City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
PG-13 | 10 June 1994 (USA)
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold Trailers

Mitch Robbins' 40th birthday begins quite well until he returns home and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil and unfortunately Glen he tries to find the hidden gold of Curly's father in the desert of Arizona.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
kyle-cruse A lot of the time I avoid sequels to successful comedies, but "City Slickers II" received some fairly good ratings, so I decided to check it out. Unfortunately, I found this film just not funny or emotional enough, and it felt a bit unoriginal. There are some things that had potential, such as Billy Crystal thinking he sees his old friend Curly at several places, as well as his dream at the beginning of the film, which was worth a few laughs. One problem is that the jokes just do not feel original here, and this film uses the exact same gag from the previous film in which Crystal mouths the words his mother says when she calls on the phone. Neither Crystal or Daniel Stern is very funny here. Jack Palance is pretty good, but not flawless as with the previous movie that won him an Oscar. One downfall to this film is the addition of Jon Lovitz, who cannot act and behave like a child most of the time. There were good scenes, such as Palance discussing his relationship with his brother and such, but ultimately the film becomes cheesy and anticlimactic. There are some fairly off-color scenes as well, one thing that earned this film a PG-13 rating. If you want my advice, stick with the original, a funny film that had good jokes, emotion, and even some lessons, and somehow felt like an original, good comedy.**1/2 out of ****
shido-san A tribute to the acting of an old cow hand: finally, we see a real human being in Jack Palance' character portrayals. The story continues following the death of Jack Palance' tough cowboy, Curly, which was just that and almost no more but more than Jack normally was allowed to play. Fortunately, for we fans, Curly had a twin sailor brother who is now following Billy Crystal's naive and beleaguered Mitch and what unfolds is a fuller view of the man himself. Brilliant. Tragic. A must-have.For those following the story line: gone is Bruno Kirby's angry Ed Furillo, with his third wheel replacement Jon Lovitz entering as Mitch's loser brother, Glen.
vip_ebriega My Take: Not as good as the first, but it's a decent follow-up. The first "City Slickers" was a thoughtful comedy. It focuses on a human story and laughs. It wasn't surprising to find the laughs come full-circle in this sequel. I found this sequel even more hilarious, but let's not say it's better, because there's hardly any difference. This sequel reunites only two stars from the original. Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern, reprising the roles of Mitch and Phil. Mitch is now 40 years-old, and bored with hi life, until he finds a dirty old treasure inside the hat of their dead partner Curly. Of course it's worth millions. of course they'll go out and find it (and than do the "I found the gold!" dance from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"), some the plot elements are familiar, but the laughs more than make up for it. Jack Palance, doing the role of the brother of his character in the original. And Jon Lovitz portrays the role of Mitch's overreacting brother. So far those elements quite work. Rating: *** out of 5.
Lee Eisenberg I don't think that the first one really needed a sequel, but "City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold" is OK if we just accept it as completely ridiculous. Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern reprise their roles from the original, this time looking for gold said to be buried in the mountains where they had the cattle drive, but Jon Lovitz replaces Bruno Kirby. Jack Palance also returns, not as Curly but as his brother Duke. Needless to say, there's a series of silly situations along the way.I guess that I wouldn't call this movie god-awful - the comments about trying to milk the "cow" were pretty funny - but they really didn't need to make this sequel; the original was just fine. I can see why Billy Crystal didn't have any hits in between "City Slickers" and "Analyze This".Also starring Patricia Wettig, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Bill McKinney (the "squeal like a pig" guy from "Deliverance"), David Paymer, Josh Mostel, and Billy Crystal's two daughters.