary. It is one hell of a loaded plot and tries to be as thought provoking as possible but that turns out to be Inhale's biggest problem. It wants to be more thought provoking than it actually is. The only thing thought provoking about this film is the storytelling because most of the time you're left wondering what the hell is going on then we're given a kitty bitty piece of information that helps us get back on track and then it repeats itself for the entire final act. It is almost as if we're trying to keep up with all these characters without having a satisfying pay off. Despite this, Dermot Mulroney is very good in this film as Paul Stanton, a lawyer at a morally muddled cross road. He is by far the best thing about this film. While Diane Kruger and Sam Shepard give excellent performances, they're woefully underused. Baltasar Kormákur demonstrates his ability to deliver gritty and grimy cinema but fails to prove he can direct dramatic heft as most of this film is so shaky and unbalanced, it is hard to really be sucked in by what this film has going for it, the performances. Overall, Inhale delivers a good enough story based around great performances but fails to actually become as engaging and thought provoking as it thinks it is.
Bob_the_Hobo Paul and Diane Stanton (Dermot Mulroney and Diane Kruger) are living a comfortable life in Santa Fe, New Mexico but conflicted with their daughter's stage four lung disease. After months of waiting on the national waiting list so their daughter could get a replacement, Paul discovers a friend, gubernatorial candidate James Harrison (Sam Shepard) has had an illegal heart transplant. Harrison agrees to tell Paul all he knows, which sends Paul to Tijuana to find a mysterious Dr. Navarro, the man behind the curtain of illegal organ transplants. Organ transplants are just as dangerous and just as illegal as human trafficking, and can cause as much and more heartache. "Inhale" takes a regular family man and places him in war-torn Tijuana to try to save the life if his little girl using any means necessary, which makes you question his moral authority. Good films do just that, they make you think. Great films, however, leave you thinking. Dermot Mulroney doesn't usually play the leading character but gives a tour-de-force performance here. He is beaten and bruised on his journey but does not give up and held my attention throughout. The beautiful Diane Kruger is equally as good but underused as his frantic wife, tending to be a sidelines character who never gets her due. Sam Shepard successfully plays a slick politician, and the entire Hispanic cast, including the equally slick Jordi Molla, hold their own. The script has a few problems, mostly with explanation. Shepard's character's relationship to Mulroney's character is never quite explained. It appears they work together and are close, then suggests the opposite when Shepard is running for Governor. Kruger is underused, which takes away from much of "Inhale"'s potential. She is a fantastic actress but seeing her cry isn't enough. She's too good to be so one - dimensional, which suggests some of the film never made it off the cutting room floor. James Newton Howard's soundtrack blends seamlessly into the background, becoming a character in itself as it differentiates New Mexico and Mexico. The ending is perhaps the biggest fault of the film. The choices Paul makes throughout takes him to a surgical room where he is faced with an incredibly difficult choice. When we discover which choice he made, we are made to think if it was right. If we never knew, that would have left us thinking long after the screen went black. "Inhale" takes the organ trafficking debate head on, which is admirable. Yet the film isn't as good as the message it gets across.
Rich Wright What would YOU do, seems to be the central question here. In America, there's a waiting list for organs... And it's a VERY long one. Your daughter needs one desperately, and thanks to a certain illicit trade going on in Mexico, you may have the opportunity of saving her life. But there's a catch... you may have to suspend your moral compass, and turn a blind eye to conduct which is inhumane to say the least. Could you live with yourself knowing what had happened, if it meant your child got a second chance?I am being deliberately oblique here, as there are secrets I would dare not reveal. But sufficed to say, many people would come away from this film thinking that they'd made a different choice to the main character... Me included. But I could understand why he went along the path he did, and I respected that. I'll stop there, and just add that this was a competent thriller for the most part... nothing special but with enough action and drama to last you until you reach the finish line.This is the point where EVERYTHING that has gone before is overshadowed by the key dilemma. Like one of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to like so much, it is a real head-scratcher. Sometimes, there are no easy answers... 6/10
joefuzzy What would you do? Your daughter is about to die, your family is breaking apart and your wallet is big enough to afford a human life.This is basically what this movie is about. As boring that this story starts it really changes fast to an affecting one for everybody who watches this movie. When life saving decisions all of the sudden fall into the hands of a father and a mother of an seriously ill child you should expect to see heartbreaking drama. If then heartless people get involved you should even expect some fireworks. This is basically what you get here.I seriously recommend this movie to everybody who doesn't wanna see another softened Hollywood ballyhoo and instead likes to ask themselves questions about life and how they would react to certain decisions.
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