Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn
NR | 04 September 1942 (USA)
Holiday Inn Trailers

Lovely Linda Mason has crooner Jim Hardy head over heels, but suave stepper Ted Hanover wants her for his new dance partner after fickle Lila Dixon gives him the brush. Jim's supper club, Holiday Inn, is the setting for the chase by Hanover and his manager.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
vegasstanton I don't care when this film was made its wrong to perform in black face. Yes we are in a more politically correct society but that this is still insulting. I am sure it was insulting to black people when this film was made. Saying the "N-Word" was okay at one time but now its not! Just because things were once okay doesn't mean its okay now. I am not for censorship and I think this film should be seen by people who want to see it but I think a warning should of been put on the DVD before we started watching. I had no idea there was a "Black Face Number". Maybe there was more? I had to turn it off. My Grand children are black.
sakurapottery This is the movie that White Christmas is very loosely based on. The only real similarities are two guys, one of which is Bing Crosby, two girls, the white Christmas song, and an inn. It pretty much stops there.Now let me say this, I kind of get that a movie from 1942 might have some racist things in it. I understand it was a different time, and I can deal with the small stuff, but this movie doesn't have just small stuff. It has a musical number with a full on BLACK FACE routine by Bing Crosby, Marjorie Reynolds and half the wait staff. Not to mention the mammy character.The movie isn't all that bad otherwise, but I really feel like when you go searching for holiday films, there should be a note in a review somewhere clearly warning you about these things, so you don't spend your money renting or buying something as purely awful as this.
SanteeFats This is a great movie. Bing Crosby is part of a team of singers and dancers. When he decides to retire to a farm this splits up the team that happens to include his intended wife. She wants to keep entertaining so goes with Fred Astaire. When Bing comes to the realization that his farm is failing he goes to plan B. He only opens the inn only on the holidays. This leads to Astaire trying to find the girl he danced with the night he came there drunk. A black woman is finally cast in a decent, all be it still subservient, role. Her two kids are so precious, precocious, and cute that they rise above the unfortunate stereotypes of the era. This is a fun movie with lots of dancing and singing plus pretty good acting and excellent humor.
daviddaphneredding This movie, which is something of a Christmas tradition, has a magnetic appeal about it. Bing Crosby's singing is as melodious as ever, Fred Astaire is superb in his dancing. And who would not fall in love with Marjorie Reynolds in this movie? The Connecticut scenery and the snow, though all are fake, are beautiful and appealing. (I've seen both the updated version and the original B&W version.) There is a sense of escapism in this movie, retreating from NYC to go to an unforgettable inn in a provincial area. Who wouldn't want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and go to a place where happiness and serenity are found? It is hilarious in places, and thus is decorative in more ways than one. Some of the songs are favorites, such as "White Christmas", "Abraham", and "Happy Holiday". In the love story aspect of this movie, there seems to be great chemistry 'twixt Crosby and Reynolds. It is one which I will add to my Christmas repertoire, because it is such a wonderful movie.