Behave Yourself!
Behave Yourself!
NR | 22 September 1951 (USA)
Behave Yourself! Trailers

A young man takes in a dog that turns out to be wanted by mobsters.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Tweekums William Denny has forgotten that it is his second wedding anniversary till he is reminded on the phone… he claims to have a present so quickly goes to by one. Unfortunately for him he is followed into the shop by a dog; the dog causes a scene and he ends up paying for the damage and leaving without a present. He gets home, still followed by the dog and his wife, Kate, thinks it is her present and names him 'Archie'. What neither of them realise is that Archie was part of a criminal plot; he was meant to lead one criminal gang to another… now they are keen to get him back. William intends to return the dog to its rightful owner but is soon caught up in events that see him suspected of murder as he has trouble with the police, smugglers and counterfeiters.This comedy is definitely silly at times; in fact it is silly most of the time but I still thought it had sufficient genuinely funny moments to have been worth watching. The story is simple enough but it is told in such a way that makes it understandable that everybody caught up in the events is utterly confused. Unlike most canine capers the dog causes so much chaos that it isn't a surprise when William does not end up loving the mutt by the end. Farley Granger does a fine job as William; he may overplay things at times but that fits with the tone of the film. Shelley Winters is solid as his wife and Margalo Gillmore is entertaining as William's battle-axe of a mother in law, in whose house they live. Overall this isn't a must see but it is certainly amusing enough and doesn't contain any material likely to offend.
Rainey Dawn Super cute film good for a few giggles and lots of smiles. Really good casting all the way around. Fun little story surrounding that doggone dog Archie - a Welsh terrier that causes more trouble than one could guess. A bit zany when you have a set of crooks, crazy police, an innocent couple and a dog.Bill decides to buy his wife Kate a gift but the dog ends up in the shop knocking things over and Bill ends up bringing the dog home. When his wife sees the dog she thinks it's her gift. Sound fine but the dog is owned by crooks and is trained to be a messenger between the criminals. Naturally, the crooks go looking for their messenger - and that's when things become a bit crazy.A fun film - great for a Sunday afternoon manatee.7/10
mark.waltz A huge cast of familiar faces are one of the only assets here, tossed together in this unfunny comedy about a trained dog who escapes from his master's voice and follows accountant Farley Granger home where his wife (Shelley Winters) assumes that the friendly pup to be an anniversary present. Granger is determined to get the dog back to its rightful owners which leads to a string of murders involving stolen money. Granger, of course, becomes a top suspect, perplexing the police because he really has no purpose in being involved.Winters and Granger share a nice chemistry with Margalo Gilmore as her stereotypical nasty mother who obviously hates Granger and constantly reminds him of her generosity of having them in her house. Bad guys played by Elisha Cook Jr., Hans Conreid, Sheldon Leonard, Marvin Kaplan, Francis L. Sullivan and Lon Chaney Jr. all seem to serve a purpose of being killed off in unique ways. The cops, played by William Demerast and Allen Jenkins are as stereotypically dumb as they come.As for Archie, the cute pooch, there's no doubt that he's adorable, but he's also a trouble-maker, getting Granger in more hot water with the mother-in-law from hell over eating raw bacon and even locking Granger out of the apartment. So when the dog takes Granger's dinner more than one time, you really can't blame him for picking the pooch up and taking a bite out of him. The screenwriters were barking up the wrong tree when they thought that this was funny.
morgie55 Behave Yourself! Not sure why the film is titled the way it was. I did want to watch it as I have not seen an early Shelly Winters film. I could only imagine an older, larger Shelly from the film "Poseidon Adventure." The film is a situation comedy of sorts. The early 50s version of situation comedy includes lots of misunderstandings, a mother-in-law doing Dianetics classes in the evenings, and an innocent man who (a) forgot his wife's anniversary; (b) had a run-in with a dog who is trained in finding drop-off points for smugglers and (c) is always at the scene of a murder or three! Sorry but the overacting was just too much. The comedy was not that funny to the modern viewer and the cops not really understanding what was going on as the stumbled through the scenes and the equally dumb gangsters with pratfalls and further misunderstandings – well! Stars: Fun to see William Demerist in something other than his "My Three Sons" TV series (from the Sixties). And Lon Chaney Jr. as a heavy was a sight to see. Shelly Winters acted as a clueless woman who faints more than she babbles on about her husband. The mother-in-law was a gem, how she accuses her son-in-law of murder and says "it figures" several times throughout the film. Unless you're a big Shelly Winters fan, probably not the style for you. Lucille Ball played this theme so much better. DVD: My DVD was from Alpha Video and did not have any features other than scene selections. Cast & Crew:Director: George Beck Writers: George Beck (screenplay), George Beck (story),» Stars: Farley Granger, Shelley Winters and William Demarest