R | 12 August 2016 (USA)
Anthropoid Trailers

In December 1941, Czech soldiers Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš parachute into their occupied homeland to assassinate Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
TheLittleSongbird Saw 'Anthropoid' as somebody fascinated by the story of the before, during and after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (a nasty piece of work who really was The Man with the Iron Heart), told from the point of view of the conspirators/assassins.'Anthropoid' takes a little time (a little too much) to gel and get going and some of the shakiness of the camera did feel excessive at times. Anybody watching the film looking for it to be historically accurate will, judging from the comments already made, be in despair. Stick with 'Anthropoid' though, don't be put off by the slow start. When the tension and emotion properly kicks in it is richly rewarding.Excepting some of the camera work, 'Anthropoid' is well made on a visual level. There is a claustrophobic atmosphere evoked that on the most part heightened the urgency levels. There is a real feeling of evocative authenticity, with attractive costumes that captured the era well, elegant interiors and very atmospherically grim landscapes. The music is suitably haunting and Sean Ellis' direction is very strong in the second half, at its very best at the end. The script is thoughtful and doesn't ramble or confuse. The story is gripping on the most part, with the second half in particular having a lot of heart-pulsing tension and emotional power. The ending is brutal, rousing and very moving, will admit to crying. 'Anthropoid' by all means is not an easy watch, then again considering the subject matter nobody should expect it to not be. It pulls no punches and doesn't hold back, making for scenes that are disturbingly harrowing. A great job is done too with making the assassins interesting and rootable. Anybody who knew how nasty a piece of work Heydrich was would find it an easy thing to empathise, those who don't know so much will understand their point of view very quickly without being manipulated to.Very good performances all round, didn't matter at all as to whether it was a starry cast or an all Czech one with subtitles (either would have worked). Cillian Murphy effortlessly provides the heart of the film in understated, stoic fashion. Jamie Dornan is another case of somebody showing that they can act if given the right material. Toby Jones is solid. On the whole, gripping film, although it doesn't get going straight away it is well worth sticking with. 8/10 Bethany Cox
iNickR Just to be on the safe side I mention that there are spoilers ahead. Although it doesn't take a rocket scientist or an expert researcher to 'find out' how Anthropoid ends, I'm just doing what I figure is best.Americans don't play the heroes and there is no 'Hollywood' ending (ok, end of spoiler alert).Anytime a Nazi gets killed is a good thing (fiction or IRL). Sure, we've seen similar stories in the past (ok, well a lot), and it's almost like there are limitless tales about assassinations or attempted assassinations of top Nazi personnel. But, what I like most about this story is the determination of its protagonists to accomplish their mission – not that they differ from anyone else, but the passion displayed by Cillian Murphy's Josef Gabcik is very inspiring. I am really empathetic to their struggle (and I have Austrian blood in me!) and I feel like I need to help in some way. Like any great soldier these patriots are willing to be killed for the better of humanity and/or their country.I also like that there is no American involvement seen anywhere. There is, however, very little mention of British involvement. The 'real' story is that Operation Anthropoid's operative's, although both Czech and Slovak, were trained by the British. Also, the Czechoslovakian government needed permission from the Brits before carrying out the plan (the Czech government was in exile in London at the time). When I think of Czechoslovakia I certainly don't think of James Bond or Jason Bourne type of planning and 'execution' for the better of the world. I mean really, Czechoslovakia? The home of Pilsner, small cars and a funny language carrying out an assassination of the 3rd most powerful man in the Reich?! WTF. Yes! It works, and quite well.Like the actual story, there are some blunders in the movie, too, but for the most part very enjoyable…in part because there is no 'Hollywood' in it.
denis888 ON paper, this ,ovie seems like an excellent take on Reinhard Heydrich's assassination in Prague in 1942. The plot seems to be very cool and then, there are awesome actors such as Cillian Murphy as Jozef Gabčík and Jamie Dornan as Jan Kubiš, so what can possibly go any wrong. WEll, there are good and weaker points. Almost all accuracy and cool play are deleted by terribly slow pace and unbearable predictability. Yeah, the assassination scene is awesome as well as the final stand in the cathedral - and main parts are all decent. But no, it could have been shorter, not in this sick sepia color scheme and not so trite in several scenes. And then, there are totally unnecessary symbolic scenes and very languid close-ups that kill all the thrill. Therefore, this is a very uneven movie with both weak and strong points to its merit. History buffs would enjoy certain accuracy, while Prague fans would love to see authentic places, but above that, this is just another war flick.
gulopap An absolute masterpiece. I might be a little biased since it's about my native country of Czechoslovakia (Slovakia after split up but i still see the Czechs as full on brothers) but goddamn i was waiting for this movie since before i was born.It even made me cry on like 2 occasions and the only movie that was able to do that before was Hachiko: A dog's story with Richard Gere but common whoever saw that and didn't cry afterwards or at least once during the movie is probably not even human