NC-17 | 04 December 2004 (USA)
Murder-Set-Pieces Trailers

Set against Sin City, Las Vegas, a fashion photographer whose vocation is murder becomes a voyeuristic nightmare of blood, sex, and brutality.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bbickley13-921-58664 I was looking for something more gruesome when I came across the cover for this movie, and also hoping that horror icon, Tony Todd was going to have a more important role in this film. Wrong on both points.Seems like the slasher of the movie is suffering from some shell shock but he's never been to war. He's just a disturbed Nazi who likes taking photos of naked women before he kills them.And thank God this movie had nudity or there would be nothing to watch and would have been an even bigger waist of time than it already was. Nudity is always a good trick to make sure people watched your movie.Although I did like the angle of the little girl trying to convince her sister that something is wrong with her disturbed Nazi boyfriend, but of course big sis can't see it cause she's in love with the man taking care of the two of them. It brings a down to earth vibe to the flick. Something I can relate to more than the killer Nazi whose head the movie tries to get into but ends up going over my head. He seems to be working out some mommy issues but I do not care.The part of the movie that was interesting which was the little girl was not used enough in my taste.Don't fall for the allure of the poster, It's nothing like the movie, and there's not enough naked breast to get a recommendation out of me.
Nitzan Havoc Oh. My. God.Blood. Gore. Violence. Brutality. Sadism. Pain. Torture. Humiliation. And of course, sex.I don't even know where to begin or how to remotely address the 90 minutes I've just gone through. The two dominating scene types in this film are naked women with big breasts being brutally raped, and naked women with big breasts getting cut/beaten/choked to death. This film has more blood in it than the entire population of America. And as if that isn't enough - the sadistic psychotic misogynistic killer is also a Nazi. I'm shocked and appalled. Mission accomplished, Palumbo, you sick twisted f***.I'll attempt a little objectivity for the sake of a well written review, but forgive me if I fail, as I have no motivation what so ever to succeed.I guess that in a way you could say this was "hipster horror" showing a very very sick way of "art", De-Sade style. I guess showing us all these terrible horrible revolting scenes of blood, rape and slaughter was maybe an innovative way of depicting the sick sadistic mind of a sick sadistic man. Many many films tried to make an audience understand the sickness of the truly sadistically insane. This film aced it, and not in a good way (is there a good way for such a thing?)I've read many complaints about plot holes - I didn't actually notice them, I actually thought the story was told in a good way, in a "by the way" kind of manner through the murders and events in the killer's everyday life.As for acting - I can't really judge based on such a film, but the female characters did scream and "suffer" in a very convincing way (except for the little girl who was very unconvincing and amateur, especially in the final 10 minutes.Everything about this movie was sick and sickening. I don't know if this fact makes this film worthy of a 10 or a 1, as I'm not sure what scale to use with such a film. Settle for a 5, as I am more shaken up now then I've ever been after a Horror film. Heck, I didn't want to watch Hostel on account the "troubling" scenes, but now? It would be like Disney. All I can say is this: if you watch this film and truly have a good time - there's something horribly wrong with you.
Stephen McDermott I could have made this better and I am not a director.But after recently seeing A Serbian Film, I am left shocked, Horrified and disturbed. I am a great fan of the horror genre, especially the efforts coming in from France, Asia and beyond while rating Martyrs as a stunningly directed and beautiful movie with a deeper message than what you see on screen.A Serbian Film though will shock and disgust even the most hardened movie fan and strangely enough I cannot find it here on IMDb for some reason...I will not go into the plot but the key words are Paedophilia, Necrophilia, Rape, Eye Socket Sex (yes that is true) as well as Incest including the rape of a 10yr old boy by his own father while the mother is being raped beside him and mostly shockingly of all "Newborn Porn" which is a phrase coined within the movie and in no way reflects my views.A tough watch and I only managed 30 or so minutes of the center section of this movie before having to turn it off.I implore you, to be prepared to watch this movie and go in knowing whats in store. I know understand why Frighfest 2010 had it pulled from their line up.
shifty pee This movie really ticked me off at the ending. I loved the murder/rape scenes, at least the beginning seemed real. The acting in this movie was horrible, and what were they thinking when they planned the ending? The little blond girl? She just makes her way to the middle of nowhere and hitchhikes? Wow. I want to know what made the girl want to try to "save the day" with her stupidity. It was not bravery. I was ashamed of the directing when she actually went down to where the Nazi killer held his victims. Since there was rotting corpses, and stale blood everywhere, wouldn't the smell be repulsive? I didn't believe she would just walk through and not puke everywhere or pass out. Why was she able to get away from him? I mean, wow? Again, her back was getting slashed up and she was able to run away, I believe she would be in so much shock, she would just pass out. When he cut her face moments later, how was she able to be clear-headed and stab him in the stomach. From the moment where he was having that nightmare by the pool or whatnot, I wanted to stop watching the film. Even the chainsaw part wasn't realistic! This was terrible and I was disappointed.