The Blue Butterfly
The Blue Butterfly
| 26 August 2004 (USA)
The Blue Butterfly Trailers

Based on a true story, The Blue Butterfly tells the story of a terminally ill 10-year-old boy whose dream is to catch the most beautiful butterfly on Earth, the mythic and elusive Blue Morpho. His mother persuades a renowned entomologist to take them on a trip to the jungle to search for the butterfly, leading to an adventure that will transform their lives

ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
CountZero313 The Blue Butterfly is 'inspired by a true story.' The true story involves a young boy apparently ill with terminal cancer, who goes to the South American jungle with a renowned entomologist in search of a blue butterfly. When they return, the boy's cancer has disappeared.The facts of the true story are dramatic and emotional moving. There is no need to embroider them. But that is just what the filmmakers do.I'm guessing, but my feeling is that what we see in the movie that is not in the original story is: (1) The scientist did not have a long-lost daughter (2) There was no romantic connection between the boy's Mum and the scientist (2) No little villager girl actually connected with the boy, or caught the blue butterfly (4) The scientist did not fall down a hole, forcing the boy to make his own way through the jungle.A boy goes to the jungle and comes back cured of cancer - but the story is deemed not 'dramatic' enough by the idiots who pose as story experts in Hollywood. This film is a schmaltzy, overblown insult to the intelligence. Great stories are not about ticking off the boxes in some script reader's manual. There is a genuine, uplifting tale buried in this film, that somehow got lost as each executive decided to burp out a script note after lunch. The end result is an unedifying, distasteful meringue of a film. I was insulted.
TxMike William Hurt is professor Alan Osborne, insect-ologist, who in one presentation had said that the butterfly the Blue Morpho was the most beautiful thing, with almost magical powers.Young Marc Donato plays Pete Carlton who has had surgery to remove a tumor in his skull, but the doctors have declared he has only a few months to live. He happens to be an amateur insect-ologist and a big fan of Alan Osborne's. He takes his comments about the Blue Morpho seriously.Pascale Bussières plays Teresa Carlton, Pete's mother. One day at a dedication ceremony they approach Alan and ask him to help a dying boy fulfill his dream of seeing and catching a Blue Morpho in Central America. Alan doesn't want to bother, and besides there is only one week left in the season for them. But something happens to take Alan to the boy's bedroom, he sees all the insects and posters, and guess where they all end up? Yep, in the jungle hunting the Blue Morpho. Since the boy is weak, Alan carries him on his back in a special 'saddle' they made. The DVD has an interesting extra with the real boy and the real insect-ologist.SPOILERS. In the movie the scientist and the boy never catch a Blue Morpho. In fact, chasing one they fall into a pit, Alan breaks his leg, the boy has to go for help even though he has difficulty walking. But a village girl catches one, gives it to Pete, in a cage, as they leave the jungle. Pete gets better, he does not die. Maybe the Blue Morpho really had magical powers.(PS - I am aware that insect-ologist is not the correct term, it just sounds better!!)
captainpat It was terribly boring. The soundtrack was woeful - some shots would have come to life much better with dramatic and more moving scores.The dialogue was predictable.Were they targeting an adult audience or kids? I was lost. It was not entertaining.The only reason I kept watching was that I ate dinner late and I needed to let it digest before going to bed. Otherwise I would have been in bed 60 minutes ago.They must have had a shock after the edit. "Gawd, how are we going to sell this?"
MIbluegal1 This was a heartwarming movie that even my "Rambo'lovin husband liked.I will be buying this movie.If you do not care for the story line you will love the scenery.If you have children 6 and older they would really learn from this movie.It really shows the compassion that man can have for one another and actually restores your faith in the human race.The wildlife will really make the young ones stay entertained.Rent or buy this as much for yourself as for your children.You can be assured that this movie will not have any content that will be offensive-in fact they give you two choices-edited content for minor language or non edited.I chose non edited and it was in no way offensive.
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