Christmas Evil
Christmas Evil
R | 01 November 1980 (USA)
Christmas Evil Trailers

Garbed in his red suit, Harry, a toy factory worker, decides that the only thing he can do to save the spirit of Christmas is to become Santa Claus himself and make all of the naughty townspeople pay... in blood!

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Steineded How sad is this?
Executscan Expected more
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
vengeance20 Watched this after hearing how it got over looked when the controversial, if not great Silent Night, Deadly Night, 4 years later in 1984 got pulled from cinemas because soppy parents were protesting against the film of a psycho dressed as Santa going around murdering people! It's no wonder Christmas Evil/You Better Watch Out got overlooked, it sucked f**king balls! I mean it was slow, boring & had little to no action in it, & when there was it was either too little to late, or just plane sh!te! The effects are 50/50. If not 30 or 20/50 as they aren't even that satisfying being 180% honest!The story follows a young lad who is scared for life after he sees his mum having oral sex with Santa (his dad) after this he doesn't see Santa let alone Christmas in the same way again! He then has a very slow X100 meltdown about this grim childhood experience!The story dragged for 90 odd minutes & again could've had a better body count as it lacked badly. By about 50 minutes into the film, something happened but it was not only too little too late! But it was badly done that event Halloween 1978 was better than this sh!te! With only 3 body counts vs 90 minutes of pure & utter boredom, this film sucked balls! Too much story & lack of action which makes Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 2014 way better than this sh!te! It sucked so bad I found it painful & tortures to watch it was that bad!!Overall I give this a 1/10 it was sh!te!
Woodyanders Meek middle-aged toy factory worker Harry Stadling (superbly played with heartbreaking pathos and conviction by Brandon Maggart) has a decidedly unhealthy fixation on Santa Claus: He lives in a home adorned with a motley array of St. Nick-themed items, tries to get his indifferent coworkers to take pride in the toys that they manufacture, and even spies on the neighborhood kids with binoculars and keeps tabs on their behavior in a series of ledgers. However, one fateful Christmas Eve Harry has a severe mental meltdown and goes dangerously off the deep end with his Santa obsession.Those expecting a typical and conventional slice'n'dice body count opus will be seriously disappointed; instead writer/director Lewis Jackson offers something much better and more ambitious: A quirky, vivid, and often darkly humorous psychological character study of a deeply tragic and troubled soul who elicits from the viewer a complex blend of fear and pity. Best of all, Jackson not only grounds the premise in a thoroughly believable workaday blue collar reality, but also provides a handy helping of spot-on stinging social commentary on the crass commercialization of the yuletide season. Moreover, this film delivers a wonderful wealth of inspired oddball moments: A raucous Christmas office party that degenerates into a drunken fracas, Harry marking a bratty kid's house with muddy hand prints, Harry happily dancing at another Christmas party (Harry's speech to a bunch of little children at this particular party is an absolute loopy hoot!), Harry getting stuck in a chimney, Harry being chased by an angry torch-wielding mob, a police station line-up of sidewalk Santas, and a truly bonkers magical ending that's probably all in Harry's unbalanced head.While Maggart clearly dominates the movie with his top-notch portrayal of a fascinatingly sincere and well-meaning, yet still lethal and unhinged individual, he nonetheless receives sturdy support from Jeffrey DeMunn as Harry's fed-up long-suffering younger brother Philip, Dianne Hall as Philip's more sweet and tolerant wife Jackie, Joe Jamrog as lazy and irresponsible coworker Frank, and Peter Friedman as callous executive Mr. Grosch. Philip Cosnoff does a wickedly dead-on caricature of Geraldo Rivera as preening television reporter Ricardo Bauma. Popping up in small parts are such familiar faces as Mark Margolis, Patricia Richardson, Rutanya Alda, and Raymond J. Barry. Kudos are also in order for Ricardo Aronovich's lustrous cinematography and the wonky electronic score by Joel Harris, Julia Heyward, and Don Christensen. A marvelously singular treat.
Leofwine_draca Christmas Evil is a rather uninteresting black comedy about a homicidal Santa Claus who takes his role to murderous levels. It start off promisingly enough as a kid witnesses his mother engaged in a rather intimate situation with Father Christmas and later self harms. Years later, he goes on a rampage at Yuletide.The problem with this low budget production is that it's very slow and not much happens. It's a full 50 minutes before we get any horror scenes and even those are weak in the extreme. The acting is poor and the tone is off too - half of this seems to be designed as a black comedy, but the problem is that it's neither funny nor interesting.Christmas Evil didn't do anything for me at all, and that cheesy joke ending is the sour cherry on top. It's probably the worst Christmas-themed "horror" movie in existence.
Bezenby Harry loves Christmas, maybe a little too much. His house is decorated for the festive period all year round, and he constantly sings Christmas songs. He's also an employee at a local toy factory and keeps an eye on the local kids to see who's good and who's bad (he keeps both bad and good books in his house). Harry's problem is that he's a good guy trapped in a world full of arseholes who constantly take advantage of his good side. Like the guy in his work who dupes him into working a shift, or the new management who couldn't care less about Christmas. What's a guy to do? Well, Harry's not the most stable person, and gradually loses his mind as he sees the true meaning of Christmas being forgotten in amongst all the money grabbing and bad kids. So, being a big Christmas fan, he decides to 'become' Santa so that everyone gets what they deserve, good kids and bad kids, and good adults and bad adults.He glues his beard on, paints a sleigh on his van and…well I won't say much else. There's not much horror in this film, beside a couple of killings (mainly folks who don't like Santa), plus a fair amount of pathos and touching moments as Harry really does play the Santa bit to the full for the kids. Sadly most of the adults don't understand and the cops are out to get him. Throw in a torch bearing mob and a weird ending and you've got a film that's a must-see. Part horror, part drama and all round weird tale with quite a bit of emotion, Christmas Evil stands out as a film that's hard to categorise, but that's what makes it so good in the first place. A real gem.
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