Saturday the 14th
Saturday the 14th
PG | 30 October 1981 (USA)
Saturday the 14th Trailers

After his family moves to a new house, a young boy discovers a mysterious book that details a curse hanging over the date of Saturday the 14th. Opening the book releases a band of monsters into the house and the family must join together to save themselves and their neighborhood.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Northtribe3 I decided to watch this movie late at night maybe around midnight at Saturday the 14th (hehe yeah I know very clever) so I was quite tired and maybe should'nt have checked it out at this late hour but I found this movie to be very charming and cosy. The film is about a family moving into a house which looks like a big dump but unbeknown to them this house has a curse of some sort. The son in the family starts to read and look into a book and as fast as he do this the creatures in the book comes to life! Meanwhile the parents find a note in the kitchen left there by the prievous owner telling them not to open the book but they brush it of thinking it's a different kind of book, (im gonna leave it at that plotwise because I do not want to spoil the whole movie for you). Something which I really enjoyed about this movie was the numerous references to other horror movies such as Creature from the black lagoon, Jaws, Dracula and perhaps Evil Dead ( I say perhaps because Im not sure if Evil Dead came out before or after this movie). The humour in it was not the funniest ever or so but I would rather call it charming just like all the references and I think this movie makes a great job of that, much better than the movie called Student Bodies (1981) which had way to many jokes in it which just made it annoying after a while. The acting is ok and I say ok because some of them were good and some of them were annoying or terrible. I Think this movie is more aimed towards a younger audience which maybe explains why this movie was rated PG. If you wanna have a funny and entertaining movie to Watch on your own late at night I can really recommend Saturday the 14th just don't have your expectations that high. 6/10 stars from me
Sam Panico Real-life husband and wife Richard Benjamin (Catch-22 and the original Westworld) and Paula Prentiss (The Stepford Wives) play John and Mary, who have inherited his uncle's house in Eerie, PA. If that line made you laugh, then Saturday the 14th is for you.Along with their kids Debbie and Billie, they try and fix the house up. But they're opposed by Waldemar (Jeffrey Tambor, Arrested Development) and Yolanda, two vampires who want the book of evil within the house. Billy finds the book and with each turn of the page, he unleashes monster after monster into the house.Soon, the TV can only get The Twilight Zone, sandwiches, dishes and nosy neighbors all disappear and eyeballs show up in John's coffee cup. It's nothing out of the ordinary to our heroes, who seem blind to the supernatural going on all around them.Waldemar gets into the house as a bat, so they hire an exterminator (Severn Darden, Kolp from Conquest of the Planet of the Apes) who turns out to be Van Helsing.After a housewarming party where the monsters kill every guest, we learn that the vampires are the good guys and Van Helsing just wants the book so he can rule the world. The good guys - now who include the vamps - win and Jon and Mary get an upscale home while Waldemar and Yolanda settle into the cursed home.Director Howard R. Cohen also wrote The Unholy Rollers, Deathstalker and Barbarian Queen before choosing this as his first film. He also directed Space Raiders, Time Trackers and Saturday the 14th Strikes Back.Some trivia - every time you see Prentiss, look closely. She's hiding the cast on her arm, as she broke it before filming began.Also, this is Benjamin's last feature film as an actor, as he started directing with 1982's My Favorite Year.While sold as a parody of slasher films, this movie more accurately makes light of monster movies as a whole. If you're looking for other funnier horror films of a similar bent, I'd recommend Wacko, Pandemonium, Student Bodies or Class Reunion.I remember this movie running on HBO quite often in my youth. It's a pleasant enough diversion, almost an Airplane! version of horror or a Mad Magazine come to life. The monsters are way better than you'd think they'd be, too!
Scott LeBrun Real life couple Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss star in this crude and goofy horror parody from New World and producer Julie Corman (Roger C.s' wife). They play John and Mary, who inherit some property that turns out to be cursed. When their inquisitive son Billy (Kevin Brando) happens to open an all important book, he unleashes unspeakable evil on the house - and potentially the world. A non stop assortment of truly ridiculous monsters show up to terrorize John, Mary, Billy, and teen aged daughter Debbie (Kari Michaelsen).Also along for the ride is top character actor Severn Darden, as an exterminator with the appropriate name of Van Helsing. Jeffrey Tambor, in his second feature film appearance, co- stars as a vampire named Waldemar. As always, these two guys prove to be very valuable. The movie really does hit its stride once Darden shows up. He has most of the best lines.This is going to come off as much too tame and lame for some tastes, but clearly screenwriter / director Howard R. Cohen was going for a family audience. Some characters do die, but mostly off screen, and there isn't much gore to speak of - aside from a fairly nasty severed head. The creature costumes are hysterically dumb looking, and among those horror classics spoofed are "Creature from the Black Lagoon", "Jaws", and "The Birds". The finale is absolutely cartoonish, with sound effects accompanying all the face making that our adversaries are doing.Benjamin and the oh so sexy Prentiss are a hoot as the parents, and are ably supported by Tambor, Darden, and others like Rosemary DeCamp, Stacy Keach Sr., and 70s exploitation starlet Roberta Collins.It might be silly and infantile, but that's not always necessarily a bad thing, and this could appeal to any horror fan who saw it as a kid, or the young at heart.Six out of 10.
BA_Harrison A family inherits a creepy old house in which there exists an ancient evil book. When son Billy (Kevin Brando) opens the dusty tome, he unwittingly frees the nasty creatures imprisoned within its pages.I revisited this dreadful spoof horror after over 25 years for one reason only: to see if actress Kari Michaelson, who played the teenage daughter of Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss, was as hot as I seemed to recall.The good news is that my memory hasn't failed me: Michaelson is very yummy, particularly in her bath scene, which proves to be the highlight of the film, not only because it gives viewers the opportunity to have a letch, but also because it actually displays some level of invention (I'm convinced that it must have been the influence for a very similar scene in A Nightmare On Elm Street).Everything else about the film is as bad as I remembered: the script is utter garbage; the comedy is very hit and miss, with the emphasis on miss; the acting is dreadful; and the special effects are extremely amateurish. Admittedly, the approach taken by writer/director Howard R. Cohen and his cast is 'knowingly bad', but that doesn't make proceedings any more fun for the audience: groaning at a crap joke just ain't the same as laughing at a good one!