Strange Bedfellows
Strange Bedfellows
R | 22 April 2004 (USA)
Strange Bedfellows Trailers

Two 'very straight' old timers have to learn how to pass as a loving gay couple after falsely claiming same-sex status to take advantage of newly legislated tax laws.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
aldona-1 Paul Hogan again gives us a great lesson of tolerance and respect for the world around us - let it be the surrounding nature, animals, other culture or just other sexuality. Perhaps this is the best way to wake up the good qualities in us - by showing our silly fears of all that is different from us and by laughing at these fears. And Hogan does it in a very straight forward yet subtle way, without hurting anybody. The plot is quite simple, and we can foresee some expected difficulties the couple may meet on their way to succeed, and even though we know there should be a happy-end, we did enjoy every minute of the movie and it definitely left us in good humor and we will certainly watch it again when having a chance. Last but not least - all actors play really well.
Chris Peterson I like a good farce. It's a very simple formula, you wonder why so many films get it wrong. It starts with a small lie... and then a slightly bigger lie to cover the first one, and so on and so on. The secret is to make the underlying situation very serious. In this instance, the threat isn't being "outed" to the township, it's taxation fraud and the potential of being sent to jail that underpins the frantic farceurs.I watched the DVD of 'Strange Bedfellows' tonight with my partner and we both laughed like hyenas throughout. Even though most of the plot twists are obvious, half the pleasure comes from predicting what's going to happen next, and then seeing it actually happen as poor Vince and Ralph are plunged deeper into their charade. Michael Caton is brilliant, and Paul Hogan shines too, a few slightly wooden scenes notwithstanding. The rest of the cast allows anyone who's grown up with Aussie TV to play a quick game of "Ooh, isn't that...?"The tax law reform which sets the plot in motion is very improbable - now moreso than when the film was made just last year - but it's clearly just a mcguffin to get the plot rolling, and it's not worth slamming the film for it.Some people have been saying that the film is full of negative gay stereotypes; since the only part of the film with "real" gays (as opposed to Vince and Ralph's hilariously inept mincing) is set in Oxford St Sydney on a Friday(?) night, it's hardly surprising everyone's all frocked up for a night out. The important lesson here is that once Vince and Ralph sit and talk with them and get to know them, the gay guys are just, well, guys. Which is pretty much the moral of the story. Strip away the glitter and the glam, forget about who does what to whom in the bedroom - if you just stop and look, people are all just people.I loved this - it's the Australian 'In And Out'. More like this, please.
owlpussycat2000 I did not know what to expect when I went to see this movie at a Charity screening last Sunday. What I saw was such a wonderful, hugely funny film that had me gasping for breath at various times during the movie.Hogan and Caton are magnificent. Hogan gives us the Hoges that we love and Caton provides a wonderfully acted performance. The two are just such a wonderful team and the comedy that produce together just made my sides hurt from laughing so much. The real joy from this movie is that it not only provides the laughs but it also gives a gentle message and touching moments within it. It left you feeling happy but touched at the same time.I thoroughly recommend this movie. It's so good to laugh that much.
Loubear This would have too be one of the best Aussie movies I have seen in a while. It has everything that works. The story keeps moving along very well, no dull moments, it doesn't try hard to get a cheap laugh and you can't go past the pairing of Caton and Hogan, two of the best. The best scenes in the movie are probably when Vince and Ralph(Hogan and Caton) are taught how to act gay and then hit the big city to learn a bit more than they expect! The soundtrack is also pretty good and a great aussie support cast is included in Paula Duncan, Allan Cassell,Roy Billing and Glynn Nicholas. English actor Pete Postlethwaite also plays the tax investigator sent to review their application and performs well. If you want to have a good laugh, see a quality movie then treat yourself to Strange Bedfellows, you won't be dissapointed!