R | 08 August 2005 (USA)
Mortuary Trailers

A family moves to a small town in California where they plan on starting a new life while running a long-abandoned funeral home. The locals fear the place, which is suspected to be on haunted ground.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
rls0812 I picked up Mortuary in a bargain bin because I like zombie movies, and I seen Tobe Hooper directed it ( Poltergeist - Texas Chain Saw Massacre ).I thought this may be a half way decent movie, how can you go wrong with zombies ? And than the snore fest started. This movie seemed to go from one slow moving scene, to the next, building up false suspense many times, and at the same time failing to create a good atmosphere.The first dead body of the movie I almost laughed at, looking more like an albino Klingon than a human.What follows this, you may ask ? How about the movie attempting to throw in a comically inept mortician routine? Not funny, or amusing. After about 75% of the movie is over with, stuff actually starts to happen! Maybe they save the good parts for last.Nope. The main villain is cast as some evil mutant, but some how is clumsily revealed as a misunderstood mutant, who for no reason, turns "good" . The other zombie monsters are alright, though due to continuity errors, seem to have the magical power to teleport. Over all, I rate this move as a time killer. There is a thin plot, but often times I forget it exists. The acting is all right, though some characters ( like the sheriff )seem miscast. The set design is decent, though I can tell it's very cheep. And the one thing that bugs me the most would be, some of the decisions the characters make are really stupid, the kind of stuff no one in real life would ever do.
kai ringler i thought that this was a great movie,, most people on here are bashing it, maybe the reason why i liked it so much is that it's really creepy i mean you got an old old torn dorn dilapitated house,, an embalming room,, and get this a cemetery for you're front yard,, how cool is that. the idea of embalming fluid, blood, the septic tank not being pumped out in 50 years,, all that rain,, sure it's possible for that stuff to mix and go down the drain,, the girls in this movie were some of the hottest chicks i've seen recently in the horror genre, i love the idea that the mother get's sick, that seen at the table where they are going to eat,, love the scene where the kid almost get's busted smoking pot,, the two girls going after the guy in the graveyard,, absolutely creepy, and fresh, i just don't understand what's not too like from this movie.. thumbs up all the way.
Mike B. Finally Tobe is back to his roots AND he is back to get even! I think this is a good movie 'cause if you like Tobe's earlier work you will love this. He is back where it all began for him, and he is doing gooood!I've got the same feeling for this movie as I got from seeing "Texas chainsaw..." and thats a long wait I think. Hopefully he will keep on doing movies like this one 'cause i wanna feel that again and again. The feeling that the 80's slasher/zombie genre is not dead and hopefully it will grow stronger.Hope more movies like this one is going to be made in the future. I'll watch them anyway (with a big smile on my lips :-) ).He's BAAAACK!!
homecoming8 Tobe Hooper is best known for 2 horror-classics: Texas Chain Saw Massacre(1974) and Poltergeist(1982). Although, he had some help from Spielberg on the second one. But that was a long time ago. His remake on Toolbox Murders was not a great film but with Mortuary he hits a new low. Since the story takes place in and around a mortuary, he must have thought: that is scary enough. So no exciting story with thrills. In the first half, nothing happens at all, and the characters are annoying and very irritating at times. Miss Crosby once starred in the great Pet Sematary (but that was also a long time ago...) The effects in the second half are rather fake, some are o.k. but overall they are not convincing (like the entire cast for that matter).I'm still wondering why I finished watching til the end, I guess I had some hope considering it was a Tobe Hooper movie. But I really hope he has retired since this turkey..