Wooly Boys
Wooly Boys
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Wooly Boys Trailers

A sheep rancher's visit to the big city triggers a mischevious adventure with his teenage grandson.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Silly_Whyte_boye BEWARE: If You supported Jeb Bush and his brother's Terri Shrivo's 'Right to Life' case, 'The Wooly Boys' is out of your league and definitely NOT FOR YOU!! It's film about getting busy living, here and now with dying with dignity when that time comes. 'The Wooly Boys' is set in North Dakota where men are men and the sheep are running scared in 3/4 time! Peter Fonda and Kris Kristofferson are fantastic together as sheep herders Stoney and Shuck. Although Kris has a pretty crappy opening scene, he shines as Shuck, Stoney's 'pain in the ass', yet ever loyal/lovable friend. I hope you'll agree, Joe Mazzello is an acting force to be reckoned with! I thought it's justifiably funny, especially in the wake of Terri Shrivo, to have the heroes committing numerous felonies, most with a deadly weapon starting with assault, two counts of kidnapping, The Mann Act, and grand theft just to get Stoney out of the hospital back home to live and die with dignity. Felonies must run in the family, Stoney's grandson Charles is a computer hacker with a chip on his shoulder and too much time on his hands. But, it is totally worth the price of the rental to see Kris Kristofferson cross dressed in a nurses uniform!
slyfox7273 The movie was not as good as I hoped. It wasn't bad but it was lacking. The story felt rushed, some of the humor was too obvious (there were scenes that were funny though), and there should have been clearer character development. I think it's a good film for children and older folks. I had hoped there would have been more film of the badlands and it failed to truly show the beauty of the prairie. For an independent low-budget release it was pretty good. At least it didn't make North Dakotans look like backwater hicks ( ala the horrible "Fargo" movie which was not filmed in nor did it take place in the city it was named after!)
theoldgit I enjoyed this film. It showed how a young city boy grew up and faced life, from being a spoilt brat he turned out to be a man of decisions and courage.The two main men in the film played there parts with feeling and i could belive in them.
gsquared32 This is one of those heart warming movies about a technologically advanced grandson (Joe Mazzello, "Jurassic Park") and a backwoods sheep farmer grandfather (Peter Fonda). After being disconnected for many years from one another, they get the chance to discover what the other one is all about. A supporting role by Kris Kristofferson makes this movie a must see.
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