Red Lights
Red Lights
R | 12 July 2012 (USA)
Red Lights Trailers

Two investigators of paranormal hoaxes, the veteran Dr. Margaret Matheson and her young assistant, Tom Buckley, study the most varied metaphysical phenomena with the aim of proving their fraudulent origins. Simon Silver, a legendary blind psychic, reappears after an enigmatic absence of 30 years to become the greatest international challenge to both orthodox science and professional sceptics. Tom starts to develop an intense obsession with Silver, whose magnetism becomes stronger with each new manifestation of inexplicable events. As Tom gets closer to Silver, tension mounts, and his worldview is threatened to its core.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Kirpianuscus One of films seductive in profound sense. first - for the manner to reflect and use a sensitive subject. second - for performances. not the last - for the message. a film about secret powers. and about the truth. and honesty to yourself. not easy. far to be comfortable. because it gives realistic portrait of limits. and fears. in the wise way.
garthlotel Really enjoyed this movie. It's unusual, thrilling, all the actors do an excellent job and the twists are great. If you're looking for something 'new' and different to watch, that doesn't compromise on quality or star power, and that will genuinely surprise you, try this movie.
Tss5078 Professor Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) and he assistant Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy) have a very unique and interesting job. They travel the country trying to prove of disprove psychics, magician, paranormal researchers, and people in similar fields. They would like nothing more than to find the real thing, but so far, Matheson has only found one person she hasn't been able to prove is a fraud, and that's Simon Silver (Robert De Niro). She is terrified of the man, but he assistant doesn't know any better and wants to make a name for himself by going after the legendary medium. I am in utter disbelief that a film with a cast like this was direct-to-film, but all that aside, it's as good a story as you'll find on the big screen. What can you say about De Niro and Weaver that hasn't been said a million times before, but this film is almost like a passing of the torch, as Murphy got the majority of the air time. How'd he do, Cillian Murphy absolutely stole the show right out from under them, in what is easily his best performance to date. To be honest, this is one of those films I watched for the cast, I wasn't super interested in the story and at times it was painfully slow, but Red Lights has some downright creepy moments, and the ending will absolutely blow your mind. If you're the patient type who enjoys a great performance, this films for you, if not, you might want to skip this one, as it takes a while to get going, and gives you some things you really have to think about afterwards.
kaprijoias This movie has an interesting and well told story and great actors, for that it's worth watching. Although the very end seems to be a hasty wrap-up with a twist that opens another story entirely and leaves the viewer wondering why the movie wasn't about this new plot in the first place?The filming is just dreadful, though. Bad lightning, the externals all gray and there are no close-ups on details (or on the interesting faces). Sometimes you almost miss what's going on because you can't see it. The internals are dark yellow and that does no good for the actors. Cillian Murphy's piercing clear blue eyes can hardly be seen and they're really difficult to hide. Low, low, low budget filming, this movie deserved better.