The Wicked
The Wicked
NR | 30 April 2013 (USA)
The Wicked Trailers

A Group of teenagers test the legend of an immortal witch and get more than they bargained for. It's almost Halloween and six young people, spooked but not undaunted by the folklore surrounding an old haunted house, make their way to the abode of the legendary Wicked, perhaps hoping to provoke the malevolent witch, but clearly not prepared for what they've certainly unleashed.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
metalrage666 Yet another modern horror let down by a cast of morons. If you love having every single horror movie full of asinine teenagers and adults who act like teenagers then this poor excuse for a movie will be right up your alley. The Wicked is a ho-hum tale of a legendary witch that preys on kids. Deep in the local woods lies a dilapidated house which is the focal point of teenage pranks. It seems the trick is to throw rocks at the house getting as close as possible to the windows without breaking the glass. If a window gets smashed then this obviously upsets the witch who instead of just sending you a bill or claiming on insurance, comes after you and kills you; and that's pretty much it. A group of vapid teenagers decide to get together for a camping trip of drinking, smoking and pre-marital sex and also to test the legend of the witch house as they had heard stories going back years of kids who mysteriously went missing. So on throwing their rocks a windows gets smashed and after seeing a shadow or shape moving around, they all freak out and run off. The witch ends up hunting them all down. Those that don't end up in the meat grinder and summarily eaten by the witch, defeat her by setting her on fire and locking her in her own dungeon. This movie is bad from start to finish with poor acting, lame dialogue, questionable special effects and the typical "this is not really over" ending. There isn't anything remotely good about this and I'm beginning to question whether or not I'll ever see even a half-way decent modern horror movie ever again. The formulaic approach to fill every movie with idiotic teenagers wore out its welcome about 25 years ago or more and it doesn't look like this will change any time soon. It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly so- called friends turn against friends or lovers turn against each other as soon as they get a little freaked out or scared. One brainless scene has the witch confronting them out in the woods so they abandon each other and run off in different directions, getting picked off one by one. The Wicked seems to go from one idiotic scene to another, never really making a great deal of sense in the process. It's a forgettable movie with an equally forgettable cast, so don't waste your time.
Randal This is a typical teen slasher flick, pretty girls, handsome normal guys, a couple smart people, others rather dumb, enough likable characters to feel a bond. Only the producers actually bothered to interject an unusual take on the killer. I like that.For entertainment - meaning zoning out of the real world filled with professional liars running fake national news operations and nudging the country into humanist neo-communism for happy ignorant airheads - the plot, acting and pace pulled me in for the entire ride. Tons of movies get higher ratings from viewers though are far inferior to this product that is pulling in a 3.7 out of 10 overall at IMDb.On the flip side, I could easily have gotten the point in one part minus quite the level of visual bloodshed. Otherwise, no major complaints at all. I wrote this tiny blurb to help balance out the harsh comments by critics of a rather fine film.
chandrav Be as wary of the 1 ratings as the 9s! This is NOT the worst movie ever made, as some people are trying to say or even the worst horror movie ever made! Neither is it the best movie ever, I'm not saying that, but i feel many of the reviews are simply unfair and for some reason biased. You want to see a TRULY bad movie, watch Contagio (directed by Steve Session, OMG, now THAT is a bad movie!!!!!). The acting in The Wicked is not bad, again, not sure why some reviewers say they are. They're solid, the movie hangs together...I do wish the ending had been better. It's low budget, but not as low as many others I've seen. It doesn't look like it was made with a camera phone, which seems to be the usual horror fare these days! It was a little trite and not as scary as I'd hoped, but enjoyable overall. I suspect the really bad reviewers have some sort of beef with someone related to this film.
bradleybean86 I dislike having to write negative reviews. I also love (most) movies that contain evil witch lore, and was hoping this movie would be entertaining like some other reviewers had promised. Sadly, it is not. I will say that the movie does do a good job of appearing to be well-made, but also contradicts itself in some of the worst ways possible. There is decent camera-work, lighting, and cinematography. The actors are NOT as bad as most cast-type teenagers (the characters are pretty flat and boring however.)The only reason I felt I should give it a chance was the promise of 'Gore' and some decent Fantasy inspired effects. The CGI special effects are simply put, terrible. We're talking default rendering presets that aren't shaded or blended correctly and simply look hideous. There is also about 10 seconds of RELATIVE 'gore' but simply put, it's lame and uncreative. The movie fails to create any suspense or even startle the viewer which is usually the foundation of a good horror movie. The entire movie also takes place at night in the woods (yawn) so there are no sets or practical scenarios (i think had they expanded some of the scenes to take place in practical every-day places it might have worked better for the suspense element.) But they choose to enter the exact same haunted witch house (at least 7 separate times after escapting) and run a muck through the woods, then back to the house again each time a different friend disappears. I am also at a loss to understand how a house that's been abandoned for 100's of years has cans of aerosol spray.Do yourself a favor and dig up 'Dead Silence' 'Superstition' or 'Darkness Falls' Darkness falls is only rated pg-13 (which is usually a deal breaker for me) but is still about 100 times better than 'The Wicked'