Psychos in Love
Psychos in Love
| 01 May 1987 (USA)
Psychos in Love Trailers

A strip-joint owner and a manicurist find that they have many things in common, the foremost being that they are psychotic serial killers. They fall in love and are happy being the family that slays together, until one day they come up against a plumber who also happens to be a cannibal.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
C G This movie appears to be a weekend project that the team did in their spare time. It was recommended to me by some friends in college and I did enjoy it.The title of the movie explains the plot, and there's really not much more depth to it. It is like a very unsophisticated and non-musical Sweeny Todd. Definitely in the genre of Scary Movie, but not a spoof on other movies, it basically spoofs itself.Technically the movie really is pretty lame. Nothing to write to mama about with regards to cinematography, sound, editing. Though the performances were pretty good, over the top and over acted, but fits the style of the movie well.I would recommend this if you are with a bunch of friends, looking for something to ridicule. Having a few brews would also help.
shakespearian_1 Psychos in Love is a riot to watch. You can tell these people were having a good time making this movie. Of course, with a budget of only 70K, you'd better be having fun. This isn't REALLY a slasher film -- think Little Shop of Horrors- not REALLY a musical but a great parody of the genre! Some of the best moments in the film are good old fashioned improv. Partner that with gallons of fake blood, hysterical writing and you've got yourself a memorable Saturday night. I would suggest watching this one in a series of B-movies with some unsuspecting friends- play "pick the parody". Try not to become too addicted to reciting the best lines in the movie. I wont ruin it for you- you'll know it when it happens!
sexdwarf Ok, PSYCHOS IN LOVE is pure unadulterated silliness from start to finish. Not a moment of it is to be taken seriously and anyone who does take it seriously should seriously have their head examined. It plays out very much like a poor man's Troma film (if that's possible!) replete with lots of unconvincing gore and T & a shots. The two lead actors are a hoot and do their job very well. I especially liked Kate's character and how they made her up to look like Molly Ringwald. Plot is fairly simple: Two mad slashers meet, find they share a similar hatred for grapes (!!) and before you know it, they're headed for the altar! Amidst the romancing and killing, a cannibal plumber named Herman is on the loose. The sub-plot involving the cannibalistic plumber doesn't go far but then, you aren't watching PSYCHOS IN LOVE for depth and characterization. Herman comes to fix the psychopathic newlyweds sink, finds out they are killers, blackmails them and then. I had a fun time watching this thing. The jokes are extremely dark and subtle, and are almost always dead on. A real gem in a long line of slapstick comedy-horror. Recommended for connoisseurs of all things cheap and stupid.
greenie420 This movie really sucks . That is what makes it so good. The " I hate grapes" dialogue foretells that this is one of the worst written screenplays of all time . Even the sound effects are overdone . Ed Wood couldn't have done it (Better)? . Whatever. This is a must not see .