R | 22 May 2015 (USA)
Aloft Trailers

As we follow a mother and her son, we delve into a past marred by an accident that tears them apart. She will become a renowned artist and healer, and he will grow into his own and a peculiar falconer who bears the marks of a double absence. In the present, a young journalist will bring about an encounter between the two that puts the very meaning of life and art into question, so that we may contemplate the possibility of living life to its fullest, despite the uncertainties littering our paths.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
cafenatalie After watching this a second time, I wanted to jot down a word or two or three--especially after reading some critics' reviews.Films have such a unique effect on each individual that I don't really vibe with the word "review" when reading people's comments. I always view them rather as our opinions, feelings and interpretations of a movie--I know that's not an earth-shattering new thought or anything...Thank god for films like this. Amongst the world of overly-saturated big-budge moneymakers, I relish these types of films, always have. Sure, this may not be the most forthcoming and understandable film right out the gate; but with an open mind and a desire for unique storytelling, this film can speak volumes to a viewer. The cinematography (esp. close-up shots) and acting alone are some of the finest pieces of art I've seen. I'm also slightly biased as I am a mad fan of all three main cast members; their performances are so incredibly real as they disappear so seamlessly into their characters that I can be truly convinced they are living this story.Each character is so tragically beautiful and strong, but it's Mélanie's character that I resonate with the most--being young and dealing with an illness, trying to mask it and stay strong to reach whatever goal it is you can possible accomplish to heal yourself. I have lived my own version of this, and she performed it f*cking beautifully.Yes I had some trouble following along the first time through, but I just went with it--there was something about this film that I was OK doing that, letting the story guide me and not inserting my judgments along the way, which is not always the case with me and other movies. It's hard to explain. Even if it's a challenge to grasp the overarching themes/meaning of a film, identifying with or relating to just one element in a story can be enough to strike a cord and change something about a person, in the way they think or go about life or, etc. That's the beauty of storytelling. Also, after reading other comments, it sounds like I may have not viewed the director's cut, but a 15-min shorter version, which is a bummer because I was feeling like something wasn't being shown between Cillian's & Mélanie's characters when it seemed like they became incredibly close through their journey together towards the end. I could tell there was probably something going on between them, but the other scenes alluding to this weren't enough for me. Hoping to see a non-US version eventually.
rekjr I am a serious and intelligent movie watcher of more than 55 years. I look for movies that attempt to say something when selecting an indie. After watching any movie, if it stays on my mind for days or weeks, I count it as a worthwhile film to have watched. Aloft has been on mind for weeks since viewing it.I suspect that those of us with moderately wretched lives due to personal and family tragedy are prone to be more affected by the effort. You know, those of us who still do not have all of the answers to life even after 60+ years on this rock and years of formal philosophical and literary education.I recommend that if anything in the trailer, reviews or other sources about the movie appeals to you at all, you should watch the movie with an open mind and make your own decision about its "worth".Connolly and Laurent (sp?) were compelling.
socrates99 An unusual film about a healer and what it cost her to be one, set in Canada's far north. The three adult principals are flawless. The two child actors are flawless too. If nothing else it's worth seeing these performances which should impress even the most hard-hearted of critics.The story itself is rather slight. A woman is recognized as having the gift by another healer but her own family problems might not withstand her acceptance of her gift. Aside from that it's about relationships between a mother and her two sons, and perhaps also about a loving mother trying to live mostly through her emotions.The real value of the film is how it seems to represent a breakthrough for all of the actors involved. Cillian Murphy, Jennifer Connelly, and Melanie Laurent are all unforgettably good. The two McGrath brothers are irreplaceable.
leplatypus I know that Jennifer likes to do unusual movies but this one is her worst choice ever ! My Five First Minutes rule has been right : here, you understand nothing, the place, the characters and you are greatly annoyed by this spoiled brat with the falcon ! So the entire movie is like this : scenes drags painfully to say little, nothing is explained or makes sense, the characters are empty or boring, those cold winter locations are everything but poetic (prefer « Fargo »), Murphy brings his usual lack of charisma, the editing is salvaged by stupid flashbacks, proof that this writer/director can't tell a story ! For one movie that was about hope in distress, my watching was very painful, so much i have to fast forward it with absolutely no surprises, no emotion ! Just awful !