Classroom 6
Classroom 6
| 09 October 2015 (USA)
Classroom 6 Trailers

A local reporter and her assembled TV crew go into a school haunted by a horrific past. The team spends the night locked inside the building, capturing any and everything they find.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nigel P Setting a found-footage horror film in a creepy school overnight is an idea with promise. There's something about the school arena, buzzing with life and mischief during the day, being unimaginably eerie during the night. The actors employed here are refreshingly dynamic without seeming stagey and have a naturalistic way about them. Unfortunately the seemingly improvised nature of their scenes often results in them standing around talking over each other, with little to distinguish them and little to distinguish their voices. That none of them seem to be saying much of any importance isn't terribly reassuring.When all cell phones suddenly run out of power at the same time their watches stop, it becomes clear we are on familiar genre territory here. The camera spluttering and the image distorting allows you to know that something frightening is about to happen, just as it has in other - frankly, better - films of this nature; but 'something frightening' doesn't happen for a very long time. Just more chatting and discussing with no great onset of fear - and little (other than an omnipresent tennis ball) to get worked up about.With a group dynamic, conflict can be an important and successful way of displaying tension. Such moments here arrive out of nowhere and are then forgotten, meaning anything built up by this dissipates almost immediately.The finale, when loud noises and disorientation becomes all-encompassing, is effective. And yet, it isn't terribly well done and 'Classroom 6' emerges more as a series of found-footage box-ticking than anything else. It genuinely saddens me to say all that because there's a lot of love and enthusiasm that seems to have gone into director/writer Jonas Odenheimer's project. The assorted actors give it their all, without ever the characters becoming too arrogant and dis-likeable. The end result is just not very satisfying.
isobellefox To date I have rated 1,026 movies on IMDb, but I have only written one review.I save them. I save the reviews for special cases.I also watch a lot of found footage. I have seen and rated 56 of them at the present time. I feel they help me work out my karma through intense self-inflicted suffering.This is my second review on IMDb.I know there are worse movies. There are. But this one is terrible. Everything about it is utterly terrible. It is an extraordinarily terrible movie.I feel that, because I endured it in its entirety, my karma is drastically closer to being expunged. This dreadful experience has brought me one step closer to Nirvana.So, if you enjoy terrible, terrible writing, terrible, terrible acting, and terrible, terrible camera work (even for a found footage "film"), or, if you feel that you need to have your astral body scoured clean by pure suffering, then this is for you.Otherwise, I recommend anything else. Anything.
manuelasaez I am usually a fan of found-footage for a few key reasons; 1. The acting is usually on par to many big-time Hollywood productions.2. The use of practical effects over CGI makes things look more realistic.This movie has nothing, and I mean NOTHING, redeemable, to the point where I am wondering if I should contact the creators and ask for my time back from watching their abortion. The actors are not competent enough to carry the film, and end up being more annoying than you would care to admit. Seriously, I wanted the whole cast dead within the first 35 minutes.The story has been done ad nauseam, and so much better by more talented individuals. There are no special effects to speak of, and the few moments where anything happens are so few and far between that you begin to wonder if this movie was just an excuse for some people to be seen some twisted vanity project.The worst offender is the neck-beard holding the camera; he was just an insufferable tool, and the constant shaking of his Tourette's like camera work actually made me nauseous, to the point of vomiting. Very rarely have I had this sensation of physically being ill from the movement of the camera in a film, and this a$$hole succeeded in that respect.The moral of this travesty; some people are not cut out to write, direct or star in a film, and the public should make it their duty to constantly remind them of the fact. DO NOT give this movie your precious time. You will regret every grueling moment of it.
inertiia I'll start by openly admitting that I'm one of those people who actually enjoy found footage movies, even this type of Grave Encounters mimicry, but this was not an enjoyable experience. The set up had promise but didn't manage to deliver anything but the worst of the genre. Too many characters confused what little plot there was and the scares (even jump scares) were non existent. The atmosphere was okay and i did like the way they chopped in forward flashes of things to come but overall it failed. It failed to follow story lines through, it failed to answer any of the questions it asked, it failed to make me care about the people and it failed to scare.It is short but when there are so many movies out there that do it right (or at least to a satisfactory standard) there's just no point in watching this one, it will disappoint.