Spirit Trap
Spirit Trap
R | 12 August 2005 (USA)
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When five young students move into an old unoccupied mansion an inexplicable chain of events is set into motion as a mysterious spirit clock begins to tick again. As the story unfolds, revealing each student's dark secrets, the boundary between the real world and the afterlife is no longer clear. Will they find a way to escape or will they be trapped with the spirits forever?

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
slayrrr666 "Spirit Trap" is a thoroughly boring and hardly-worthwhile ghost effort.**SPOILERS**Needing a home for rent, students Jenny, (Billie Piper) Tom, (Luke Mably) Adele, (Emma Catherwood) Nick, (Sam Troughton) and Tina, (Alsou) move into a huge London flat and meet up with each other, settling into their rooms. Going through the belongings left behind after getting acquainted, they find an old Quija Board and decide to give it a shot, which starts to upset some of them. As the night goes on, they all suddenly experience a series of strange events that are initially blamed on each other, but they soon realize that something may be inside the house with them, and after knowing there's a ghost involved in the proceedings, try to solve the mystery involving them and get out alive.The Good News: There was very little that actually had anything worthwhile to it. The ending to the film is actually enjoyable, as there's the full revelation of the ghostly mystery with some nice action and the full explanation of everything comes off rather well and has some rather fun scenes to it. From the scenes of the psycho stalking them around the cavernous, impressive-looking and suitably creepy house, the race to fulfill the requirements for stopping the events from transpiring, these are all quite fun. As the different reactions of the past are inter-weaved with the regular action being rather fun as well. Overall, these scenes come off good and fun. The only other thing to work is that some of the different dream sequences are pretty creepy visually. Rather than simply trying to do a repeat of the action in the house, they're the only real indication something is wrong and it plays them for all it's worth, leading to some decent moments in the middle of the film. These issues are all the film has going for it.The Bad News: This is a severely flawed effort. One of the biggest problems is that the film is just too dull and boring. This one has such a long amount of time where nothing at all happens, lasting nearly an hour before anything remotely close to producing chills is even used, making for a viewing that lasts forever and ever before finally getting to the ghost action. That's not nearly bad enough, but the way it goes about filling up the useless time is where it makes sure to be boring, as the film decides that using up the time by doing absolutely nothing and have them walk around the house yelling at each other for their different methods, from their drug habits to past relationships to the demons plaguing them coming into the house, and this is exactly the opposite of what's needed to make these scenes feel exciting. None of them are all that interesting or exciting or even enjoyable, making the film a real chore to get through during these later segments when they come into the fore, making it seem like the ghost action in here almost an afterthought and barely in the film about it to begin with as it takes a back-seat to the rest of the film's subplots, which is a bad move all around. The other flaw to this is that the film has an incredibly convoluted plot that doesn't make much sense at all. The use of the clock has very little connection other than providing the resting spot for the clue to which it helps solve the mystery and the focus on it is a little hard to understand, the flashbacks to the past are so unnecessary they could've been dropped and nothing would've been missed and it has a huge flaw dealing around the finale, which is entirely too big to ruin here, but there is a rather big one along with the other flaws on display, leaving this one to be entirely disappointing.The Final Verdict: Dull, boring and uneventful sum up this one quite nicely, leaving little room for the few good spots to emerge. Really only see this if you prefer you're horror meshed with a side of drama, though those looking for some generally more adrenaline-soaked fare or aren't fans of those kinds should ignore altogether.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence, drug use, Brief Nudity and a mild sex scene
loopydalolo 'Spirit Trap' This movie severely disappointed me. I felt it wasted a lot of time with stupid and pointless story lines. It was very unclear on which story line it was on, which were the main ones, which had nothing really to do with the movie and finally it was horribly acted.The first story line that I thought lead nowhere and wasted the viewers time is the one about Nick and his late brother Sam. This story line did play a prominent part throughout the movie until the end when it just stopped. There was so solution or resolution. It just disappeared. I found this unfortunate as there was so much that could have been done with it. It could very easily have escalated into an exciting storyline and have contributed hugely to the main plot. Needless to say it did fit in with the overall theme of the movie.I quickly became confused with the main plot because again, it was solved. There was no result. How was Tom a killer? We are left to imagine his history. Fair enough, we are told that drugs are involved but that is all. Although we are only left to our own devices for about half of the movie until he kills his girlfriend, Adele.I thought that it was badly acted. I like Billie Piper and Sam Troughton but they did not perform well in this movie. They really disappointed me. I felt I was watching and amateur movie that was made as a college assignment or something to that effect.Overall, I felt this movie was a waste of a storyline, a waste of actors, a waste of time and ultimately a waste of a film!!
HumanoidOfFlesh Sweet-natured Jenny can hardly believe her luck when her new student accommodation turns out to be a sprawling,fully furnished mansion.Her housemates include a coke-snorting drug dealer,his girlfriend and a mysterious beauty.But Jenny starts to question her good fortune when a dusty grandfather clock suddenly whirs into action,summoning the ghosts of the house's former occupants and preventing its new ones from escaping to the outside world.Surprisingly dull teen horror flick that offers zero scares and very limited amount of gore.The acting is nothing to write about and the plot is predictable.5 out of 10 and I am being generous.
smiley-32 Spirit Trap. The new film starring Billie Piper as one of the students who gets caught up in what appears to be a haunted house..Along with her is Tom (Luke Mably), Tina (Alsou), Nick (Sam Troughton) and Adele (Emma Catherwood).Once inside, the characters meet each other and weird things begins to happen around them. Somehow the house itself begins to unfold when they come across an old clock. Strangely enough, it counts down towards the time when something happened 100 years ago..Soon the student begin to realize that they're caught in a Spirit Trap. Everyone is some kind of spirit trapped in some kind of time warp. In order for them to escape, one must kill another another to free themselves from the old house.For me, this movie got off to a good start but then as time went on.. it just went downhill.. I felt like this whole thing wasn't gonna turn out good in the end. I think the strength of the film was that Billie Piper took the lead role for this supernatural flick. Unaware, whoever wrote the script, should've been scratching his head and think.. just by putting more better ideas to the story rather than letting it go all sloppy..Besides, it would've been better if we see more flashbacks with more details.. I see a few ones where they just last a split second. With that, it just weared itself down too much. And really what lacks the film was the acting.. The characters in the film weren't really that serious.. It's more like what you see in the theatre..Well so much for that.. Somehow 'SPIRIT TRAP' didn't live to its expectations. I was hoping there was gonna be more, but no!I guess we all know why Billie Piper decided not to go the premiere..? Maybe in her case, it sucked!Well, all-in-all.. It's a thumbs down for me..! Sorry Billie, I respect you as an actress.. But you couldn't save this one.. A disappointing 2 out of 10!