The Diabolical
The Diabolical
| 16 March 2015 (USA)
The Diabolical Trailers

When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns to her scientist boyfriend to take on the violent forces that paranormal experts are too frightened to face.

Micransix Crappy film
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
ilovemovies2016 Very slow boring start then all the horror comes at you all at once the flat line dead ending acting was okay script needed some work felt unfinished could have had potential but it flopped
Artturi Nurmi If a horror movie goes on for 30 minutes and nearly causes a split vein out of anger owing to its utter lack of talent and vision, it can't be very good, at least not for someone who actually loves the idea of a scary ghost movie and has seen a few that qualify. This "effort" was almost unbelievably bad, displaying pretty much every single mistake a horror movie should never contain. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Main flaws: there was nothing scary; the special effects were miserable; and there seemed to be no heart involved in any aspect of this film, except when filming the various attractive physical forms of Ali Larter, which seemed to be the director's main focus of attention.
David Arnold This film is exactly like it's title....diabolical. That may be unoriginal but it's a very apt way to start this review.This is another classic example of why you shouldn't take movie trailers at face value because as soon as I saw them I wanted to see this film. It looked like a really decent, creepy film and when I saw such low ratings everywhere I couldn't understand why. After seeing the film, I do now and unfortunately it's just the exact opposite of what the trailers make it out to be.Amazing how the studios can fool you with a 2 minute trailer isn't it? The Diabolical is VERY slow and sometimes I don't mind that in certain movies as long as the story gets your interest and KEEPS your interest. However, this is not only very slow but it is extremely dull to boot mainly because of the boring story. Actually, scrap that. The overall story isn't that's the execution of it that makes it boring and for a supposed Thriller there's not very much thrills here at all.I also feel that nothing is really explained properly at anytime throughout the film either. It just feels like it's been put together to allow the audience to come up with their own theories on what is happening. That works - sometimes - but definitely not in this case. It just poses too many questions and leaves them unanswered.Suspenseful? Nope. Mind-bending? More like confusing and mind-numbing. Chilling? MAYBE one or two scenes at the very most but nothing more.Honestly, if you're thinking about watching this film, I'd suggest you just give it a miss. You're not missing much if you choose not to see it and it will save you about an hour and twenty minutes of your life.
Phil Slattery I will side with those reviewers that think this is a good movie. The acting was good as were the special effects and writing. This starts off as a standard haunted house movie, but as the story progresses it becomes obvious that these are not ghosts haunting the house, but something from another time, which is somehow connected to a corporation that is trying to persuade the owner, Madison (Ali Larter), to sell the house to them.The story starts the suspense right from the beginning and keeps it building until the final scenes that explain what is going on. As another reviewer mentioned, this is not a slasher flick and it delves more into character than other sci-fi/thriller/horror films. There is a little blood, but not much. Nonetheless, the action and intensity built throughout the film and the film did a good job of keeping the viewer guessing to the end. I can't think of a way to improve on "The Diabolical" off hand, except to perhaps ramp up the intensity and suspense a little. Unlike other horror movies I have seen recently, this one did keep me awake and intrigued throughout the entire performance. I would say "The Diabolical" is a good film, but not a great film.