Snake Island
Snake Island
R | 01 August 2002 (USA)
Snake Island Trailers

A group of American tourists heading down an African river make a brief stop at Snake Island, an island that has been virtually abandoned for years. When they end up getting trapped on the island overnight, they find thousands of deadly snakes intent on reclaiming the tropical island for themselves.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Platypuschow 2002 was not a great movie year, being a big ol'nerd I like analytics and 2002 is right down there on the yearly rankings.This was a pick and mix movie and I was happy to immediatly see William Katt on the credits, this is an underrated actor who is among my favorites.It tells the story of a group of tourists who get stuck on "Snake Island". And in a really unpredictable turn of events they gradually get picked off by *Drumroll* snakes!It's main flaw is the lack of consistency, is it a horror or a comedy? It flits from serious to silly within the space of a single scene. In fact some scenes are so ridiculous it pretty much flatlines the entire film.The wildlife shots are great, Katt is on form and the film certainly has its moments but I'm left feeling they perhaps should have just gone all out and made this a comedy film.Forgettable nonsense.The Good:Some fantastic wildlife footageWilliam KattThe Bad:Gets a bit silly in placesCliched to hellThings I Learnt From This Movie:If you have a phobia of snakes it makes perfect sense to go to a place called Snake IslandIt's not a party until a girl randomly takes her clothes offIf you need to hunt and kill innocent creatures to get a happy, start with yourself
GL84 Arriving in South Africa, tourists stopping off at a small-time hunting location going missing one-by-one realize that the island has a long and storied history involving venomous snakes inhabiting the island and band together to find a way off the island.There was some good stuff to this one that makes it work. One of its best features is that it has a lot more action to it than expected, which is a lot of fun and helps move this one along nicely. One of the best encounters is the snake's attack on the bunker, from the rather fun image of seeing all the snakes come out of nowhere, ready to hiss and spit from out of every corner of the room and leading to a variety of fun methods in an extended battle that requires a lot in order to get them under control. The final charge to get off the island is another rather fun and enjoyable action, using several different terrains and locations, featuring great tactics from the encounter along the river stream to the rope-propeller escape along the mountains and even including the initial escape across the open plains on a lawnmower and it makes this rather fun. Aside from the action, it's rather suspenseful earlier on here where they go about on a night-time tour of the island and stumble upon a series of different animal encounters that make for some fun times, especially since the whole encounter takes place at night which certainly helps, as well as the early discovery of the abandoned camp which has a lot to like about it from the incredibly creepy outlook and how it's all presented together. The last plus here is the fun campfire sequence, from the nudity to the revelation of the island's back-story and the eroticism of the whole event, it all works with the snakes slithering around in the background. These here are what work for the film while there weren't a whole lot of real flaws to this one. The film's biggest issue is the use of real snakes in here as the inclusion of the numerous normal-sized creatures just doesn't do anything for anyone and makes them non-threatening instead. They're easier to get rid off and escape from, and there's just not much that the film can deliver in the way of bloody or gory kills. It removes the option of going for the really over-the-top and exciting kills that can be accomplished as this is pretty much restricted to just a few bite- wounds after the fact and the sounds of the dead snakes only, feeling remarkably dry for a killer snake film. The last flaw with the film is the rather weird dream sequence late in the film, where they involve talking snakes singing a nursery rhyme to one of the victims which is completely out-of-place with the rest of the realistic film, doesn't have a purpose and sticks out quite readily. Even though there's some really good parts to this, the flaws are enough to knock it down a bit.Rated R: Graphic Language, Nudity and Violence.
larryb711 Now we know where they got the idea of Snakes on a Plane. To put it bluntly, do not pay to see this movie. If you really want to waste 90 minutes of your life, then either catch it on cable, or get it as a free pick from NetFlix or Blockbuster. Do not pay to rent this. If you do pay to rent this, then you are one stupid individual. The acting was awful, the plot was awful, everything was awful except for the snakes. Whether they were real or CGI generated, they did look pretty good. But that being said, still this movie has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Even the nude dancing scene was pretty bad that I actually fast forwarded through that. Don't sat I did not warn you.
caveratfilmboy The opening says it all. You've just stepped into another one of those let down b-movies you hoped was at least going to be fun, or so it wants you to think. Snake Island, however, slowly slithers its way into your favor with a snappy dose of playful fun. In a day when the art of the B-film is dead, comes a b-budget parody at its serpenty finest.You could not ask for a better set up: A few tourist and guides get stranded on a insland in the middle of an Africa with a wonderful little get-away spot inclusive. What the owner fails to mention is the native myths of the island's deadly reptilous fiends. Let the paryies, sex, and untimely deaths begin.The genre is clear, formuliac, and far to predictable with the exception of one key element most movies of this genre lack: The snakes have personality. From slithering in to decide who to kill based on personality to some histarical dance numbers, these slimey devils have a personality more authentic than any low budget fright flick in decades. To those of us in the movie community that enjoy slapping fun onto the generics of genre, Snake Island presents the perfect getaway: A film with a true sense of its own hilarious antics.