| 28 February 2002 (USA)
Bug Trailers

A small boy squashing an insect sets in motion a series of events, large and small, that include a lost restaurant reservation, a drunken fender-bender, disruption of basic cable television service, and more than one relationship falling apart. One person's disaster becomes another's boon, and vice versa--because a man loses his job, a young girl becomes the lead ballerina in the school play, which in turn causes the death of a pet pig. These characters weave around Los Angeles and each other as seemingly mundane events fall into place, putting them on a collision course with a common fate and one heroic act of competence.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Pedro Silva I recently bought this movie and I do not regret having it at all as a matter of fact I am very please have this movie to add to my collection. Matt Manfredi and Phil Hay, movie directors, took less than one month to film and spent about 1 million EUR to produce this great movie. This proves that not only big productions make great movies.The title of this movie fits in perfectly. In computer language BUG means program error which causes reactions in computer function. Our reactions can cause these negative side effects, but also great moments of beauty. The vertiginous happenings in this movie start with the death of a BUG. A man witnesses the "crime" on the other side of the road...From there onwards everything gets complicated...I point out John Carrol Lynch ("Fargo"), Wallece, the man who cannot make everything right at all.
CYBERNET-1 OK so a 10 for a 2 1/2 star movie you ask?...well see this one and maybe it will make more sense.. Hitchcock never blended scenes together better....The film weaves scenes together flawlessly from the start and yet you don't get that scattered feeling you sometimes get when a movie runs you through the many characters it attempts to develop. You sense that the characters will show you something unusual about themselves and then they don't disappoint you when they do. Screenwriter/Producer Phil Hay's surreal tale of life, blended with an absolutely superb soundtrack makes you think more about the 6 degrees of separation in life than the movie by the same title...I will be looking for more good things from this producer in the future.
SickMission Spoiler alert! (Sorta.)I thought this film was really interesting, fresh, and thought-provoking. I thought the relationships of the characters were clearly developed and, with the possible exception of the closing moments, so was the plot.My only problem(?) with the movie comes in the music montage in the middle in which all of the sleeping characters are shown, along with their airplane seat numbers. This is a neat scene, but it occurs before it has been revealed that all of these characters are going (or as the case may be, not going) to Hawaii. I have to believe that this was intentional, given the care that was put into the rest of the film, but I can't really figure out for the life of me why it occurs.The only possibility is to imply that it is fated that these characters are going on the trip even before the decision has been actually made and regardless of what happens next, but this seems to rob the movie of its powerful motive and moral that any of a person's actions in life have countless ramifications far beyond what they can see. Perhaps this, in the end is the true point of the movie, to illustrate the tense dichotomy between the power of the free will of man to make the choices he pleases and that of "fate" or as I see it divine sovereignty.
debbieb1 As a producer of indie movies and a harsh critic of such, I have to say I loved this movie. It is funny and intelligent, well directed and entertaining. Hats off to the producers and directors for making a good one! I'll be watching for the next one. I gave it a 10.
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