| 17 October 2013 (USA)
Haunter Trailers

A teenager is stuck in a time loop that is not quite the same each time. She must uncover the truth but her actions have consequences for herself and others.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
themellly I just finished watching Haunter based on the number of good reviews on here (I actually didn't remember seeing any bad reviews) and now I'm really questioning if we all watched the same movie. There was zero character explanation, zero character development which left the story dry. While watching I was left so confused, left with so many unanswered questions. Things would constantly happen without any explanation why. There was no explanation or reasoning for anything that happened in the film. I never write reviews, but this film was the worst I have ever seen. It's not thriller, it's not horror, it's definitely a lot a mystery (not in a good way), it's just straight up BORING.
Wizard-8 I picked the Blu-ray of this movie from my local library more or less as random. Sometimes this way of choosing a movie can have you uncover an unknown gem. This particular movie, however, left me with mixed feelings. To a degree I can understand why others here at the IMDb have liked this movie so much. The direction is very atmospheric, managing to replicate at times what a real life dream can be like. The production values are solid for what couldn't have been a big budget. And actress Abigail Breslin does very well in the lead role, playing her role in a way that's likable, believable, and intelligent.But as I indicated in my summary line, the script for this movie should have been worked on some more before filming started. It often doesn't make that much sense, with rules and events suddenly changed around for no particular reason at all. And what happened in the past to put Breslin's character and her family in their predicament doesn't seem all that clear apart from there seemingly being more than one explanation; I'm unsure how the killer got all of his power as well as victims in his clutches.Despite the script problems, I admit that the movie did keep me watching to the very end. Any movie that can remain interesting despite major problems shouldn't be dismissed immediately. If you're willing to put up with a number of murky plot details, you may find this movie of some interest.
Chase Young This movie has mystery. Things happen over and over again. It's creepy and why do things happen remains unknown. The plot is well written and the character's problem is spooky and mysterious. Why does it happen? How did the problem start? Will she get out of this nightmare? The way the main character(Lisa Johnson) suffers from this and is sad in the horrifying situation is unbelievable. The situation is like a maze with a puzzle. That's what made me stay focused and wanting to know more. This movie made me curious and kept me entertained. This is a great movie to watch if you are interested in things that don't make sense. I say you should watch it to learn how to get out of a maze that has time travel as the ticket out. Time travel is the only way out. But getting out is hard. Time warps are not fun for Lisa Johnson as long as there is someone out to get her.
rongoolie When I first sat down to watch this movie, I was thinking to myself 'Hey, this is probably going to be a lame low-budget horror movie. But it's only a couple days 'til Halloween, so watch it for fun and maybe have a laugh at the cheesy special effects, bad acting, etc." I admit I was wrong. This movie was absolutely awesome! I can't believe other users of this site only give this movie a 5.9 out of 10 (at the time I am writing this). The story was extremely well written. The Director did an outstanding job. Also, the acting was pretty good overall. Especially the acting of the main girl. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. It was perfect! So perfect that I'm going to have to buy myself a copy.