The Spoilers
The Spoilers
PG | 11 June 1942 (USA)
The Spoilers Trailers

When honest ship captain Roy Glennister gets swindled out of his mine claim, he turns to saloon singer Cherry Malotte for assistance in his battle with no-good town kingpin Alexander McNamara.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
dfwesley An entertaining film made possible by big stars, John Wayne, Marlene Dietrich, and Randolph Scott. It was difficult to get accustomed to seeing Scott in a villain's role or Samuel S. Hinds, either, for that matter. You kept waiting for them to turn into good guys a little later on. Now one can never remember Percy Halton ever playing anything else but evil, or a grouch, at least. The scene with the three of them plotting and scheming, took me by surprise. Marlene Dietrich was her usual sultry self that we have come to expect. I hadn't seen Margaret Lindsay in a long while, and I appreciated her good looks and creditable performance.Did you wonder how Harry Carey could fire that single shot flintlock so rapidly? I don't even recall him loading it either.Included was one of the longest brawls you can imagine between Scott and Wayne. Scott was evidently knocked out but Wayne emerged bloody but happy in Dietrich's arms, as the film ended.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . by donning Blackface during THE SPOILERS and then leading a gang of civilians to gun down "40" (yes, I double-checked the exact number on this flick's subtitles) law enforcement officers! Just as he did nearly 30 years later in CHISUM, Wayne had a penchant for killing U.S. lawmen by the dozens in many of his movies. Most of the anti-police rampaging happens on-screen in THE SPOILERS, as Wayne's character spoils a U.S. Marshal's barricade with a commandeered train locomotive. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway never had such luck when they were BONNIE AND CLYDE. But Wayne pulls off this trick again as CHISUM, shooting up 36 sheriffs and deputies as a member of Billy the Kid's gang. This is why Wayne is the Patron Saint of today's "Preppers," and his flicks such as THE SPOILERS and CHISUM are the reason they all buy multiple military assault rifles with thousands of rounds of ammunition. Wayne has carefully drummed it into their heads that there comes a time in most every man's life when he and his buddies will need to kill off three or four dozen U.S. cops, and the hooligans who have Obama and the state of Oregon paralyzed as I write by their selfish occupation of critical public property is just one example among a multitude. As the SPOILERS documents, the American Legal System is controlled by crooks and thieves. John Wayne always preaches, as he does here, that you can own the Moral High Ground by cutting down the lackeys of crooks and thieves.
utgard14 John Wayne is a gold prospector who romances Marlene Dietrich and fights crooked Randolph Scott, who's out to steal both his claim and his woman. Strong cast in a fairly typical but enjoyable gold rush western. Dietrich sizzles. She has great chemistry with both Wayne and Scott. Lots of innuendo in her dialogue. For their parts, the two western stars are solid. Scott shines in a rare villainous role. His cohorts in crime in this one are, surprisingly, Samuel S. Hinds and pretty Margaret Lindsay. Duke is good. His climactic bar fight with Scott is the movie's highlight. Harry Carey plays Duke's friend. George Cleveland and Russell Simpson are fun as a couple of grizzled prospectors.
SanteeFats This is one of John Wayne's better movies. Harry Carey is good support as the older partner with the fiery temper. Randolph Scott appears as the bad guy of the movie which surprised me as I thought he always played good guys. The fight scene up and down the street between the two is pretty good. This entire scene was choreographed by the two of them and then they did the whole thing without stunt doubles. I have never understood Marlene Dietrich's draw as a sex symbol. She is not that appealing to me, but I was born after her hay day. Scott's character tries for a major gold mine grab with the help of a crooked almost judge. Of course this fails in the end and then that excellent fight scene pretty much closes the show.