Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
PG-13 | 15 March 1989 (USA)
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death Trailers

The U.S. government, eager to protect the nation's avacado supplies, recruits feminist professor Margo Hunt to make contact with the Piranha Women, an all-female tribe who believe men are only good as a source of food. Accompanying Dr. Hunt on her trip are Jim, a guide of questionable competence, and Bunny, a student of unquestionable incompetence.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
FlashCallahan The U.S. government, eager to protect the nation's avacado supplies, recruits feminist professor Margo Hunt. She is hired to make contact with the Piranha Women, an all-female tribe who believe men are only good as a source of food. Accompanying Dr. Hunt on her trip are Jim, a guide of questionable competence, and Bunny, a student who wants to start a feminist cookery course.......Getting straight to the point, the title is the funniest and most entertaining part of the film, a wannabe satire showing that men are the weak minded fools we've always knew they were, whilst at the same time portraying women as literal man eaters.So in a sense, it can be quite clever at times, but the depiction of men in this film belong in a Zucker Brothers comedy, rather than a wannabe scathing satire on the men are from mars, women are from Venus argument.The bar scene, where they are trying to hire a guide, just feels like it's from a different film, and takes you away from the narrative, much like the strange tribe scene, where Jim turns the men into real men.And then there's the never ending references to Apocalypse Now, calling the main antagonist Kurtz is one thing, but you really have to do something other than to have someone say 'the horror, the horror'.The stunt casting of Shannon Tweed is wonderful though, and it does have that familiar eighties sheen to it, but other than the wonderfully amusing title, it doesn't do much.
christopher-underwood This is really rather good and much under rated. Unfortunately it gets put amidst the T&A 'bad' B movie category where it just doesn't belong, although ironically it does begin that way with incompetent men and near naked women bathing in a waterfall. Once properly underway, however, this is a funny film with Bill Maher reminding one of early Robin Williams and cutie, Karen Waldron doing a perfect impression of Goldie Hawn. Shannon Tweed is surprisingly good in the main lead and works well with the others thanks to such a very good script. This is not funny like Airplane and the remit, social satire on sexual politics is a bit narrow but it really is enough to keep you smiling. The scantily clad women are something of a bonus but would be a great disappointment for anyone seeking this out for that reason, and hence, I guess , the less than deserved acclaim this film tend to get. Very much worth a watch.
haterofcrap Okay, I knew that this movie was going to be stupid (Like all those awful films that had the word "Cannibal" on the title) but I was expecting that this was, at least, somewhat funny.Nope, this wasn't funny at all. It was just...Stupid and silly, and not in a good way.Personally, I think that this movie was a waste of time: It wasn't so bad as "Cannibal Holocaust" or trash like that, but it still was pretty bad. Pretty bad.I think that the score of this film is way too high. It should have two or three stars, no more. It is just a bad, forgettable film.
Andy (film-critic) This movie was hysterical. This was the "perfect" find. As we watch over and over again films like Tommy Boy and Airplane!, we tend to think that perhaps that is all that there is to offer from comedy. Well, I am here to shout that you would be wrong. I suggest that everyone that takes the time to read this review should go out to the movie store and watch a film that always scared them. I do not mean a horror film, but I mean a movie that just made you say out loud, "I am never going to rent this film". Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death would have been my choice. Just by looking at the DVD cover art, this would not have been a film I would have wanted to jump up and down to see, but now after seeing it I have gained a new found appreciation for older comedies. The 80s were overburdened by "big-budget" comedies. Those that carried big named comedians, but there was also a few that slipped through the cracks. In 1989, this film was one of those. This was a very sharp minded film with a great cast and a flawless script. Now, don't get me wrong, this was no Vanilla Sky, but it did take a very heated topic at the time and create a comedy that didn't denounce the issues. This was, and will remain, a story about feminism. I asked Jen, my wife and feminist, if this film was ever shown in any of her graduate or undergraduate classes, and she replied ... sadly, "no". It should have been. This film demonstrates what feminists are striving for in the form of film. I loved this film, and so did my wife. I suggest this to anyone out there that is looking for that perfect "campy" movie that will make you laugh, never use your mind, and create a strong point for feminism!! Grade: ***** out of *****
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