War of the Colossal Beast
War of the Colossal Beast
NR | 04 June 1958 (USA)
War of the Colossal Beast Trailers

Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
mark.waltz Daniel Boone may have been a man, a big man, but he has nothing on Glenn Manning, the Army Lt. Colonel made a giant by a nuclear explosion. Requiring some anger management, the Amazing Colossal Man has survived the encounter at the Hoover Dam, and much to the army's dismay, ends up very much alive, even angrier than ever. In one of the most unnecessary sequels ever made, American International brought the character, if not the original actor, back, and it is a colossal mistake. Gone is original actor Glenn Langan (smart man) and in is Duncan 'Dean' Parkin, in one of his only two films. The fiancée has been cut out of the script and replaced by Glenn's sister (Sally Fraser) who was conspicuously missing in the first film. At 60 feet tall (10 feet taller than the angry female giant played by Allison Hayes the very same year), he leaves behind some huge footprints, and this is very disconcerting for the locales.Knowing that the teenagers who frequent the drive-ins during the late 1950's weren't really looking to the plot of a movie, but for infrequent breaks to get some oxygen back in their lungs after their own private activities, American International tossed these films out like beads at Mardis Gras. Some are guilty pleasures, some pretty good in spite of ridiculous plots, and some just pure garbage. This falls into the later category, and if you know the history of American International, you don't need to ask why. The bucks were guaranteed. However, if you're not in a drive-in, and looking at a film for either entertainment value or artistic quality, you will just simply shake your head. I'm surprised the army trying to find a way to trap him didn't shake their head when one person in authority told them, "We don't have facilities for a giant here!" And that is after they get the run-around from pretty every government agency, telling them to look for assistance elsewhere.I'll give AIP one credit here, however; The make-up for the Colossal beast reminded me of Vincent Price in the "Dr. Philbes" movies they made well over a decade later. Still, while those films were gory yet somewhat funny, this film is just lame in almost every category. The beast's voice sounds like the Aflack duck in a microphone, and the special effects are beyond cheesy. Even if the producers had taken more time in making a more intelligent script, it would still be a needless follow-up. "Even if giants don't run very fast, they still have very long legs" is one of the more intelligent comments which one of the supporting characters makes. Somehow, the beast makes it back across the border, terrifying pretty much all of California before he thankfully gets his final reward. The viewer's reward is the fact that this is only an hour which is still one hour wasted from one's life.
Lee Eisenberg First, I'm embarrassed to say that I've never seen "The Amazing Colossal Man", although I basically know what the plot is. So, in "War of the Colossal Beast", he returns with his face deformed and speech slurred. Of course, you gotta feel sorry for the big guy, seeing what he goes through.As can be expected, there's a major plot hole (how does a giant walk through LA without getting seen?), but we should just sit back and enjoy the complete silliness of the movie. It's a true representation of why director Bert I. Gordon is known as BIG.I hope that I one day get to see the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" version.
sol1218 **SPOILERS** After being hit by a number of bazooka shells and falling some 700 feet from the top of the Hoover Dam 60 foot Glenn Manning, Duncan Parkin, somehow survived and ended up, flowing downstream, in Mexico. It's there that Manning, the survivor of a plutonium blast, started raiding grocery trucks to fill his enormous stomach and keep from starving to death.It's when American gun club owner John Swason's, George Becwar, grocery truck was snatched by Manning with his young Mexican driver Miguel, Robert Hernandez, losing his mind in the process that the truth came out that the big guy was still around and causing trouble. It's Manning's sister Joyce, Sally Fraser, who by watching a news report on the incident suspected that her "Big" brother had survived in his battle with the US Army as was now determined to find him. The final evidence that Manning was in fact alive is when Swanson's dismantled truck was found with a giant fingerprint indented in it that matched the so-called deceased Manning that was proof positive that he in fact was alive. The problem now is how to apprehend him and bring Manning back to the US for farther study! In how plutonium rays effects the growth process in both man and animal!Manning is fit to be tied, and is, as he's brought back to the US, after being captured in the wilds of Mexico, in a giant US Army cargo military plane to L.A. Despite all the precautions to keep Manning, who lost an eye and half of his brain in his battle with the US Army, "tied up" he escapes, twice not once, from his confinement as he causes havoc all throughout the L.A district. ***SPOILERS**** In the end Manning just got sick and tired tearing the city apart and seeing that there's no future in him being the biggest guy in the neighborhood he did the only thing left for him to do. With him destined to go through life wearing a giant makeshift diaper, since there's no clothes that can possible fit him, Manning put an end to it all by electrocuting himself, by grabbing a live 50 foot power line, and did it in living color!The most unusual thing about the movie "War of the Colossal Beast" is that its star Duncan Parkin as Glenn Manning was overshadowed by actor Glenn Langan who played Glenn Manning in the previous movie that the film was based on "The Amazing Colossal Man"! In fact it was Langan, in a number of long flashbacks, that had more screen time as far more lines in the film that Parkin did! There's also in the movie George Becwar as gun club and truck owner John Swanson who three years earlier became immortalizes, in bad movie lovers circles, as the overstuffed and arrogant Prof. Valadimir Strowski in the Ed Wood bad movie classic "Bride of the Monster". It was Prof. Strowski who ended up being a victim of what the films star Bela Lugosi, as Dr. Eric Vornoff, called the "product of my genius" the alleged "Monster of Lake Marsh". Which in fact was a rubber motorized octopus with its motor conked out!
bkoganbing War Of The Colossal Beast takes up where The Amazing Colossal Man had ended. If you didn't notice the resemblance between the original Frankenstein and the Bride Of Frankenstein at least at the beginning of the film, you haven't watched many horror films.If you remember the Frankenstein monster falls into a fiery abyss from the top of the old mill. Colonel Glenn Manning in The Amazing Colossal Man is shot with an artillery shell and falls off Boulder Dam into a watery grave. Or so they think.Like the Frankenstein Monster, Manning is alive with some nasty unhealed injuries and a bad case of amnesia. So he's going around doing a whole lot of destructive things until he's captured by the military, then he escapes and does a few more destructive things and he's getting to be a real problem.Both the Colossal films were big in the drive-in circuit back in the Fifties. The idea of a man who grows into a giant because his pituitary gland is out of whack probably could have been treated a lot better. The Amazing Colossal Man was somewhat better, mainly because Glen Langan as Manning was articulate. Here Duncan Parkin gets to do nothing but grunt a lot.Sally Fraser is the sister of Manning adding a pitiful voice pleading for mercy for a man who's getting way out of hand even if he is her brother. War Of The Colossal Beast will give you a lot of laughs, but all in the wrong places.