R | 10 August 2004 (USA)
Creep Trailers

Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
NateWatchesCoolMovies Everyone has, at some point, wondered what lurks in dark corners and abandoned tunnels within a city's underground subway system. Well Franka Potente gets to find out exactly what's down there in the murky and atmospheric horror flick Creep, and trust me it ain't pretty. Potente plays Kate, a girl on her way home from an office party in the heart of London. Harassed and stalked by a no good coworker, she dips into a derelict train, and her attacker follows. Suddenly, somethin crawls out of the dark, murders him and drags his corpse off into the night. Kate goes from the frying pan into the fire as she realizes that whatever this thing is, it's really not something you want to be stuck in a labyrinth of desolate subway tunnels with. I won't spoil too much, but the Creep himself is a repulsive deformation whose origin I'll let you see for yourself. The actor who plays him is terrific though, admittedly a maniacal monster, but almost a little bored and jaded by his situation and just dryly going through the motions, which proves to be oddly amusing. That's not to say he's not dangerous or smart though, as Kate repeatedly finds out, fleeing through the dark accompanied by a terrified homeless couple. Potente is riveting in anything, and she seems to seek out more intense fare to star in, always taking her performance to the extreme without ever losing that gravity that I love so much in her work. This one will put you through a wringer, all across the board. It doles out gross out horror, eerie chills and suspense in equal measures. Solid horror.
MovieSonic It was difficult to determine the genre of this film. IMDb tags it as 'horror, mystery, thriller' but it's not any of those. 'Horror' requires a certain level of intelligence to the plot and filming style in order to generate fear; 'mystery' implies there is an actual plot with some depth giving the audience something to decipher and 'thrillers' are supposed to be tense, exciting and suspenseful which Creep isn't. There's a psycho on the loose randomly killing people and there's not much more to the story than that so I'd classify this as a basic 'slasher' movie.There's a five minute opening sequence which sets the scene, none of it is important. The entire film is Kate (Franka Potente) running away from a mad man/monster. She meets people along the way who may or may not get killed (avoiding spoilers) and there's a bit of gore midway through.As a brainless slasher flick, watched with friends while drinking, you'd likely enjoy this as it's inoffensive slasher/gore nonsense but if you actually concentrate on films while watching them and you don't like wasting your time then definitely give this a miss.I'm a huge fan of Franka Potente and she's a wonderful actress but her acting in Creep during a handful of scenes was downright amateurish. It felt like she was there for the paycheck to be honest but she still managed to pull off a good performance, it was just a bit choppy.I don't understand why the producers/studio chose 'order of appearance' to list the cast. Franka was the (only) star and should have received top billing.Overall, this felt like a cynical money-making endeavour by everyone involved.5/10
Scott LeBrun Writer / director Christopher Smiths' "Creep" doesn't exactly re-write the book when it comes to this sort of horror entertainment, but it's diverting enough for what it is. It benefits from the excellent atmosphere of its various settings & locations, and Smiths' pacing is quite good throughout. Commendably, the nature of the menace (as well as their appearance) is revealed just a bit at a time, and when it comes to motivation, Smith is content not to over explain things. The gore is enjoyable, what there is of it; apparently a truly uncut version of this is available overseas.Franka Potente of "Run, Lola, Run" fame stars as Kate, a young woman trapped in a subway station when she sleeps just long enough to miss a train. It doesn't take that long for her to realize that something is seriously wrong, when Guy (Jeremy Sheffield), a lecher at her place of employment, is attacked by someone or something. Kate makes the acquaintance of Jimmy (Paul Rattray) and Mandy (Kelly Scott) in her travels (and chases) through the London subway system.Horror fans should find enough here to keep themselves reasonably satisfied. "Creep" can compare fairly well to similarly themed genre fare such as "Deathline" (a.k.a. "Raw Meat") and "End of the Line" as well as a memorable sequence in "An American Werewolf in London". The acting is good from everybody concerned. Also in the cast are Vas Blackwood as George, Ken Campbell as Arthur, Joe Anderson as a male model, Morgan Jones as a night watchman, and Sean Harris as our antagonist who does indeed live up to the word creep. That inhuman shrieking is pretty damn unnerving.All in all, this kills time easily enough, even if it is ultimately too predictable in the end.Seven out of 10.
MattyGibbs This is a relatively low budget but enjoyable horror from a promising director. The action is set in the London underground which makes for an unusual and grim setting.The acting is more than passable for a low budget film and the monster is suitably creepy. There are plenty of good set pieces and whilst not overly scary it is tense and gory enough to satisfy horror fans. I am surprised at the low rating of this film, I have seen far worse similar films and most people I know who have seen this film enjoyed it. If you like British horror and want something easy to watch then this film won't let you down.